What's the difference between assorted and miscellaneous?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Assort
  • (a.) Selected; culled.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The present investigation examines the assortative mating coefficients for scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) from five separate studies.
  • (2) In the 18 asymptomatic diamond assorters, electrophysiological studies revealed an ulnar neuropathy in two (again in the hand used for holding the eye-glass).
  • (3) In assortative mating systems modifiers favoring reduced assortment propensities tend to increase.
  • (4) On the other hand, in the "Ms" (as in other "panmixed" populations) positive assortative mating among hereditary-predisposed persons is a more significant factor influencing family transmission of EFP, since the correlation between probands and their spouses is rpp = 0.31 (p less than 0.001) in the "Ms", as compared to rpp = 0.19 (p less than 0.1) in the "Rs".
  • (5) The Price equation provides a natural framework within which to examine certain kinds of non-additive allelic effects, recombination and assortative mating.
  • (6) Assortative mating is not found and thus cannot explain this effect.
  • (7) Third, marital assortment was not of sufficient magnitude to account for these common environment effects.
  • (8) The owner of Biogenesis, the now-closed Florida anti-aging clinic , said in an interview with CBS TV show "60 Minutes" that the 38-year-old sportsman paid him $12,000 per month for an assortment of banned drugs including testosterone and human growth hormone.
  • (9) Assortative mating was present and environmental factors common to siblings did not make a significant contribution to the phenotypic variance.
  • (10) The plasma cortisol (PC) level at 08.00 a.m. was assessed in 250 unselected psychiatric inpatients suffering from various disorders, assorted in 8 diagnostic groups.
  • (11) The initial, intact cellular products of a fusion cross are prototrophic heterokaryons which frequently assort single parental nuclei into monokaryotic blastospores containing biparental cytoplasms.
  • (12) Linkage analysis using polymorphic restriction sites along the X chromosome in eight SS and one AA family localized the F-cell production (FCP) locus to Xp22.2, with a maximum lod score (logarithm of odds of linkage v independent assortment) of 4.6 at a recombination fraction of 0.04.
  • (13) Staff battled the rays with an assortment of big umbrellas and pot plants, before covering the entire 57-storey glass wall with non-reflective film – the likely solution in London.
  • (14) Inbreeding coefficient was estimated for Adyg population and its structure analysed: a random component contributes mostly to the inbreeding coefficient (Fst = 0.00991), non-random component of the inbreeding coefficient being Fis = 0.010009, which testifies to negative marital assortativity among Adygs.
  • (15) Subtle lighting gives a magical beauty to the assorted ruins below, the Colosseum looming in the background.
  • (16) Freeman was awarded an MBE in 1998 and over the years picked up an assortment of prestigious gongs for his radio work, including the Sony awards radio personality of the year in 1987, the Radio Academy's outstanding contribution to UK music radio award in 1988, and a special Sony award in May 2000 commemorating 40 years of service to broadcasting.
  • (17) A significant negative assortative mating pattern was found.
  • (18) With Robert Snodgrass having only 18 months remaining on his contract, the manager’s biggest battle looks certain to be a tug of war with the gifted Scotland winger’s assorted suitors.
  • (19) The significant assortative mating for the sensation-seeking motive in (married) American students reported by Farley and Davis was significantly cross validated on American (N = 160) and German (N = 160) samples randomly selected from two comparable cities in the Federal German Republic and the United States.
  • (20) The combined data show that there is very highly significant assortative mating, but only of intermediates.



  • (a.) Mixed; mingled; consisting of several things; of diverse sorts; promiscuous; heterogeneous; as, a miscellaneous collection.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Other causes were 20 (13%) with cerebrovascular diseases, 30 (20%) hepatic failure and 11 (8%) were of miscellaneous and obscure causes.
  • (2) Twenty-three fruits, 33 vegetables, 41 grain products, 7 legumes, 4 nuts, and 9 miscellaneous foods were analyzed by an accurate chemical method to determine their dietary fiber content and composition.
  • (3) The social network remains a niche product, beloved by journalists, celebrities, and a hard core of miscellaneous obsessive users — but few others.
  • (4) This complete database integrated data from hospital functions such as demographic data obtained at patient registration, outpatient visits and tests, inpatient admission historical data, tests and procedures, newborn data and miscellaneous data required for birth registration.
  • (5) Mean packed cell quantities gained intraoperatively were: 1275 (1006-2067) ml (descending aortic aneurysm), 1800 (1186-2500) ml (ascending aortic aneurysm), 1524 (1030-1801) ml (single valve rereplacement), 1896 (1398-2368) ml (double valve rereplacement), 946 (800-1050) ml (coronary artery reoperation), 1362 (922-1455) ml (cyanotic heart disease) and 1519 (1194-2066) ml (miscellaneous cardiac operations).
  • (6) Anti-Sm antibodies were demonstrated in 40% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), in 12% of patients with SJögren's syndrome, in 6% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and in 12% of patients with miscellaneous rheumatic disorders.
  • (7) The cats were grouped by category of disease (ie, renal disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, focal neoplasia, systemic neoplasia, hepatopathy, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory pulmonary disease, miscellaneous diseases, or undiagnosed disease), degree of illness (ie, mild, moderate, or severe), survival (ie, lived, died, or euthanatized), and presence or absence of a palpable thyroid gland.
  • (8) The indications for surgery were: dysthyroid ophthalmopathy, fourth nerve palsy, monocular aphakia with strabismus and miscellaneous conditions.
  • (9) Among various miscellaneous inhibitors, quercetin, disulfiram, and the Ca-complexing agents arsenazo I and III showed marked activity, the latter exclusively on the arsenical-resistant T. brucei.
  • (10) Iron was also shown in the duodenal biopsies of 34 of 48 uraemic patients on oral iron supplements, but was present in only 22 of 120 patients endoscoped for miscellaneous conditions (p less than 0.001).
  • (11) Nine metabolic, behavioral, and miscellaneous conditions are reviewed with reference to six generally accepted screening criteria.
  • (12) The indications for mammography were a palpable mass in 454 (44.7%), findings at routine screening in 237 (23.3%), lumpiness in 29 (14.9%), unilateral nipple discharge in seven (3.5%), localized breast tenderness in six (5.1%), adenopathy in three (1.9%), diffuse tenderness in two (2.9%), bilateral nipple discharge in two (1.5%), and miscellaneous in four (2.2%).
  • (13) The requests are classified as following: 74 pharmacological consults (39 about pregnancy, 9 for breast-feeding, 3 neonates or children, 2 about G6PD deficiency, 3 guide-lines after a therapeutic error, 3 requests for treatment of ADR, and 15 miscellaneous).
  • (14) Of 155 patients with a subsequently confirmed alternative condition, ultrasonography made the correct diagnosis in 140: bacterial ileocaecitis (69), mesenteric lymphadenitis (eight), gynaecological conditions (34), urological conditions (eight), caecal diverticulitis (six), perforated peptic ulcer (six), Crohn's disease (two) and miscellaneous conditions (seven).
  • (15) The remainder were miscellaneous complications, 6.9%.
  • (16) These masses were classified into three broad categories: centrally necrotic masses with a large predominantly liquefactive center and higher density periphery (29); multilocular, septated masses with distinct linear bands or striations (21); and miscellaneous masses (9).
  • (17) Finally, several miscellaneous conditions, including cystic fibrosis, Menetrier's disease, and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, may benefit from long-term H2-antagonist therapy.
  • (18) A propranolol-glucagon test was evaluated in 24 control normal children, 21 pituitary dwarfs, 15 patients with constitutional short stature, 2 with chromosome aberration and 4 with miscellaneous diseases.
  • (19) The natural colorant area can be subdivided into anthocyanins, betalains, chlorophylls, carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, Monascus, hemes, quinones, biliproteins, safflower, turmeric, and miscellaneous.
  • (20) Arrhythmias were analyzed in 50 patients undergoing cardiac surgery: 27 with valve surgery, 15 with coronary artery bypass (CAB), 5 with CAB and valve surgery, and 3 with miscellaneous procedures.