(1) That’s the kind of paranoia Domestic Drone Countermeasures (DDC) is hoping to tap into with its new personal drone detection system (PDDS) Kickstarter project – a black box that promises to go beep when a drone flies within 15m of its sensors.
(2) So all "conversations" would effectively run like this (I'll translate as we go along): You: Beep ("PLEASE AUTHENTICATE MY EXISTENCE.")
(3) Almost 30 minutes after the protest was due to end taxis still lined the roads around Charing Cross, beeping their horns continuously.
(4) It sounds like you're at sea, I say, between the beeps and crackles.
(5) Instead of R-wave synchronous beeping tones during deactivation, double beeping tones were heard.
(6) The BEEP program has relevance for pediatric practice in demonstrating a component of health care with greater diagnostic and therapeutic responsibility for educational competence in young children.
(7) Ireland wasn’t always this way: cars beeping in approval at our giant rainbow flags.
(8) The black box, which claims to beep when a non-military drone flies within 15 metres of it, is available on the crowd funding site Kickstarter.
(9) Instead of having to think of an amusing Facebook update to impress your friends, each of whom is so consumed with agonising over their own update they're only pretending to pay attention anyway, you simply push a button and transmit a little beep.
(10) Google Play (@GooglePlay) First R2D2 was all like "Beep boop beep" and then #BB8 was all like "Beep beep boop."
(11) Only a handful of demonstrators are visible, but drivers beep their horns in support as they drive past.
(12) Film-buyers flit around, desperately trying to discover which films are beeping on their rivals' radar, and to establish what is being bought and by whom.
(13) It begins with a slow beep that fades in over a minute and a half.
(14) The only sound is the chirping of late-summer cicadas and the occasional beep of a Geiger counter.
(15) The main disadvantage of the technique is the necessity of interruption of the patient's physical activity at the moment of recording indicated by an audible "beep".
(16) I'd favour a short, electronic beep, not unlike the noise emitted each time Pac-Man eats a dot.
(17) Photograph: AP Nevertheless, celebrations in the Gambia began as soon as Barrow had made his speech, with drivers beeping their horns in elation and people leaning out of car windows, waving their arms, in scenes reminiscent of the outpouring of joy after the election result was announced.
(18) Yet nobody testing the system seems to have tried generating the beep in the operator's ear by the electronic equivalent of a coin flip.
(19) A policewoman hops to the side, to avoid blocking our shot, and there's a chorus of clicks, whirrs and focus beeps.
(20) Mark wrote to me to say: ‘[beep] off, you look like an alien egg’.
(superl.) Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular dimension (measured from the surface downward, and distinguished from high, which is measured upward); far to the bottom; having a certain depth; as, a deep sea.
(superl.) Extending far back from the front or outer part; of great horizontal dimension (measured backward from the front or nearer part, mouth, etc.); as, a deep cave or recess or wound; a gallery ten seats deep; a company of soldiers six files deep.
(superl.) Low in situation; lying far below the general surface; as, a deep valley.
(superl.) Hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; -- opposed to shallow or superficial; intricate; mysterious; not obvious; obscure; as, a deep subject or plot.
(superl.) Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial; thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning.
(superl.) Profound; thorough; complete; unmixed; intense; heavy; heartfelt; as, deep distress; deep melancholy; deep horror.
(superl.) Strongly colored; dark; intense; not light or thin; as, deep blue or crimson.
(superl.) Of low tone; full-toned; not high or sharp; grave; heavy.
(superl.) Muddy; boggy; sandy; -- said of roads.
(adv.) To a great depth; with depth; far down; profoundly; deeply.
(n.) That which is deep, especially deep water, as the sea or ocean; an abyss; a great depth.
(n.) That which is profound, not easily fathomed, or incomprehensible; a moral or spiritual depth or abyss.
Example Sentences:
(1) Four showed bronchodilation after a deep breath, indicating that this response can occur after extrinsic pulmonary denervation in man.
(2) The deep cerebellar nuclei were moderately labeled at birth and gradually decreased in density thereafter.
(3) In order to develop a sampling strategy and a method for analyzing the circadian body temperature pattern, we monitored estimates of the temperature in four ways using rectal, oral, axillary and deep body temperature from the skin surface every hour for 72 consecutive hours in 10 normal control subjects.
(4) In case of isolated damage of deep flexor tendon of the II-V fingers at the level of the I zone there were made palliative operations of 12 fingers: tenodesis and arthrodesis of distal interphalangeal articulation in functionally advantageous position.
(5) Many speak about how yoga and surfing complement each other, both involving deep concentration, flexibility and balance.
(6) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(7) We report a rare case of odontogenic abscess, detected while the patient was in the intensive care unit (ICU), which resulted in sepsis and the patient's death due to mediastinitis, skull osteomyelitis, and deep neck cellulitis.
(8) It is concluded that the transcutaneous ultrasound technique provides a reliable, rapidly available, non-invasive method to confirm the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis.
(9) After permeabilization, with attendant partial extraction, the preparation can be fixed, then viewed by either deep-etch replication, or by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, with structure of interest revealed in deep view.
(10) The deep green people who have an issue with the language of natural capital are actually making the same jump from value to commodification that they state that they don’t want ... They’ve equated one with the other,” he says.
(11) In other words, the commitment to the euro is too deep to be forsaken.
(12) The periodic pattern was assumed as subclinical focal seizure discharges from the right anterior temporal deep structures.
(13) Inner Ear Decompression Sickness (IEDCS)--manifested by tinnitus, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and hearing loss--is usually associated with deep air or mixed gas dives, and accompanied by other CNS symptoms of decompression sickness (DCS).
(14) "She was a beautiful woman, she had beautiful, deep green eyes.
(15) On taking office Lansley admitted this was not a deep enough cut.
(16) Since he was created, he has appeared at several robotic fairs across China, but spends most of his time in deep meditation on an office shelf in Longquan.
(17) However, the typically deep invasion of the former tumors and their histologic features indicate that they are highly aggressive neoplasms.
(18) This was followed firstly by superficial and then by deep ulceration of the mucosa.
(19) In deep forms of acne, particularly acne conglobata, Akne-Mycyna may be a valuable supplementation of systemic treatment.
(20) The soleus, deep portions of the vastus lateralis, and superficial portions of the vastus lateralis muscles were examined to represent slow-twitch-oxidative, fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic, and fast-twitch-glycolytic skeletal muscle fiber types, respectively.