What's the difference between attache and forfeit?
(v. t.) One attached to another person or thing, as a part of a suite or staff. Specifically: One attached to an embassy.
Example Sentences:
(1) The femoral component, made of Tivanium with titanium mesh attached to it by a new process called diffusion bonding, retains superalloy fatigue strength characteristics.
(2) In the second approach, attachment sites of DTPA groups were directed away from the active region of the molecule by having fragment E1,2 bound in complex, with its active sites protected during the derivatization.
(3) Human gingival fibroblasts were allowed to attach and spread on bio-glasses for 1-72 h. Unreactive silica glass and cell culture polystyrene served as controls.
(4) Periodontal disease activity is defined clinically by progressive loss of probing attachment and radiographically by progressive loss of alveolar bone.
(5) Administration of aminonucleoside and daunomycin produced proteinuria but did not cause a decrease in lipid P. Anticollagen and anti-lymphocyte sera that attached to the basement membrane but failed to produce proteinuria, also failed to affect the phospholipid content.
(6) Blocking the heparin-binding domains of fibronectin inhibited osteoblast attachment by 40-45%, which is complementary to inhibition results previously obtained with the RGDS tetrapeptide.
(7) Attachment of the graft to the wound is similar with and without the addition of human basic fibroblast growth factor, a potent angiogenic agent, to the skin replacement before graft placement on wounds.
(8) In this paper sensitive and selective bioassays are described for growth factors acting on substrate-attached cells, in particular members of the epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor beta, platelet-derived growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, and heparin-binding growth factor families.
(9) Mitochondrial abnormalities and increased frequency of virus in damaged mitochondria, often attached to mitochondrial membranes, were noted.
(10) Expansion of the cell sheet following attachment, and the fusion of epiblasts advancing toward each other, does not require the presence of mineralocorticoid.
(11) Immunoreactions of LTR which were seen in specific granules of neutrophils and monocytes attached to the endothelial cell surface may indicate the onset of endothelial cell damage.
(12) We then used synthetic peptides spanning the active fragment to identify the primary sequence of the adhesive site as Leu-Arg-Glu (LRE): neurons attach to an immobilized LRE-containing peptide, and soluble LRE blocks attachment of neurons to the s-laminin fragment.
(13) For the 20 patients who received treatment in the latter period (1987-1990), we gave priority to conservative treatment for type T cases that were free from complications, and adopted a treatment method attaching greater importance to the resection of intimal tears.
(14) Its features are consistent with observed structural dimensions and the molecular periodicities related to transcription, replication and matrix attachment domains.
(15) The in vitro replication of adenovirus (Ad) DNA covalently attached to the 55-kDa terminal protein requires at least five proteins including the 80-kDa preterminal protein, the Ad DNA polymerase, the Ad DNA binding protein, nuclear factor I, and topoisomerase I.
(16) which suggest that ~60-90% of the cross-bridges attached in rigor are attached in relaxed fibers at an ionic strength of 20 mM and ~2-10% of this number of cross-bridges are attached in a relaxed fiber at an ionic strength of 170 mM.
(17) There was a greater chance for the regeneration of a connective tissue attachment in nongrafted intrabony defects than in grafted defects; new cellular cementum formed equally well on old cementum, dentin, or both old cementum and dentin in the same defect.
(18) When these sequences were fused to the N terminus of yeast cytochrome oxidase subunit IV lacking its own presequence, they directed the attached subunit IV to its correct intramitochondrial location in vivo.
(19) Characterization of the components released by alkaline hydrolysis indicated that O-glycosylated hydroxylysine residues are nonenzymatically N-glycated to the same extent as those without an enzymatically attached carbohydrate unit.
(20) A teaching package is described for teaching interview skills to large blocks of medical students whilst on their psychiatric attachment.
(n.) Injury; wrong; mischief.
(n.) A thing forfeit or forfeited; what is or may be taken from one in requital of a misdeed committed; that which is lost, or the right to which is alienated, by a crime, offense, neglect of duty, or breach of contract; hence, a fine; a mulct; a penalty; as, he who murders pays the forfeit of his life.
(n.) Something deposited and redeemable by a sportive fine; -- whence the game of forfeits.
(n.) Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure.
(n.) To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; to render one's self by misdeed liable to be deprived of; to alienate the right to possess, by some neglect or crime; as, to forfeit an estate by treason; to forfeit reputation by a breach of promise; -- with to before the one acquiring what is forfeited.
(v. i.) To be guilty of a misdeed; to be criminal; to transgress.
(v. i.) To fail to keep an obligation.
(p. p. / a.) In the condition of being forfeited; subject to alienation.
Example Sentences:
(1) She rather fearlessly implied that "women who make lots of money from illicit sex" should forfeit the right to freedom of expression.
(2) Chasing public opinion by way of focus groups and a distorted view of what will translate to electoral success didn’t serve Labour well in the election, where they disastrously forfeited an entire country to the SNP, and many of their cabinet members lost seats.
(3) Roger Kirkby: Best delay ever was the disco demolition at the White Sox game in between a double header, White Sox forfeited the second game 9 - 0 If a team ever did this, but with Bruce Springsteen albums, I would become their biggest fan.
(4) A confirmed Ukip policy is that anyone found to have fought for Islamic State overseas should forfeit their citizenship and not be allowed to return to the UK.
(5) However, while we might be drinking less, the shift in our priorities comes with a forfeit.
(6) Furthermore, all competitive results obtained by the athlete from 29 July 2010 onwards are disqualified, and all related titles, awards, medals, points and appearance money are forfeited.” Cakir-Alptekin won Olympic gold in the 1500m in London, and then took the title at the European Championships in Helsinki later that year.
(7) The work is unpaid and the experience of uncertain value, but failure to complete a placement means forfeiting benefits.
(8) It would also underline that true rehabilitation of offenders requires remorse and repentance as otherwise the punishment has not served it’s underlying purpose; it could be argued that the offender has not really paid the full price for their crime and so forfeits their entitlement to rebuild their life without restriction.
(9) "After reading about John Terry's 'strip penalties' training forfeits at Chelsea (as well as several other clubs' internal motivational techniques) , I wondered if there are any more random examples of club forfeits?"
(10) Saif has forfeited the goodwill and trust he gained over the past five years.
(11) In some of the strongest passages, derided as class war by the Conservatives, he claimed Cameron's record had forfeited the right to be regarded as a one nation prime minister.
(12) Finally, indications are given for the necessity to examine possibilities of curtailing expenditures in the present preventive medical care program, or in some of its branches, without forfeiting the efficiency of the preventive measures.
(13) The risk was that the companies would forfeit their bonds once the mines were finished and leave taxpayers with massive clean-up bills.
(14) The right of return for Palestinian refugees "is sacred to us and we will not forfeit it", he said.
(15) Byers claimed he had persuaded Adonis to have gone easy on National Express after it prematurely forfeited its East Coast mainline franchise.
(16) Reasonable use” sounds … well, reasonable, but a “use it or lose it” clause incentivizes profligate use: if you don’t use your historic water allocation in a beneficial way, you forfeit your water rights, Gray said.
(17) Should pensioners forfeit perks or Labour impose a higher corporation tax?
(18) We politicians forfeited our right to lead this debate – we could have done that next week by voting on the bill, but we chose not to, we chose to put it to the people, so that means we need to find a reasonable set of words that everyone can accept and then we should back off and get out of the way.
(19) But once he forfeits control of Air Force One, Marshall is suddenly disempowered.
(20) They were injured by radical Islamic terrorism, an evil that is at war with the people of America, that is at war with freedom-loving people across the globe.” Repeating a common charge against Obama regarding semantics as much as policy, Cruz added: “We need a commander-in-chief willing to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ because it is the Islamists who embrace this extreme political and theological philosophy that … will murder or try to forcibly convert anyone that doesn’t share their extreme view of Islam.” Cruz continued: “I call on Congress to pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act, legislation I’ve introduced that says that any American who goes and takes up arms and joins Isis to wage jihad against the United States of America, that by doing so they forfeit their American citizenship.