(n.) The angle or point of divergence between the upper side of a branch, leaf, or petiole, and the stem or branch from which it springs.
Example Sentences:
(1) While R. culicivorax did not adapt to the leaf axil habitat, all plants were without larvae for 5 weeks after treatment with temephos.
(2) Water in leaf axils of the screwpine Pandanus was sampled for mosquito immature stages at seventy villages in Upolu, fifty-five in Savai'i and three in Manono, the main islands of Samoa.
(3) leucostigma, in the submerged Typha dominguensis leaf axils.
(4) Breeding-places of G. palpalis were found in the leaf axils of oilpalm trees (Elaeis guineensis Jacquin), especially beside paths where people would risk being bitten.
(5) In villages in the relatively dry Sudan savanna neither leaf axils nor tree-holes were important Stegomyia larval habitats, but in the more southern Kontagora area of the wetter northern Guinea savanna, these habitats were probably important breeding sites.
(6) and 1.3% of tree holes, plant axils, and cut bamboos were infested.
(7) The isolation of two entomopathogenic fungi from Forcipomyia marksae larvae collected in leaf axils of Colocasia macrorrhiza in northeastern Queensland rain forests is reported.
(8) The banana axils is a favorite breeding place for Aedes poecilus but may also utilize the abaca axils.
(9) High squa transcript levels are seen in the inflorescence lateral meristems as soon as they are formed in the axils of bracts.
(10) Plants homozygous for this mutation display a homeotic conversion of sepsis into brachts and the concomitant formation of floral buds in the axil of each transformed sepal.
(11) poicilius accounted for 58% of larvae found in the axils of banana plants and 31% of those in abaca axils; negligible numbers of larvae of this species were found in pandanus and gabi axils.
(a.) Situated in the axis of anything; as an embryo which lies in the axis of a seed.
Example Sentences:
(1) While R. culicivorax did not adapt to the leaf axil habitat, all plants were without larvae for 5 weeks after treatment with temephos.
(2) Water in leaf axils of the screwpine Pandanus was sampled for mosquito immature stages at seventy villages in Upolu, fifty-five in Savai'i and three in Manono, the main islands of Samoa.
(3) leucostigma, in the submerged Typha dominguensis leaf axils.
(4) Breeding-places of G. palpalis were found in the leaf axils of oilpalm trees (Elaeis guineensis Jacquin), especially beside paths where people would risk being bitten.
(5) In villages in the relatively dry Sudan savanna neither leaf axils nor tree-holes were important Stegomyia larval habitats, but in the more southern Kontagora area of the wetter northern Guinea savanna, these habitats were probably important breeding sites.
(6) and 1.3% of tree holes, plant axils, and cut bamboos were infested.
(7) The isolation of two entomopathogenic fungi from Forcipomyia marksae larvae collected in leaf axils of Colocasia macrorrhiza in northeastern Queensland rain forests is reported.
(8) The banana axils is a favorite breeding place for Aedes poecilus but may also utilize the abaca axils.
(9) High squa transcript levels are seen in the inflorescence lateral meristems as soon as they are formed in the axils of bracts.
(10) Plants homozygous for this mutation display a homeotic conversion of sepsis into brachts and the concomitant formation of floral buds in the axil of each transformed sepal.
(11) poicilius accounted for 58% of larvae found in the axils of banana plants and 31% of those in abaca axils; negligible numbers of larvae of this species were found in pandanus and gabi axils.