What's the difference between balderdash and noticed?



  • (n.) A worthless mixture, especially of liquors.
  • (n.) Senseless jargon; ribaldry; nonsense; trash.
  • (v. t.) To mix or adulterate, as liquors.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And lest there be any remaining doubt, a forensic expert on maggots – such people do exist – testified that the theory of "semen-destroying maggots" was balderdash.
  • (2) Other balderdash included Nick Clegg's phoney claim : "As a proportion of this country's wealth, this government will be spending more in public spending at the end of this parliament after all these cuts, than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were when they came into power."
  • (3) The balderdash quotient is high at all party conferences, but at a time like this people will wince more than ever at high-minded phrases from government ministers that disguise a very different reality.
  • (4) That kind of balderdash brings politics into disrepute.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Notice

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Oculomotor paresis with cyclic spasms is a rare syndrome, usually noticeable at birth or developing during the first year of life.
  • (2) With UVB treatment clinical improvement was achieved, and a less pronounced decrease in epidermal LC was noticed.
  • (3) It would be fascinating to see if greater local government involvement in running the NHS in places such as Manchester leads over the longer term to a noticeable difference in the financial outlook.
  • (4) Michael James, 52, from Tower Hamlets Three days after telling his landlord that the flat upstairs was a deathtrap, Michael James was handed an eviction notice.
  • (5) Preincubation of the bacteria at 56 degrees C for 30 minutes and ultraviolet irradiation resulted in a noticeable decrease in adherence.
  • (6) A dose dependent decrease (P greater than 0.05) in delayed type hypersensitivity reaction was noticed on day 61 post treatment.
  • (7) After friends heard that he was on them, Brumfield started observing something strange: “If we had people over to the Super Bowl or a holiday season party, I’d notice that my medicines would come up short, no matter how good friends they were.” Twice people broke into his house to get to the drugs.
  • (8) Specific antibody patterns in vaccinees were highly variable and in a small number of subjects a remarkable antibody titre decrease was noticed.
  • (9) Any party or witness is entitled to use Welsh in any magistrates court in Wales without prior notice.
  • (10) Reality set in once you got home to your parents and the regular neighborhood kids, and your thoughts turned to new notebooks for the school year and whether you got prettier while you were away and whether your crushes were going to notice.
  • (11) After 40 programmed minutes of acquisition and 12 min of maintenance, without notice, both schedules changed to extinction for 28 min.
  • (12) Slager, 33, was a patrolman first class for the North Charleston police department when he fatally shot Scott, 50, following a struggle that led from a traffic stop when the officer noticed that one of Scott’s car tail lights was broken.
  • (13) High levels of both enzymes were reached noticeably earlier during development in PCT and PST than in medullary thick ascending limb, which emphasizes metabolic heterogeneity of developing rat kidney nephron.
  • (14) Inoculated cell dose and neoplasia percent incidence have been noticed to be closely related, but unexpectedly two doses exist for each tumour, a comparatively small one and a definitely larger one, which cause nearly the same percent incidence.
  • (15) The binding of [3H]PAF to washed human platelets indicated subtle changes between Days 2 and 4, which became more noticeable by Day 6.
  • (16) If wide notice is taken of a current spat over what we can read about Shakespeare’s sexuality into the sonnets in the correspondence columns of the Times Literary Supplement, Sonnet 20 may be a future favourite at civil unions.
  • (17) Alton Towers has a long record of safe operation and as we reopen, we are committed to ensuring that the public can again visit us with confidence.” A spokesman for the park said that said that X-Sector, the high-octane section of that park where the Smiler is based, would remain closed until further notice.
  • (18) However, the highest rates of complications (52 percent), mortality (22 percent), and recurrence (14 percent) were noticed after cecostomy.
  • (19) Decrease in progesterone and rise in cortisol were noticed during and after anaesthesia.
  • (20) An enlargement of the epidermal proliferative compartment has been noticed.