What's the difference between astonish and maze?



  • (v. t.) To stun; to render senseless, as by a blow.
  • (v. t.) To strike with sudden fear, terror, or wonder; to amaze; to surprise greatly, as with something unaccountable; to confound with some sudden emotion or passion.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is my desperate hope that we close out of town.” In the book, God publishes his own 'It Getteth Better' video and clarifies his original writings on homosexuality: I remember dictating these lines to Moses; and afterward looking up to find him staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment, and saying, "Thou do knowest that when the Israelites read this, they're going to lose their fucking shit, right?"
  • (2) To a supporter at the last election like me – someone who spoke alongside Nick Clegg at the curtain-raiser event for the party conference during the height of Labour's onslaught on civil liberties, and was assured privately by two leaders that the party was onside about civil liberties – this breach of trust and denial of principle is astonishing.
  • (3) It's that he habitually abuses his position by lobbying ministers at all; I've heard from former ministers who were astonished by the speed with which their first missive from Charles arrived, opening with the phrase: "It really is appalling".
  • (4) Puskas, possessed of a left foot of astonishing power, and his team colleagues, Sandor Kocsis and Zoltan Czibor, all found their way to Spain.
  • (5) Results of venous thrombectomies are particularly astonishingly good in phlegmasia coerulea and it is therefore mandatory to transfer all fresh cases of thrombosis of the deep veins of the peelvis and lower extremities to an angiologic center in order to differentiate cases for fibrinolytic therapy, from those which require surgical intervention.
  • (6) FWA chairman Andy Dunn said: "Those members who have been fortunate enough to be working at a match involving Luis Suárez have witnessed an astonishing talent first-hand.
  • (7) Even Corbyn’s fiercest critics have to concede he has achieved something astonishing.
  • (8) Recently released figures from the Veterans Administration on the number of Vietnam veterans who have been granted service connection in their claims for post-traumatic stress disorder appear to be astonishingly low, given the publicity that the media and mental health professionals have placed on this diagnosis in recent years.
  • (9) It is, in fact, quite astonishing to find British housebuilders and planners going along with the design and construction of such decent new homes.
  • (10) Over the past year, they’ve been to five continents and discovered an astonishing world of insect flavour.
  • (11) "The memorable 1961 British Home Championship yielded an astonishing 40 goals from six matches," writes Erik Kennedy.
  • (12) The complication rate was astonishingly low during IUSC: being only 4.3% (2 male patients, one with stricture of the urethra and epididymitis, one with autonomous dysreflexia with bladder overdistension).
  • (13) He added: “In the context of very surprising populist electoral successes in the US it would be astonishing if the BBC didn’t interview her.
  • (14) So how did Vanity Fair decide to illustrate this heartfelt and rather astonishing interview?
  • (15) Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, said he would be astonished if the coalition had not enacted a lobbyists' register and a power to recall errant MPs by 2015.
  • (16) At one point, Hodge said she was astonished that the secretary of state had claimed that Stephens had approved Smith's role.
  • (17) Individualism – the assertion of every person’s claim to maximised private freedom and the unrestrained liberty to express autonomous desires … became the leftwing watchword of the hour.” The result was an astonishing liberation: from millennia of social, gender and sexual control by powerful, mostly elderly men.
  • (18) She is fantastically clever and when she's on about ideas she is astonishing.
  • (19) The kinetic data obtained using lysine-containing model peptides as substrates indicate an astonishing similarity to mammalian lysyloxidase.
  • (20) "We are a struggling small business and I am astonished that banks are allowed to get away with handling their accounts in this way.



  • (n.) A wild fancy; a confused notion.
  • (n.) Confusion of thought; perplexity; uncertainty; state of bewilderment.
  • (n.) A confusing and baffling network, as of paths or passages; an intricacy; a labyrinth.
  • (v. t.) To perplex greatly; to bewilder; to astonish and confuse; to amaze.
  • (v. i.) To be bewildered.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Learning ability was assessed using a radial arm maze task, in which the rats had to visit each of eight arms for a food reward.
  • (2) These impairments were seen in animals of both sexes, a finding which challenges the view that only females prenatally treated with nicotine show deficits in maze learning.
  • (3) It starts and ends in Vidigal and includes a hike up the mountain Tavares Bastos Jazz night at Maze pousada in Tavares Bastos Vidigal is not the only favela with nightlife credentials.
  • (4) The Learning behavior on a water maze was observed in Wistar-JCL rats which were 10 weeks of age at the beginning of tests.
  • (5) The results indicate that behavior in transition states maintained by reinforcement contingencies in the radial maze is similar to that maintained by extended chained schedules, despite the fact that some of the stimuli controlling behavior in the maze are absent at the moment behavior is emitted.
  • (6) "The rise in those who are self-employed is good news, but the reality is that those who have turned to freelance work in order to pull themselves out of unemployment and those who have decided to work for themselves face a challenging tax maze that could land them in hot water should they get it wrong," says Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.
  • (7) In a third experiment, animals were trained 16 days in the same maze configuration and at day 17 they were exposed to the mirror image of the radial maze.
  • (8) In the radial maze task, both VE(-) and VE(+) animals required as many trials to reach the learning criterion as control animals.
  • (9) Spatial working memory was examined in an 8-arm radial water maze task 6 weeks after bulbectomy.
  • (10) Grafts taken from older (E21) donors did produce a short-lasting improvement in the T-maze alternation performance, replicating the previous report.
  • (11) Further studies are needed to clarify the reasons of the marked age-related difference in the effects of DSP-4 on the performance of water maze task in rats.
  • (12) Experimental data are presented on the formation and retention during 24 hours of a motor alimentary conditioned reflex (MCR) in a T-maze, in rats 4--5 months and 1,5--2 months old.
  • (13) Prior to analysis the spatial learning ability of the aged rats was assessed in the Morris' water maze test.
  • (14) Bilateral excitotoxic lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) in the rat cause deficits in the water maze, a spatial memory paradigm.
  • (15) In the present work no significant differences were found between the behaviour of FG7142-kindled rats and vehicle-treated controls in social interaction test, elevated plus maze, or the Vogel conflict test of anxiety or in tests of home cage aggression or startle responses.
  • (16) The animals were tested for learning ability in a Morris water maze task starting 6 or 12 weeks post-COLCH.
  • (17) Chronic exposure of rats to low levels of halothane during development, a treatment which retards synaptogenesis, was found to cause a long-term impairment of choice accuracy in the radial-arm maze.
  • (18) A simple T-maze was utilized to evaluate the aversive effects of exposure to three levels of static magnetic field (0, 1.5, and 4 T).
  • (19) Radial arm maze observations were made on offspring rats during a total of 30 trials, and we made the following findings: 1) The number of trials required for fulfilling learning criterion was significantly large in F-DEL and F-NURS male rats groups relative to the controls; that is, F-DEL and F-NURS were slow in learning.
  • (20) These data suggest that doses of NMDA receptor channel antagonists sufficient to disrupt hippocampal long-term potentiation and radial arm maze performance will also disrupt delayed conditional discrimination.