(1) Lebedev says he is aware that he is under investigation.
(2) It involves creativity, understanding of art form and the ability to improvise in the highly complex environment of a care setting.” David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done Read more She warns: “To effect a cultural change in dementia care requires a change of thinking … this approach is complex and intricate, and can change cultural attitudes by regarding the arts as central to everyday life of the care home.” Another participant, Mary*, a former teacher who had been bedridden for a year, read plays with the reminiscence arts practitioner.
(3) Family therapists have attempted to convert the acting-out behavioral disorders into an effective state, i.e., make the family aware of their feelings of deprivation by focusing on the aggressive component.
(4) She was not aware that it was an assassination attempt by alleged foreign agents.” If at least one of the women thought the killing was part of an elaborate prank, it might explain the “LOL” message emblazoned in large letters one of the killers t-shirts.
(5) Grisham said she and other aides had not been aware of the trip and “appreciate everyone’s understanding”.
(6) Clinicians should be aware of this new and unusual association of a cerebral glioma and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
(7) Second, the nurse must be aware of the wide range of feeling and attitudes on specific sexual issues that have proved troublesome to our society.
(8) From a clinical standpoint, it is clear that psychiatrists caring for anxious patients must be aware of the possibility of secondary alcohol abuse.
(9) Yves was the vulnerable, suffering artist and Pierre the fiercely controlling protector: a man who, in Lespert's film, is painfully aware of his public image – "the pimp who's found his all-star hooker".
(10) As opposed to the other tests for LPD, awareness of the usefulness of the biopsy has increased as we have learned more about CL physiology.
(11) This project resulted in a decrease in the number of patient falls and increased staff awareness of the risk factors associated with falls among adult neuroscience patients.
(12) It is important to be aware of the histological characteristics of this essentially benign condition so that unnecessary radical therapies can be avoided.
(13) As a university student in the early 1980s and a political journalist for most of the 1990s and beyond, I was aware of the issues surrounding Britain's continental occupation.
(14) Indian women are aware of our tenuous grip on our rights.
(15) The teacher said his school believed it was aware of all the pupils who had been present, and that Nuttall was not among them.
(16) At a private meeting last Tuesday, Hunt assured Cameron and the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, that he had not been aware that his special adviser, Adam Smith, was systematically leaking information and advice to News Corp about its bid for BSkyB.
(17) Five hundred sixty grandmultiparous women were interviewed as to their contraceptive awareness, desirability and use in the three major hospitals in Benin City, Nigeria, between October 1, 1980 and September, 1981.
(18) Now, a small Scottish charity, Edinburgh Direct Aid – moved by their plight and aware that the language of Lebanese education is French and English and that Syria is Arabic – is delivering textbooks in Arabic to the school and have offered to fund timeshare projects across the country.
(19) Physicians caring for children should be aware of the possible effects of day care on their patients and should be able to make recommendations to parents.
(20) This causes a time lag, with money continuing to be taken until the SLC is made aware that the debt has been settled.
(n.) The act or process of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration.
(n.) The act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation.
(n.) The act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water.
Example Sentences:
(1) In each sheep there was a significant negative correlation between the glucose and corticosteroid concentrations in both maternal and fetal plasma, and there were positive correlations between the maternal and fetal plasma concentrations of glucose, and between the glucose and fructose concentrations of fetal plasma.
(2) Synthesis of choline esterase on the medium with acetylcholine at a concentration of 1% was increased more than twofold upon addition of glucose at a concentration of 0.1%.
(3) Steady-state values of cell, glucose, and cellulase concentration oxygen tension, and outlet gas oxygen partial pressure were recorded.
(4) Patient plasma samples demonstrated evidence of marked complement activation, with 3-fold elevations of C3a desArg concentrations by the 8th day of therapy.
(5) Arachidic acid was without effect, while linoleic acid and linolenic acid were (on a concentration basis) at least 5-times less active than arachidonic acid.
(6) The fraction of the viral dose which became cell associated was independent of the incubation temperature and increased with increasing target membrane concentration.
(7) Maximum increases in portal plasma secretin concentrations of 143, 146 and 190% and maximum increases in VIP of 116, 155 and 147% after, respectively, intraduodenal 0.1 M NaHCO3, 0.1 M Na2CO3, and 0.025 M NaOH were found.
(8) ), the concentration of AMPO in the hypothalamus was 5.4 times the concentration at 20 h after one injection.
(9) In cardiac tissue the adenylate system is not a good indicator of the energy state of the mitochondrion, even when the concentrations of AMP and free cytosolic ADP are calculated from the adenylate kinase and creatine kinase equilibria.
(10) We similarly evaluated the ability of other phospholipids to form stable foam at various concentrations and ethanol volume fractions and found: bovine brain sphingomyelin greater than dipalmitoyl 3-sn-phosphatidylcholine greater than egg sphingomyelin greater than egg lecithin greater than phosphatidylglycerol.
(11) Cyclic AMP stimulated phosphorylation by [gamma-32P]ATP of two proteins of apparent Mr = 20,000 and 7,000 that were concentrated in sarcoplasmic reticulum, but the stimulation was markedly dependent on the presence of added soluble cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase.
(12) We conclude that the SHBG concentration strongly affects this estimation.
(13) Ursodeoxycholate was the only dihydroxy bile salt which was able to solubilize phospholipid (although not cholesterol) below the critical micellar concentration.
(14) The fluctuations in [Ca2+]i measured with fura-2 were synchronized among the population of cells observed and were sensitive to extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o).
(15) The observed relationship between prorenin and renin substrate concentrations might be a consequence of their regulation by common factors.
(16) In the presence of insulin, a qualitatively similar pattern of increasing responses to albumin is observed; the enhancement of each response by insulin is, however, only slightly potentiated by higher albumin concentrations.
(17) We maximize an objective function that includes both total production rate and product concentration.
(18) The procedure used in our laboratory was not able to provide accurate determination of the concentrations of these binding forms.
(19) Thus adrenaline, via pre- and post-junctional adrenoceptors, may contribute to enhanced vascular smooth muscle contraction, which most likely is sensitized by the elevated intracellular calcium concentration.
(20) The specific activities of extracts from cells grown under phototrophic and aerobic conditions were similar and not affected by the concentration of iron in the growth media.