(v. t.) To tune or put in tune; to make melodious; to adjust, as one sound or musical instrument to another; as, to attune the voice to a harp.
(v. t.) To arrange fitly; to make accordant.
Example Sentences:
(1) It could be said that Brown's methods were not eccentric but merely attuned to the demands of Eighties and Nineties culture.
(2) The overall results of this pilot study indicate that nurses need to be more attuned to assessing fatigue as a side effect of BRM therapy.
(3) Maybe I'm more attuned to the sadness now; maybe I'm better with the weaker Ben Richards, the desperation that makes him enter the competition.
(4) If I'm attuned acutely to the presence of women in children's entertainment, that's partly a result of having two daughters.
(5) Whereas both groups were attuned to this ball flight information, only the experts were capable of picking up information from the early part of the opponent's actions.
(6) The occupational health nurse should be attuned to issues and research regarding prevention of CVD.
(7) Physical illness may give rise to feelings of hopelessness to which the physician must stay attuned; the patient may also use physical illness as a pretext for seeking help for deeper things that trouble him.
(8) Urologists attuned to the possible diagnosis of MS in patients who present with symptoms of voiding dysfunction can facilitate the proper diagnosis with a basic office evaluation.
(9) The structure of the teacher's utterances was not as closely attuned to the communicative levels of the children.
(10) On discovering that children harmed in relationships can heal through play with an attuned adult, I decided to train as a play therapist.
(11) Hobsbawm Macaulay received an unusual amount of press attention for a PR start-up, and was portrayed as a rather quirky high-minded experiment, but in fact the agency was attuned to where power increasingly lay in Britain, with the media, the expanding cultural and charitable industries, and the then rising New Labour establishment.
(12) Sharpeners, highly attuned to system differences and nuances, and always alert to distinctions, try hard to let nothing slip by them unnoticed.
(13) He knew all about unconscious bias, was attuned to issues of diversity and was passionate about changing middle management composition which he said was “too male, stale and pale”.
(14) PFS is a painful rheumatologic disorder that may be detected by the wary clinician attuned to the presence of seven or more tender points.
(15) The transactional model provides a novel guide for the psychiatric hospital treatment of children by improving the attunement between the child and his or her important interpersonal environment.
(16) It is suggested that a progressive movement or dialectic between the pre-verbal affect-attunement level and formalized interpretation may be optimal in analytic therapy.
(17) In addition, the quality of the social context of feeding has been shown to affect food acceptance and the extent to which children are attuned to cues of hunger and satiety in self-regulating food intake.
(18) Women seem particularly attuned to seeking out not partners but rehabilitation projects, though there are plenty of men who reprise the pillar of strength routine when they could do with support themselves.
(19) Intercarpal displacements are linked to one another and are based upon the mutual attuning of carpal bone geometry, joint contacts, and ligamentous interconnections.
(20) Since many of those exposed are unaware that they received DES, the health care profession must be attuned to the signs and symptoms predisposed by the exposure and be able to provide adequate follow-up and education concerning this medical problem.
(imp. & p. p.) of Attune
Example Sentences:
(1) It could be said that Brown's methods were not eccentric but merely attuned to the demands of Eighties and Nineties culture.
(2) The overall results of this pilot study indicate that nurses need to be more attuned to assessing fatigue as a side effect of BRM therapy.
(3) Maybe I'm more attuned to the sadness now; maybe I'm better with the weaker Ben Richards, the desperation that makes him enter the competition.
(4) If I'm attuned acutely to the presence of women in children's entertainment, that's partly a result of having two daughters.
(5) Whereas both groups were attuned to this ball flight information, only the experts were capable of picking up information from the early part of the opponent's actions.
(6) The occupational health nurse should be attuned to issues and research regarding prevention of CVD.
(7) Physical illness may give rise to feelings of hopelessness to which the physician must stay attuned; the patient may also use physical illness as a pretext for seeking help for deeper things that trouble him.
(8) Urologists attuned to the possible diagnosis of MS in patients who present with symptoms of voiding dysfunction can facilitate the proper diagnosis with a basic office evaluation.
(9) The structure of the teacher's utterances was not as closely attuned to the communicative levels of the children.
(10) On discovering that children harmed in relationships can heal through play with an attuned adult, I decided to train as a play therapist.
(11) Hobsbawm Macaulay received an unusual amount of press attention for a PR start-up, and was portrayed as a rather quirky high-minded experiment, but in fact the agency was attuned to where power increasingly lay in Britain, with the media, the expanding cultural and charitable industries, and the then rising New Labour establishment.
(12) Sharpeners, highly attuned to system differences and nuances, and always alert to distinctions, try hard to let nothing slip by them unnoticed.
(13) He knew all about unconscious bias, was attuned to issues of diversity and was passionate about changing middle management composition which he said was “too male, stale and pale”.
(14) PFS is a painful rheumatologic disorder that may be detected by the wary clinician attuned to the presence of seven or more tender points.
(15) The transactional model provides a novel guide for the psychiatric hospital treatment of children by improving the attunement between the child and his or her important interpersonal environment.
(16) It is suggested that a progressive movement or dialectic between the pre-verbal affect-attunement level and formalized interpretation may be optimal in analytic therapy.
(17) In addition, the quality of the social context of feeding has been shown to affect food acceptance and the extent to which children are attuned to cues of hunger and satiety in self-regulating food intake.
(18) Women seem particularly attuned to seeking out not partners but rehabilitation projects, though there are plenty of men who reprise the pillar of strength routine when they could do with support themselves.
(19) Intercarpal displacements are linked to one another and are based upon the mutual attuning of carpal bone geometry, joint contacts, and ligamentous interconnections.
(20) Since many of those exposed are unaware that they received DES, the health care profession must be attuned to the signs and symptoms predisposed by the exposure and be able to provide adequate follow-up and education concerning this medical problem.