What's the difference between avalanche and blizzard?



  • (n.) A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice.
  • (n.) A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.
  • (n.) A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx of anything.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Doing the decent thing has guaranteed them an avalanche of applause when next they play at Goodison - in blue or red."
  • (2) The paper, which traditionally supports the Tory party and was edited by the former Conservative cabinet minister Bill Deedes during seven years of Thatcher's reign, feared an avalanche of "bile" would "spew" from its pages and decided to keep comments closed, according to insiders.
  • (3) 21 April 2009: Unicef says it faces a "human avalanche" of civilians fleeing the conflict .
  • (4) The avalanche also carried off Douglas Alexander , Labour’s shadow foreign secretary who had been in charge of Ed Miliband’s general election campaign.
  • (5) In 2015, an avalanche triggered by a 7.8-magnitude quake killed 19 mountaineers at Everest base camp, prompting the cancellation of all trips .
  • (6) Last October, apparently to avenge charges of drift, the Culture Department launched its library services modernisation review in an avalanche of wonk-speak that suggested little understanding of what brilliant places libraries can be.
  • (7) Despite the avalanche of tempting showbusiness offers, she is reluctant to discuss possible plans for future public appearances or recording contracts.
  • (8) Sixteen Nepalese guides, including 14 members of the Sherpa community, died last April in an avalanche, in what was the deadliest accident to hit the world’s highest peak.
  • (9) The former Fifa vice-president said at the beginning of June that he would disclose secrets about the football governing body, adding that “not even death will stop the avalanche that is coming.
  • (10) Family doctors have warned that the service patients get from their local GP surgery is getting worse because they cannot cope with “an avalanche of workload”.
  • (11) It is shown that the counter produces spectra at 5 nm which can be compared with theoretical predictions grounded on fundamental avalanche theory for a cylindrical counter.
  • (12) We should … adopt some precautionary measure – learning from [how] mountains [are managed] in developed countries where they adopt measures to avoid avalanches by putting some kind of wood or some concrete so that it helps make it safe.” All those attempting the classic South Col route – followed by Sir Edmund Hllary’s team, who first conquered Everest in 1953 – have to pass through the icefall to reach the upper slopes of the mountain.
  • (13) On the road: Paul Rudd (right) with Emile Hirsch in Prince Avalanche.
  • (14) Namaste.” The first photographs to emerge of the avalanche show the scale of the disaster.
  • (15) The results also show that punch-through and avalanche ionization are not likely to be important in the breakdown mechanism.
  • (16) A prototype positron camera has been constructed consisting of two high density avalanche chamber (HIDAC) detectors operated in coincidence with a resolving time (2 tau) of 40 nsec.
  • (17) There have been some companies making changes, but not an avalanche.
  • (18) Climbs in 2014 were cancelled after 16 sherpas died in an icefall avalanche.
  • (19) That was Donald Trump’s advice to the American people on Friday as he sought to fight back against a fresh avalanche of allegations about his ties to Russia .
  • (20) Jurors were discharged following what the defence said was an "avalanche" of prejudicial media reports after the Milly verdicts, and the charge was ordered to lie on file.



  • (n.) A gale of piercingly cold wind, usually accompanied with fine and blinding snow; a furious blast.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Emergency teams are still working to reconnect 10,000 households in northern England which lost power in blizzards and gales, after all-night repairs on collapsed cables which left 80,000 cut off.
  • (2) The weather conditions could possibly have been described as merely heavy snow in the first half but by the second half it was a full-on blizzard.
  • (3) Much of the UK faces several days of battering winds and localised blizzards as a pair of particularly severe weather systems pass over the country.
  • (4) There is a wide range of intellectual abilities of persons with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome.
  • (5) The total number of deaths was significantly higher (8%) in a "blizzard week" than in the preceding and subsequent (control) weeks (114.1 vs. 105.3 deaths per day).
  • (6) Death certificates in eastern Massachusetts after six blizzards in 1974--78, including the record blizzard of Feb. 6, 1978, were examined to identify the effect on mortality of these storms.
  • (7) Hirsi Ali, for instance, was treated to a series of encomiums and softball questions in her blizzard of US media interviews, from the New York Times to Fox News.
  • (8) During blizzards, I-80 sometimes closes altogether.
  • (9) Heavy snowfall in areas above 200 metres could lead to blizzard conditions across higher ground.
  • (10) In the literature, a wide range of intellectual abilities of children with the Johanson-Blizzard syndrome is reported.
  • (11) Thierry Marchand flew to New York for the Blizzard on a wing and a prayer hoping to secure an interview with Thierry Henry before his retirement.
  • (12) The National Weather Service said blizzard conditions were possible in eastern Massachusetts while much of the east coast will experience temperatures 10 to 25F below average (6-14C), along with “bitter wind chills”.
  • (13) This is an edited and updated version of a piece from the latest issue of The Blizzard .
  • (14) Jürgen Klinsmann's USA clinched three vital World Cup qualifying points against a spirited Costa Rica and a blizzard.
  • (15) So far more than 34,400 members have joined and we've collected a blizzard of pink underpants.
  • (16) The National Weather Service issued a blizzard warning for Cape Cod, coastal areas north and south of Boston and part of Maine as well as New York's Long Island, where up to 10 inches (0.25m) of snow could fall and winds could gust to 45mph.
  • (17) A blizzard of media interviews will then begin, before a 3pm meeting with senior management of the party.
  • (18) The Hateful Eight , shot in 70mm and about a motley crew of 19th century bounty hunters and criminals who take refuge in a stagecoach stopover on a mountain pass to shelter from a blizzard, no doubt hopes to make it a hat-trick.
  • (19) ), which rose significantly by 22% in the blizzard week from 36.7 to 44.6 deaths per day, accounted for 90% of the excess total deaths.
  • (20) Late Thursday, Dante de Blasio, 16 , wrote in a message that escaped his private Facebook page that he was getting a blizzard of school cancellation requests.