(n.) The hair that grows on the chin, lips, and adjacent parts of the human face, chiefly of male adults.
(n.) The long hairs about the face in animals, as in the goat.
(n.) The cluster of small feathers at the base of the beak in some birds
(n.) The appendages to the jaw in some Cetacea, and to the mouth or jaws of some fishes.
(n.) The byssus of certain shellfish, as the muscle.
(n.) The gills of some bivalves, as the oyster.
(n.) In insects, the hairs of the labial palpi of moths and butterflies.
(n.) Long or stiff hairs on a plant; the awn; as, the beard of grain.
(n.) A barb or sharp point of an arrow or other instrument, projecting backward to prevent the head from being easily drawn out.
(n.) That part of the under side of a horse's lower jaw which is above the chin, and bears the curb of a bridle.
(n.) That part of a type which is between the shoulder of the shank and the face.
(n.) An imposition; a trick.
(v. t.) To take by the beard; to seize, pluck, or pull the beard of (a man), in anger or contempt.
(v. t.) To oppose to the gills; to set at defiance.
(v. t.) To deprive of the gills; -- used only of oysters and similar shellfish.
Example Sentences:
(1) While the papers in this country and the New Yorker were crowing about how Beard had, through her own gutsy initiative, tamed her trolls, another woman – Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian-American journalist – was being trolled.
(2) I've seen DJs in clubs with beards that make them look more like Charles Manson on a scruffy day than the cutting edge of cool, but, apparently, the two are synonymous these days.
(3) With the help of yellow contact lenses, a false beard, nose and teeth, he has taken on the demeanour of a feral animal.
(4) Koji Uehara, the one without a beard, just picked up from where he left off in the regular season, and continued to destroy opponents.
(5) It's hard to imagine a more masculine character than Thor, who is based on the god of thunder of Norse myth: he's the strapping, hammer-wielding son of Odin who, more often than not, sports a beard and likes nothing better than smacking frost giants.
(6) Academic and TV historian Mary Beard has disclosed her innovative approach to dealing with her vitriolic Twitter trolls – writing them a job reference.
(7) And in a broader sense, the sort of Conservatives who think intelligently and strategically – and there are more of them than you think – fret that a bearded 66-year-old socialist has ignited political debate in a way that absolutely nobody in the mainstream predicted.
(8) Some of them are foreign, they have long beards and we don't want to go near them.
(9) In his passport photograph, applied for in June 2008, Brown has grown a beard and his temples have gone grey.
(10) As the sun rises over the precipitous streets of SanFrancisco's North Beach, just before 7am, there is a truly wonderful scene: corporation men spray the sidewalk while a gathering of bearded folk sip espressos at Caffe Trieste on the corner of Vallejo and Grant streets.
(11) Taylor, a sixty-something man with a neatly trimmed beard and a palpable pride in his business, has made "a couple of small sales" so far today, but footfall in the town is pretty underwhelming, and, in the market, almost non-existent.
(12) His beard, axillary hair and pubic hair were all normal.
(13) I do need a haircut, but I have had beards for many years.
(14) Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel had grown a beard in the eight days before he carried out the attack and told friends “the significance of the beard is religious”, prosecutor François Molins told a press conference.
(15) Reading East's Rob Wilson attacked a whingeing bearded lefty, the archbishop of Canterbury.
(16) "Shave your beard if you're brown, and you best salute the crown, or they'll do you like Brazilians and shoot your arse down."
(17) Cue start of the second half, and he's back on, beard and all."
(18) The local undertakers were pleased to discover the great Henty to be the man they had always imagined - a full-bearded giant, stern and wise, dressed like a warrior hero or - much the same thing - a Victorian gentleman with the whiff of gunpowder and the clash of sabres about him.
(19) After weeks of unwashed silence he's finally dismantled his crisis-beard and returned his woollen catastrophe-hat to the BBC's Break In Case Of Homelessness box.
(20) Outside, there’s no sign of life except one bearded oaf on a chopper and a kid at the back door, holding a picture of Hot Fuss-era Brandon Flowers , praying for a brief encounter.
(n.) A short, stiff, coarse hair, as on the back of swine.
(n.) A stiff, sharp, roundish hair.
(v. t.) To erect the bristles of; to cause to stand up, as the bristles of an angry hog; -- sometimes with up.
(v. t.) To fix a bristle to; as, to bristle a thread.
(v. i.) To rise or stand erect, like bristles.
(v. i.) To appear as if covered with bristles; to have standing, thick and erect, like bristles.
(v. i.) To show defiance or indignation.
Example Sentences:
(1) The surface of all cells was covered by a fuzzy coat consisting of fine hairs or bristles.
(2) Selection limits for scutellar bristles in lines M and M2 were equal to or greater than the most extreme reported in the literature.-The probit span of the canalised 4 bristle class decreased in each selection line as the mean scutellar bristle number increased, and increased again in the relaxed lines as the mean bristle number decreased.
(3) "Corncob" configurations consisting of filamentous bacteria surrounded by Gram-positive cocci, and "bristle brush" formations comprising corncobs surrounded by long rods were observed in the superficial layer of the plaque.
(4) However, identification of the methionine bristle domain suggests that chloroplast HSPs also have unique functions or substrates within the special environment of the chloroplast or other plastids.
(5) A homozygous mutant escaper had weak, completely unpigmented cuticle and unpigmented bristles.
(6) Test variables were time in use, brush design (e.g., geometry and size of the brush head), and bristle composition.
(7) The diameter of the bristles vary between 0.7 mm at the base of the bristle to 0.25 mm in the near end of the bristle.
(8) According to random selection, subjects' teeth were brushed by trained personnel with either the curved bristle or the conventional toothbrush.
(9) Some people, however, still bristle at the idea of sexuality on a spectrum.
(10) The S character of Drosophila simulans, the absence or malformation or both of bristles and other cuticular structures, was described by Comendador (Drosophila Inf.
(11) Results are presented of 135 generations of selection for high scutellar bristle number in two lines M and M3 derived from the same original mating of one female with 5 bristles by one male with 4 bristles, the latter being the wild-type canalised phenotype.
(12) The lateral walls of these subunits form regularly spaced bristles or pegs which extend inwards from the trilaminar membrane for a distance of 13-15 nm.
(13) Afterwards, while the phagocytic ability decreases, the phagocytic cups disappear, and all the cells become bristled with many thin filopods.
(14) It reminded me to look at the sky, absorb the air, and listen to the wind that bristles as it hurries by.
(15) In each generation, offspring of the two groups were retained in their group or transferred to the other group, depending on the number of their bristles.
(16) The homozygous and heterozygous effects of the inserts on viability and abdominal and sternopleural bristle number were ascertained by comparing the chromosome lines with inserts to insert-free control lines of the inbred host strain.
(17) Lawrence is said to bristle at the now-cliched description of her as "dignified".
(18) Our results indicate that emc plays an essential early role in defining territories of bristle-forming potential.
(19) Fortunately for his detractors, who bristle at his brash TV persona and penchant for bullying guests, Shimada conceded his TV career was at an end: "From tomorrow I will become just another regular person.
(20) When Grayson remarks to the men he meets that his transvestism allows him enough distance from maleness to view it as an observer, rather than bristle they nod, quietly ponder for a moment and then step back themselves, apparently accepting that maleness is such a weird contrivance that to look at it with critical eyes is Not Even A Thing.