- (v. i.) To exist actually, or in the world of fact; to have ex/stence.
- (v. i.) To exist in a certain manner or relation, -- whether as a reality or as a product of thought; to exist as the subject of a certain predicate, that is, as having a certain attribute, or as belonging to a certain sort, or as identical with what is specified, -- a word or words for the predicate being annexed; as, to be happy; to be here; to be large, or strong; to be an animal; to be a hero; to be a nonentity; three and two are five; annihilation is the cessation of existence; that is the man.
- (v. i.) To take place; to happen; as, the meeting was on Thursday.
- (v. i.) To signify; to represent or symbolize; to answer to.
Compare be with other words:
be vs. macedonian
be vs. fabulous
be vs. theorem
be vs. condition
be vs. because
be vs. look
be vs. rely
be vs. many
bad vs. be
be vs. ish
ach vs. be
be vs. come
be vs. punt
be vs. pose
be vs. bit
asa vs. be
be vs. withsay
be vs. eat
be vs. spend
be vs. diploma
be vs. support
be vs. remain
be vs. veritable
be vs. mold
be vs. flax
be vs. violate
be vs. mayhappen
be vs. legitimate
be vs. possibly
be vs. disappear
be vs. think
be vs. forum
bat vs. be
be vs. mark
be vs. see
be vs. fora
be vs. write
be vs. feel
be vs. class
be vs. verb
be vs. bee
be vs. work
be vs. shooting
be vs. reading
be vs. became
be vs. tuesday
be vs. old
audit vs. be
be vs. court
be vs. cook
be vs. when
be vs. may
be vs. belike
be vs. predicable
be vs. perpetrate
be vs. wist
be vs. transship
be vs. been
be vs. state
be vs. tree
accurate vs. be
be vs. pet
be vs. bowed
be vs. harm
be vs. hoist
be vs. explicit
be vs. force
be vs. fijian
be vs. nero
be vs. home
be vs. guide
be vs. jew
be vs. implied
be vs. offer
be vs. bench
be vs. beest
be vs. berlin
be vs. engineering
bachelor vs. be
be vs. matriculate
be vs. modify
be vs. tranship
be vs. relapse
be vs. worth
be vs. thirst
be vs. pad
be vs. recent
around vs. be
be vs. need
be vs. wast
be vs. wert
be vs. rest
be vs. consist
be vs. being
be vs. equal
be vs. wit
be vs. fare
be vs. profit
be vs. life
be vs. concern
be vs. become
be vs. were
be vs. was
art vs. be
be vs. copula
be vs. subjunctive
be vs. peace
be vs. live
be vs. cow
be vs. wealth
be vs. kiss
are vs. be
be vs. get
be vs. quality
air vs. be
be vs. weather
be vs. event
be vs. time
be vs. since
be vs. occur
be vs. elliptical
be vs. place
be vs. occupy
be vs. exist
be vs. joust
be vs. woo
be vs. settle
be vs. day
be vs. narrow
be vs. disturb
ante vs. be
be vs. true
be vs. length
be vs. nearly
be vs. stay
be vs. date
be vs. push
accord vs. be
be vs. grace
be vs. honour
be vs. fan
be vs. met
be vs. team
be vs. quiet
bam vs. be
be vs. simply
be vs. sit
be vs. glasses
affection vs. be
be vs. classify
be vs. phylum
be vs. over
be vs. crush
be vs. play
be vs. untrue