(n.) The act of assessing; the act of determining an amount to be paid; as, an assessment of damages, or of taxes; an assessment of the members of a club.
(n.) A valuation of property or profits of business, for the purpose of taxation; such valuation and an adjudging of the proper sum to be levied on the property; as, an assessment of property or an assessment on property.
(n.) The specific sum levied or assessed.
(n.) An apportionment of a subscription for stock into successive installments; also, one of these installments (in England termed a "call").
Example Sentences:
(1) Spectral analysis of spontaneous heart rate fluctuations, a powerful noninvasive tool for quantifying autonomic nervous system activity, was assessed in Xenopus Laevis, intact or spinalized, at different temperatures and by use of pharmacological tools.
(2) These included bringing in the A* grade, reducing the number of modules from six to four, and a greater attempt to assess the whole course at the end.
(3) Assessment of the likelihood of replication in humans has included in vitro exposure of human cells to the potential pesticidal agent.
(4) after operation for hip fracture, and merits assessment in other high-risk groups of patients.
(5) To quantify the size of the lesion in mice, the area of the infarct on the brain surface was assessed planimetrically 48 h after MCA occlusion by transcardial perfusion of carbon black.
(6) We have amended and added to Fabian's tables giving a functional assessment of individual masticatory muscles.
(7) An effective graft-surveillance protocol needs to be applicable to all patients; practical in terms of time, effort, and cost; reliable; and able to detect, grade, and assess progression of lesions.
(8) Single-case experimental designs are presented and discussed from several points of view: Historical antecedents, assessment of the dependent variable, internal and external validity and pre-experimental vs experimental single-case designs.
(9) In this study, the role of psychological make-up was assessed as a risk factor in the etiology of vasospasm in variant angina (VA) using the Cornell Medical Index (CMI).
(10) A subsample of patients scoring over the recommended threshold (five or above) on the general health questionnaire were interviewed by the psychiatrist to compare the case detection of the general practitioner, an independent psychiatric assessment and the 28-item general health questionnaire at two different cut-off scores.
(11) In this review, we demonstrate that serum creatinine does not provide an adequate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and contrary to recent teachings, that the slope of the reciprocal of serum creatinine vs time does not permit an accurate assessment of the rate of progression of renal disease.
(12) For assessment of clinical status, investigators must rely on the use of standardized instruments for patient self-reporting of fatigue, mood disturbance, functional status, sleep disorder, global well-being, and pain.
(13) Thus, mechanical restitution of the ventricle is a dynamic process that can be assessed using an elastance-based approach in the in situ heart.
(14) During the chronic phase, pain was assessed using visual analogue scales at 8 AM and 4 PM daily.
(15) This exploratory survey of 100 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was conducted (1) to learn about the types and frequencies of disability law-related problems encountered as a result of having RA, and (2) to assess the respective relationships between the number of disability law-related problems reported and the patients' sociodemographic and RA disease characteristics.
(16) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
(17) We assessed changes in brain water content, as reflected by changes in tissue density, during the early recirculation period following severe forebrain ischemia.
(18) Anatomic and roentgenographic criteria used for the assessment of reduction in ankle fractures are highlighted in this review of ankle trauma.
(19) Ofcom will conduct research, such as mystery shopping, to assess the transparency of contractual information given to customers by providers at the point of sale".
(20) An experimental autoimmune model of nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation has been used to assess the role of NGF in the development of various cell types in the nervous system.
(v. t.) The act of estimating.
(v. t.) An opinion or judgment of the worth, extent, or quantity of anything, formed without using precise data; valuation; as, estimations of distance, magnitude, amount, or moral qualities.
(v. t.) Favorable opinion; esteem; regard; honor.
(v. t.) Supposition; conjecture.
Example Sentences:
(1) Changes in cardiac adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were followed and intracellular pH (pHi) was estimated from the chemical shift of Pi.
(2) Estimations of the degree of incorporation of 14C from the radioactive labeled carbohydrate into the glycerol and fatty acid moieties were carried out.
(3) We conclude that the SHBG concentration strongly affects this estimation.
(4) In this review, we demonstrate that serum creatinine does not provide an adequate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and contrary to recent teachings, that the slope of the reciprocal of serum creatinine vs time does not permit an accurate assessment of the rate of progression of renal disease.
(5) The models are applied to estimate the demand for tobacco products in Finland.
(6) Estimates of the risk probability for each dose level and sacrifice time are found utilizing the sample likelihood as the posterior density.
(7) Estimates of potential for gastrointestinal side effects using the rat enteropooling assay and in vivo monkey effects indicate that diarrhea will be substantially reduced with retention of uterine stimulating potency.
(8) The ED50 and ED95 of mivacurium in each group were estimated from linear regression plots of log dose vs probit of maximum percentage depression of neuromuscular function.
(9) We are pursuing legal action because there are still so many unanswered questions about the viability of Shenhua’s proposed koala plan and it seems at this point the plan does not guarantee the survival of the estimated 262 koalas currently living where Shenhua wants to put its mine,” said Ranclaud.
(10) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
(11) The level of significance of the statistical estimate of the change in the number of phonoreactive units (its increase due to deprivation) amounts to 92%.
(12) Variables included an ego-delay measure obtained from temporal estimations, perceptions of temporal dominance and relatedness obtained from Cottle's Circles Test, Ss' ages, and a measure of long-term posthospital adjustment.
(13) The molecular weight of antigen RFB2 was estimated to be approximately 85,000 daltons based on the results of gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B.
(14) The radius is estimated to be around 1.7 nm, which shows a moderate degree of hydration.
(15) Another important factor, however, seems to be that patients, their families, doctors and employers estimate capacity of performance on account of the specific illness, thus calling for intensified efforts toward rehabilitation.
(16) The estimated DNA compaction ratio (approximately 3-fold) is consistent with a significant degree of nucleosome unfolding in the hyperstimulated BR genes.
(17) The Pan American Health Organization, the Americas arm of the World Health Organization, estimated the deaths from Tuesday's magnitude 7 quake at between 50,000 and 100,000, but said that was a "huge guess".
(18) The risk of recurrence and progression in 170 patients presenting with pTa urothelial tumours of the bladder has been estimated so that follow-up can be rationalised.
(19) Serum gamma glutamyl transferase (gammaGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities have been estimated in 49 epileptic patients taking anticonvulsant drugs.
(20) The effect of these drugs was estimated from the cell growth curve and DNA histogram determined by flow cytometry.