

  • (n.) A rock of igneous origin, consisting of augite and triclinic feldspar, with grains of magnetic or titanic iron, and also bottle-green particles of olivine frequently disseminated.
  • (n.) An imitation, in pottery, of natural basalt; a kind of black porcelain.

Compare basalt with other words:

basal vs. basalt

basalt vs. picrite

basalt vs. tachylyte

basalt vs. rhyolite

basalt vs. gabbro

basalt vs. content

basalt vs. pumice

basalt vs. laterite

analcime vs. basalt

basalt vs. bluestone

basalt vs. basaltic

basalt vs. pottery

basalt vs. igneous

basalt vs. mafic

basalt vs. graywacke

basalt vs. wacke

basalt vs. slate

basalt vs. granite