(n.) Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act; power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or trust; dominion; jurisdiction; authorization; as, the authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over children; the authority of a court.
(n.) Government; the persons or the body exercising power or command; as, the local authorities of the States; the military authorities.
(n.) The power derived from opinion, respect, or esteem; influence of character, office, or station, or mental or moral superiority, and the like; claim to be believed or obeyed; as, an historian of no authority; a magistrate of great authority.
(n.) That which, or one who, is claimed or appealed to in support of opinions, actions, measures, etc.
(n.) Testimony; witness.
(n.) A precedent; a decision of a court, an official declaration, or an opinion, saying, or statement worthy to be taken as a precedent.
(n.) A book containing such a statement or opinion, or the author of the book.
(n.) Justification; warrant.
Example Sentences:
(1) He added: "There is a rigorous review process of applications submitted by the executive branch, spearheaded initially by five judicial branch lawyers who are national security experts and then by the judges, to ensure that the court's authorizations comport with what the applicable statutes authorize."
(2) Without medication atypical ventricular tachycardia develops, in the author's opinion, most probably when bradycardia has persisted for a prolonged period.
(3) The authors have presented in two previous articles the graphic solutions resembling Tscherning ellipses, for spherical as well as for aspherical ophthalmic lenses free of astigmatism or power error.
(4) The analysis is based on the personal experience of the authors with 117 cases and the review of 223 cases published in the literature.
(5) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
(6) These authors, therefore, conclude that this modified surgical approach is a viable alternative to the previously described procedures for resistant metatarsus adductus.
(7) The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers.
(8) At the heart of the payday loan profit bonanza is the "continuous payment authority" (CPA) agreement, which allows lenders to access customer bank accounts to retrieve funds.
(9) The authors report 4 new cases of heterotopic pancreas in children with prepyloric, jejunal, Meckel's diverticulum and mesenteric localization.
(10) A tiny studio flat that has become a symbol of London's soaring property prices is to be investigated by planning, environmental health and fire safety authorities after the Guardian revealed details of its shoebox-like proportions.
(11) For his lone, perilous journey that defied the US occupation authorities, Burchett was pilloried, not least by his embedded colleagues.
(12) The playing fields on which all those players began their journeys have been underfunded for years and are now facing a renewed crisis because of cuts to local authority budgets.
(13) Different therapeutic success rates have been reported by various authors who used the same combination of therapy.
(14) No report can be taken seriously if its authors weren’t even in Yemen to conduct investigations.” The UN team was not given permission to enter the country.
(15) Migrant voters are almost as numerous as current Ukip supporters but they are widely overlooked and risk being increasingly disaffected by mainstream politics and the fierce rhetoric around immigration caused partly by the rise of Ukip,” said Robert Ford from Manchester University, the report’s co-author.
(16) The dangers caused by PM10s was highlighted in the Rogers review of local authority regulatory services, published in 2007, which said poor air quality contributed to between 12,000 and 24,000 premature deaths each year.
(17) The authors conclude that H. pylori alone causes little or no effect on an intact gastric mucosa in the rat, that either intact organisms or bacteria-free filtrates cause similar prolongation and delayed healing of pre-existing ulcers with active chronic inflammation, and that the presence of predisposing factors leading to disruption of gastric mucosal integrity may be required for the H. pylori enhancement of inflammation and tissue damage in the stomach.
(18) The authors report an ocular luxation of a four-year-old girl after a bicycle accident.
(19) For the case described by the author primary tearing of the chiasma due to sudden applanation of the skull in the frontal region with burstfractures in the anterior cranial fossa is assumed.
(20) Midtrimester abortion by the dilatation and evacuation (D&E) method has generated controversy among health care providers; many authorities insist that this procedure should be performed only by a small group of experts.
(n.) The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school.
(n.) Instruction; education.
(n.) The act or ceremony of investing a clergyman with the spiritual part of a benefice, by which the care of souls is committed to his charge.
(n.) That which instituted or established
(n.) Established order, method, or custom; enactment; ordinance; permanent form of law or polity.
(n.) An established or organized society or corporation; an establishment, especially of a public character, or affecting a community; a foundation; as, a literary institution; a charitable institution; also, a building or the buildings occupied or used by such organization; as, the Smithsonian Institution.
(n.) Anything forming a characteristic and persistent feature in social or national life or habits.
(n.) That which institutes or instructs; a textbook; a system of elements or rules; an institute.
Example Sentences:
(1) The findings indicate that there is still a significant incongruence between the value structure of most family practice units and that of their institutions but that many family practice units are beginning to achieve parity of promotion and tenure with other departments in their institutions.
(2) We determined whether serological investigations can assist to distinguish between chronic idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenia (cAITP) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in patients at risk to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 82 patients were seen in this institution for the evaluation of immune thrombocytopenia.
(3) Despite of the increasing diagnostic importance of the direct determination of the parathormone which is at first available only in special institutions in these cases methodical problems play a less important part than the still not infrequent appearing misunderstanding of the adequate basic disease.
(4) Historical analysis shows that institutions and special education services spring from common, although not identical, societal and philosophical forces.
(5) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
(6) The "rehabilitation" and "institutional" meanings of the patient's admission to the clinic have been distinguished.
(7) Our results underline the importance of patient-related factors in MVR, and indicate that care is needed in comparing the quality of MVR from different institutions with respect to mortality and morbidity.
(8) They also demonstrate the viability of a family support service which relies on inmate leadership, community volunteer participation, and institutional support.
(9) Undaunted by the sickening swell of the ocean and wrapped up against the chilly wind, Straneo, of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, one of the world's leading oceanographic research centres, continues to take measurements from the waters as the long Arctic dusk falls.
(10) Clinical pharmacists were required to clock in at 51 institutions (15.0%), staff pharmacists at 62 (18.2%), and pharmacy technicians at 144 (42.9%).
(11) The cyclical nature of pyromania has parallels in cycles of reform in standards of civil commitment (Livermore, Malmquist & Meehl, 1958; Dershowitz, 1974), in the use of physical therapies and medications (Tourney, 1967; Mora, 1974), in treatment of the chronically mentally ill (Deutsch, 1949; Morrissey & Goldman, 1984), and in institutional practices (Treffert, 1967; Morrissey, Goldman & Klerman (1980).
(12) After these two experimental years, a governmental institute for prevention of child abuse and neglect was organized.
(13) GlaxoSmithKline was unusually critical of the decision by Nice, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and also the Scottish Medicines Consortium, to reject its drug belimumab (brand name Benlysta) in final draft guidance.
(14) Mechanical ventilation was soon instituted and several antibiotics and acyclovir were administered intravenously, with marked effects.
(15) Nice (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) has also published new guidance on good patient experience that provides a strong framework on which to build good engagement practice.
(16) The use of fresh semen is possible, since results of appropriate cultures could be available and treatment instituted before clinical disease occurs.
(17) They derive from publications of the National Insurance Institute for Occupational Accidents (INAIL) and refer to the Italian and Umbrian situation.
(18) The mothers of 87 male and female adolescents accepted at a counseling agency described their offspring by completing the Institute of Juvenile Research Behavior Checklist.
(19) All 80 adult cardiac surgery patients undergoing a cardiac operation at one institution during the final quarter of 1983 were included in this prospective study.
(20) The experimental results for protein preparations of calmodulin in which Ca2+ was isomorphically replaced by Tb3+ were obtained by a spectrometer working at the Institute of Nuclear Physics.