(n.) A carpenter's tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by which it is turned with both hands. A pod auger is one with a straight channel or groove, like the half of a bean pod. A screw auger has a twisted blade, by the spiral groove of which the chips are discharge.
(n.) An instrument for boring or perforating soils or rocks, for determining the quality of soils, or the nature of the rocks or strata upon which they lie, and for obtaining water.
Example Sentences:
(1) Auger spectroscopy and ion sputtering technique have shown that in surface of new archs oxygen and carbon are present up to about 300 A depth.
(2) The problem of determining RBE values for Auger emitters incorporated into proliferating mammalian cells is examined.
(3) This finding emphasizes the ability of low-energy Auger electrons to damage radiosensitive targets of cells through localized irradiation.
(4) Using an instrument equipped with two electron guns, an electron analyzer, and a Si(Li) diode detector, we developed microanalytical techniques based on inner-shell electron excitations by incident electrons and X-rays, that is, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in the reflection mode; electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and X-ray appearance potential spectroscopy (XAPS); electron-induced Auger electron spectroscopy (e-AES); X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS); X-ray induced AES (XAES), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), and scanning X-ray radiography (SXR).
(5) It was hypothesized that the enhanced IUdR radiosensitization for 60 keV photons was a result of a larger production of Auger electron cascades from the filling of K-shell vacancies in the iodine atoms, which have a K-shell binding energy of 33.2 keV.
(6) Radiation spectra for radionuclides currently provided by the MIRD Committee and ICRP do not include the very low-energy N- and O-shell Auger electrons.
(7) We conclude that Auger electrons produced following photoelectric absorption of X rays by the K-shell of bromine contribute minimally to observed BUdR cellular radiosensitization.
(8) Among newer procedures are laser and auger angioplasty, catheter atherectomy and stents.
(9) Auger electron spectroscopy results indicate residual iodine was either left on the surface or implanted beneath the surface during iodine ion milling.
(10) Pantano, and L. L. Hench, "Auger spectroscopic analysis of bioglass corrosion films," J.
(11) The radiations studied were 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 MeV monoenergetic electrons and 32P, 67Cu, 90Y, 105Rh, 131I, 153Sm, 186Re, and 188Re beta particles and conversion and Auger electrons.
(12) However, gadolinium-157 (157Gd) n-gamma reaction is also accompanied by some internal conversion and, by implication, Auger electron emission.
(13) Most of the radionuclides used in nuclear medicine emit low energy Auger electrons following radioactive decay.
(14) It may be concluded that a major part of the enhancement was caused by inner-shell photoionization, followed by an Auger cascade of the bromine in the DNA.
(15) In 1986, O'Hara and Pearson described a method of ankle arthrodesis using an auger.
(16) These findings may have implications in the design of radiopharmaceuticals for both diagnosis (localize Auger emitter in cytoplasm of cell) and therapy (localize Auger emitter in cell nucleus).
(17) However the Auger enhancement decreased sharply under "vacuum" condition as the water content was zero.
(18) It has also been used to calculate the intensity factors of pure bulk samples and the backscattering correction factor in Auger electron spectroscopy.
(19) The present understanding provides a scientific basis toward estimation of risk associated with Auger emitters used in diagnosis, and suggests potential applications to therapy.
(20) This method is used to investigate the efficiency of double strand break production by other Auger sources which have potential value for therapy.
(n.) An auger or borer.
(n.) One of a breed of small dogs, which includes several distinct subbreeds, some of which, such as the Skye terrier and Yorkshire terrier, have long hair and drooping ears, while others, at the English and the black-and-tan terriers, have short, close, smooth hair and upright ears.
(n.) Formerly, a collection of acknowledgments of the vassals or tenants of a lordship, containing the rents and services they owed to the lord, and the like.
(n.) In modern usage, a book or roll in which the lands of private persons or corporations are described by their site, boundaries, number of acres, or the like.
Example Sentences:
(1) A test mating between two Manchester Terriers affected by Perthes' disease (PD) resulted in the birth of three affected males and two unaffected females.
(2) Livers of nine related Skye terriers with liver disease were evaluated for histological changes and copper content.
(3) A longitudinal study from peripheral blood, with samples collected every week, was performed between birth and one year of age on young Fox terriers dogs in order to determine the patterns of plasma LH, T, DHA and A concentrations.
(4) Fifteen cases, diagnosed at 10 different university hospitals, were Boston terriers, strongly suggesting that this breed has a familial predisposition for hypospadias.
(5) Pint from £2.90 The Three-Legged Mare Three Legged Mare, York One of three York Brewery pubs (the others are the Last Drop at 27 Colliergate and the Yorkshire Terrier at 10 Stonegate), the Mare is particularly handy, as it's almost on York Minster's doorstep.
(6) Retinal dysplasia has been reported in Bedlington Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Beagle, Labrador Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier and Rottweiler.
(7) As her energetic terriers Benny and Buddy squabble, nipping and harassing half a dozen other spaniels and terriers tearing after tennis balls on the softly sloping hill that marks the Battle of Bannockburn, Gail NcNeill looks up at the greatest hero of Scottish independence and grimaces.
(8) A recurrent lymphangioma in a 5-year-old Airedale Terrier was treated successfully with cobalt-60 radiation.
(9) A 1-year-old male Cairn Terrier was evaluated for chronic coughing that was aggravated by eating or drinking.
(10) In this world, wives are meek-but-cheerful servants (Asda mum doesn't even get a proper chair to sit on during Christmas lunch; she has to perch at the side like a terrier begging for scraps) while their husbands are lazy, oblivious arseholes.
(11) A technique is described for the elevation of depressed fractures of the zygoma using the straight mouth gag of Terrier, which is especially suitable for treatment of partly healed fractures.
(12) Depp and his wife Amber Heard reportedly stayed behind after putting the terriers on a private jet at Brisbane airport.
(13) House dust, house dust mite (D. farinae) and human dander were the allergens which most commonly caused immediate skin reactions and West Highland White Terriers and Boxers were the most affected breeds.
(14) As for Johnny Depp’s dogs, after the international fracas died down, Joyce was awarded the Froggatt award for principled decision making by the Invasive Species Council for “acting quickly and decisively” against actor Depp and his wife, Amber Heard, for allegedly bringing their Yorkshire terriers into Australia in breach of quarantine laws .
(15) A tumour in an 11-year-old male crossbred Fox Terrier, showing the clinical and pathological features of epithelioid sarcoma in man is reported.
(16) These observations illustrate that this inherited, chronic hepatic degeneration in the Bedlington Terrier is progressive.
(17) A 4-year-old Airedale Terrier that had developed estrogen-induced aplastic anemia had a complete recovery after supportive treatment and weekly administrations of nandrolone decanoate.
(18) The kidney of a 7-month-old male Cairn terrier with globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD) was investigated with light and electron microscopes.
(19) Analyses were undertaken of 20 cases of lens luxation in British-bred Tibetan terriers, together with a further seven from Sweden.
(20) A 6-year-old male Yorkshire Terrier had clinical signs including intermittent vomiting and diarrhea associated with abdominal distention.