(n.) A plant of the family of grasses, and genus Bambusa, growing in tropical countries.
(v. t.) To flog with the bamboo.
Example Sentences:
(1) In addition, the risk of lung cancer associated with other methods of tobacco consumption--in particular, the use of bamboo water-pipes and long-stem pipes--is uncertain.
(2) Natural "bridges" could also be created to help the pandas escape from a bamboo famine.
(3) I also love music – I taught myself Chinese traditional instruments, such as the bamboo flute, and brought them to Britain.
(4) 4 Put the lettuce leaves in another bowl, cucumber sticks in another and bamboo shoots in another.
(5) Twelve colonies of Aedes albopictus were maintained at laboratory conditions, with the following results: Insectary conditions--Air humidity: 90-95%; Temperature: 25 degrees C; Blood source: human; Breeding places: Plastic glass or bamboo; Number eggs per female: 36.37; Incubation time: 1 to 6 days; Larval period: 4 to 9 days; Pupal period: 1 to 5 days; Adults life span: females--30.8 days and males--26.6 days.
(6) S. subglobosa should be considered in bamboo-associated and horticultural injuries.
(7) Oral administration of a hot-water extract (Folin) of bamboo grass (Sasa albomarginata Makino & Shibata) significantly reduced the incidence of water-immersion and restraint stress-, ethanol-induced and indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers in rats.
(8) 3 Using a bamboo or metal steamer, cook for about 12 to 15 minutes (depending on size).
(9) Giant pandas, most common in the bamboo forests of a few states in central and southern China, most notably Sichuan, are famously reluctant to mate, both in the wild and in captivity, and even if they do subsequent pregnancies often fail.
(10) Analysis of the bamboo phobia revealed two castration themes.
(11) Bamboo, wooden mats, and discreetly placed artefacts dominate the interior, plus there's a long, sloping paved garden with a conservatory and a whiteboard for travellers to leave messages.
(12) Accommodation ranges from tents in a covered long house, small bamboo huts, a raised platform named “the honeymoon suite” and the relative luxury of riverside chalets.
(13) A siamang (gibbon) and two drills (baboons) with the classic radiographic features of ankylosing spondylitis, namely a bamboo spine and sacroiliac joint fusion, are reported.
(14) They flew in on a private Boeing 777 airliner complete with customised "Panda Express" livery; a bespoke cuisine of bamboo, apples, carrots and specially prepared "panda cake"; and private suites of Perspex and steel.
(15) So far, zoo keepers have seen only glimpses of Mei Xiang in the bamboo nest she prepared ahead of birth.
(16) People throughout Asia use springy bamboo poles to carry the loads of everyday life.
(17) Honf also conceptualised bamboo leg prostheses for those who lost limbs after an earthquake hit Yogyakarta in 2006.
(18) During the trial it emerged that Khyra had been removed from school in December 2007 and subjected to a punishment regime which included standing outside in the cold for long periods, having cold water poured over her and being beaten with a bamboo cane.
(19) it is probable that some of the Haemoproteus infections represented new species, and 1 occurring in the Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola thoracica sonorivox Gould) seemed characteristic enough to justify recognition as such; the name Haemoproteus bambusicolae sp.
(20) The wood is harvested in China and treated with an eco-friendly process that infuses the bamboo walls with honey to prevent it from cracking.
(n.) Popularly: Herbage; the plants which constitute the food of cattle and other beasts; pasture.
(n.) An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single.
(n.) The season of fresh grass; spring.
(n.) Metaphorically used for what is transitory.
(v. t.) To cover with grass or with turf.
(v. t.) To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc.
(v. t.) To bring to the grass or ground; to land; as, to grass a fish.
(v. i.) To produce grass.
Example Sentences:
(1) Tottenham Hotspur’s £400m redevelopment of White Hart Lane could include a retractable grass pitch as the club explores the possibility of hosting a new NFL franchise.
(2) Using a large clinic population with adequate controls, significant correlation between ragweed, grass or tree pollen sensitivity and the dates of birth was not obtained.
(3) A grassed roof, solar panels to provide hot water, a small lake to catch rainwater which is then recycled, timber cladding for insulation ... even the pitch and floodlights are "deliberately positioned below the level of the surrounding terrain in order to reduce noise and light pollution for the neighbouring population".
(4) Key to this has been the employment of Erin McCallum, a highly-respected political strategist and grass roots organiser, as our new national campaign director.
(5) The clinical findings in six natural and two experimental cases of Kikuyu grass poisoning in Natal, South Africa, are described and compared with findings in cases of toxicity reported elsewhere.
(6) Six of the WAD goats carried natural infections of H. contortus and T. colubriformis and eight other (tracer) goats acquired their infections from a grass paddock artificially contaminated with H. placei, C. pectinata and C. punctata, during May to October.
(7) Six atopic subjects with grass pollen allergy and six nonallergic healthy volunteers were enrolled into this study.
(8) The survival of infective larvae of Ancylostoma caninum on outdoor grass plots was studied in 40 experiments over 1 year.
(9) But pipeline opponents say that by moving beetles from the Nebraska sandhills and mowing miles of grass where the insects once lived, TransCanada has illegally begun construction on the project.
(10) Most patients showed several positive skin tests to common allergens particular to grass pollen, house dust and mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssimus).
(11) For all its posing and grooming, there are no nightclubs - the only flashing lights along this coast are the glowworms strobing across the grass at dusk.
(12) Highest concentrations of haptoglobin and orosomucoid were recorded in subacute grass sickness.
(13) The principle’s not so different now.” Fifteen years ago, when he was 27, Baker found himself with an ailing father and 250 cows, farmed traditionally – grass in summer, silage and concentrates in winter – around the village.
(14) Consumption of alfalfa hay resulted in the highest total viable counts of rumen bacteria but a lower proportion of fibrolytic counts than seen on the grass diets.
(15) The year 2000 process, a national grass-roots initiative, may be a useful model for individual states to adopt.
(16) But he quickly carved out a niche, introducing to an English-speaking audience the works of German-language writers, notably Friedrich Hölderlin, but also Brecht, Rilke, Grass and others.
(17) Cattle are excellent converters of grass but terrible converters of concentrated feed.
(18) passing through a 1.18 mm sieve during wet sieving) from the reticulo-rumen were negatively related to dimensions of particles, with greater ease of outflow for legume than for grass particles of the same length or diameter.
(19) In allergologic out-patient departments of Dubrovnik, Split, Sibenik, Zadar, Pula and Rijeka, 300 patients with pollinosis have been tested by the application of the prick method of group allergens of grass, tree and weed pollen, particularly of Parietariae (pellitory) pollen.
(20) When the couple looked over their own balcony on the 15th floor of 63 Petershill Drive in Glasgow's Red Road estate, they saw three bodies on the small square of grass below.