What's the difference between bed and floor?



  • (n.) An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs.
  • (n.) (Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage.
  • (n.) A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground.
  • (n.) A mass or heap of anything arranged like a bed; as, a bed of ashes or coals.
  • (n.) The bottom of a watercourse, or of any body of water; as, the bed of a river.
  • (n.) A layer or seam, or a horizontal stratum between layers; as, a bed of coal, iron, etc.
  • (n.) See Gun carriage, and Mortar bed.
  • (n.) The horizontal surface of a building stone; as, the upper and lower beds.
  • (n.) A course of stone or brick in a wall.
  • (n.) The place or material in which a block or brick is laid.
  • (n.) The lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile.
  • (n.) The foundation or the more solid and fixed part or framing of a machine; or a part on which something is laid or supported; as, the bed of an engine.
  • (n.) The superficial earthwork, or ballast, of a railroad.
  • (n.) The flat part of the press, on which the form is laid.
  • (v. t.) To place in a bed.
  • (v. t.) To make partaker of one's bed; to cohabit with.
  • (v. t.) To furnish with a bed or bedding.
  • (v. t.) To plant or arrange in beds; to set, or cover, as in a bed of soft earth; as, to bed the roots of a plant in mold.
  • (v. t.) To lay or put in any hollow place, or place of rest and security, surrounded or inclosed; to embed; to furnish with or place upon a bed or foundation; as, to bed a stone; it was bedded on a rock.
  • (v. t.) To dress or prepare the surface of stone) so as to serve as a bed.
  • (v. t.) To lay flat; to lay in order; to place in a horizontal or recumbent position.
  • (v. i.) To go to bed; to cohabit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The previous year, he claimed £1,415 for two new sofas, made two separate claims of £230 and £108 for new bed linen, charged £86 for a new kettle and kitchen utensils and made two separate claims, of £65 and £186, for replacement glasses and crockery.
  • (2) Since 1979 there has been an increase of 17,122 in the number of beds available in nursing homes.
  • (3) Hexamethonium abolished vasodilatation in the hindquarters vascular bed only.
  • (4) The combination of an over-distended uterus caused by a multiple-fetus pregnancy with therapeutic bed-rest may cause mechanical ileus.
  • (5) "I don't want to go to Zurich, to some anonymous facility; I would want to do it in my own bed.
  • (6) One ejaculation followed by daily contact with soiled bedding taken from a male's cage did not increase pregnancy rates.
  • (7) But even before the reforms, half of the women coming to refuges were being turned away, so beds were already scarce.
  • (8) It is suggested that this human model of unloading could serve to simulate effects of microgravity on skeletal muscle mass and function because reductions in muscle mass and strength were of similar magnitude to those produced by bed rest.
  • (9) Kunduz hospital patients 'burned in beds … even wars have rules', says MSF chief Read more The resolution – which was supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and others – requests that Ban present recommendations on measures to prevent attacks and to ensure that those who carry them out are held accountable.
  • (10) Using nursing home and hospital medical records, we performed a case-control study to identify risk factors for death from LRI among residents of a 110-bed, midwestern community nursing home.
  • (11) These results indicate, that there is no autoregulation in the hyperemizied capillary bed.
  • (12) A 30% maltodextrin solution has been continuously hydrolyzed at 50 degrees C and pH 4.5 in a recycled, fluidized bed reactor (FBR) containing GA immobilized on these magnetic microparticles.
  • (13) Mattress dusts from the beds of 51 asthmatic children with positive skin tests to house dust mite were assayed for Der p I, Fel d I and certain viable fungi.
  • (14) A key part of the reason why Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge, one of the NHS’s most prestigious hospitals, was put into special measures last week was that 200 of its beds were being occupied by patients who could not leave because there was a lack of social care in place to support them.
  • (15) AR and ER mRNA-containing neurons were widely distributed in the rat brain, with the greatest densities of cells in the hypothalamus, and in regions of the telencephalon that provide strong inputs in the medial preoptic and ventromedial nuclei, each of which is thought to play a key role in mediating the hormonal control of copulatory behavior, as well as in the lateral septal nucleus, the medial and cortical nuclei of the amygdala, the amygdalohippocampal area, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
  • (16) Principles and technique for selecting material from the human heart ventricular walls to study stereometrically their intramural arterial bed are described.
  • (17) We present interim survival data for a group of 83 adult patients with recurrent malignant glioma treated by implanting stimulated autologous lymphocytes into the tumour bed following surgical debulking.
  • (18) Effectiveness of a relaxation technique to increase the comfort level of patients in their first postoperative attempt at getting out of bed was tested on 42 patients, aged 18 to 65, who were hospitalized for elective surgery.
  • (19) Biomicroscopic studies performed in anesthetized white rats revealed the increase in the cortex mass and the formation of microcirculatory bed as the main factors in microcirculation development.
  • (20) In 9 women with polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) and in 11 control subjects at the follicular phase of the normal cycle, blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals during a 2 h period of bed rest for the assay of beta-endorphin, beta-lipotropin, corticotropin, cortisol and prolactin.



  • (n.) The bottom or lower part of any room; the part upon which we stand and upon which the movables in the room are supported.
  • (n.) The structure formed of beams, girders, etc., with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into stories. Floor in sense 1 is, then, the upper surface of floor in sense 2.
  • (n.) The surface, or the platform, of a structure on which we walk or travel; as, the floor of a bridge.
  • (n.) A story of a building. See Story.
  • (n.) The part of the house assigned to the members.
  • (n.) The right to speak.
  • (n.) That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal.
  • (n.) The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit.
  • (n.) A horizontal, flat ore body.
  • (v. t.) To cover with a floor; to furnish with a floor; as, to floor a house with pine boards.
  • (v. t.) To strike down or lay level with the floor; to knock down; hence, to silence by a conclusive answer or retort; as, to floor an opponent.
  • (v. t.) To finish or make an end of; as, to floor a college examination.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These results suggest that the pelvic floor is affected by progressive denervation but descent during straining tends to decrease with advancing age.
  • (2) Exudative inflammatory processes predominate in the ulcer floor.
  • (3) Pint from £2.90 The Duke Of York With its smart greige interior, flagstone floor and extensive food menu (not tried), this newcomer feels like a gastropub.
  • (4) In reconstruction of the orbital floor, homograft lyophilised dura or cialit-stord rib cartilage are suitable, but the best materials are autologous cartilage or silastic or teflon.
  • (5) Calves were fed milk replacer twice daily while housed indoors in wooden-slatted floor box crates (metabolism cages).
  • (6) Patients with cancer of floor of the mouth and oral tongue had higher odds ratios for alcohol drinking than subjects with cancers of other sites.
  • (7) There are men who have been here for 15, 20 years or more who have never even sat in the cars because no one on the floor can afford to buy one.
  • (8) Radiological examination provides more accurate indications for plastic surgery of the pelvic floor, influences the operative procedures and permits better evaluation of operative results.
  • (9) Pelvic floor location and mobility did not differ between controls and constipated patients.
  • (10) It was found that within the dorsal part of the well known pressor area there is a narrow strip, 2.5 mm lateral from the mid line, starting ventral to the inferior colliculus and ending in the medulla close to the floor of the IV ventricle, from which vasodilatation in skeletal muscles is selectively obtained.
  • (11) It was my first day as a journalist, at the Evening Standard's Londoner's Diary, situated on the floor below.
  • (12) His office - with a floor-to-ceiling glass wall offering views over a Bradford suburb and distant moors - is devoid of knick-knacks or memorabilia.
  • (13) • Gaddafi's many eccentricities, including phobias about flying over water and staying above ground floor level.
  • (14) Standing as he explains the book's take-home point, Miliband recalls the author Michael Lewis's research showing that a quarter-back is the most highly paid player, but because they throw with their right arm they can often be floored by an attacker from their blindside.
  • (15) He points to the seat where his friend was hit; he says only pride prevents him from lying on the floor for the entire journey.
  • (16) The first-floor lounge is decorated in plush deep pink, with a mix of contemporary and neoclassical decor, and an antique dining table and chandelier.
  • (17) "The problem in the community is that the elderly who live on their own on ground floors are frightened to open the windows because of vandalism and burglary," he says.
  • (18) April 17, 2013 The third floor isn't doing so well either: Rebecca Berg (@rebeccagberg) Capitol police email Senate offices: Police "are responding to a suspicious envelope on the third floor of the Hart Senate Office Building."
  • (19) But congressional aides said that House speaker John Boehner has not communicated his intentions for a floor vote to Sensenbrenner.
  • (20) The effects of maxillary protracting bow appliance were the maxillary forward movement associated with counter-clockwise rotation of the nasal floor and the mandibular backward movement associated with clockwise rotation.

Words possibly related to "bed"