(n.) A title of honor in Turkey and in some other parts of the East; a bey.
(v. t.) To ask earnestly for; to entreat or supplicate for; to beseech.
(v. t.) To ask for as a charity, esp. to ask for habitually or from house to house.
(v. t.) To make petition to; to entreat; as, to beg a person to grant a favor.
(v. t.) To take for granted; to assume without proof.
(v. t.) To ask to be appointed guardian for, or to ask to have a guardian appointed for.
(v. i.) To ask alms or charity, especially to ask habitually by the wayside or from house to house; to live by asking alms.
Example Sentences:
(1) I had to beg to stay in the apartment I was living in at the time for another night.
(2) She said: “Begging can cause considerable concern to residents, workers and visitors, particularly those who feel intimidated by this activity.” In Merseyside, Ch Insp Mark Morgan insisted his force did not prosecute vulnerable people unless they were aggressive, repeat offenders who had failed to engage in offers of support.
(3) The other day I had to BEG a meeting with [BBC1 controller] Jay Hunt, just so I could explain what we're spending all her money on in Doctor Who.
(4) x head "We have the begging bowl out to Europe in the hope of stabilising our economy.
(5) This begs the question of whether racism informed the way he was treated.
(6) The weakest free schools have ineffective leadership ... with little challenge to tackle poor performance.” The report said that the best leaders “understand inspection”, begging the question of whether schools are expected to lead for Ofsted?
(7) Since this dedicated unit was disbanded there has been a significant increase in the numbers of people who are begging, she told the council earlier this year.
(8) Flattered, entreated, begged by the rest of the committee, he did not yield: "Recommendations are recommendations, there it is"; and "I honestly believe it's all there"; "I promise you I have done my very best"; "if I hadn't thought my recommendations were fit for purpose, I would not have made them"; "with all due respect, I could not have done any more than I did".
(9) Any Championship managers watching this will most definitely not be looking forward to next season’s meetings with Newcastle, which rather begs the question: how on earth did it come this?
(10) I begged them to take me to the toilet when we stopped but they refused.
(11) Two of them begged for a rescue mission in phone calls yesterday, as the battles raged through a powerful sandstorm that shrouded the city from journalists and anxious refugees who have been watching the fighting from the safety of Turkish soil, just a few hundred feet away.
(12) She said that although Unicef was doing all it could to protect Syrian children and to help them continue their education, it was a difficult task: some have taken to begging or working in fields or factories to help supplement their families' income, and many girls are getting married earlier without finishing their schooling.
(13) Trump responded by recalling Romney “begging” for his endorsement four years before.
(14) I had seen him begging in the city centre a few times and had slipped him a few bob from time to time.
(15) Some say they were trying to reach Algeria to beg on city streets, others that Europe was their destination.
(16) However this begs the question, if Spotify are not the enemy, who is?
(17) Then go beg the lady with the clipboard, while others swan past to join the cocktail-swilling vacationers swathed in white linen on the porch.
(18) However, providers, physicians and hospitals are begging for relief from the burden of uncompensated care.
(19) Instead, I made my way to Satis to beg Miss Havisham to secretly confer several thousand pounds on Herbert.
(20) It begs the question – were the comments he made after the Hillsborough panel report sincere or just sound bites?"
(n.) The act of countenancing, or the condition of being countenanced, or regarded propitiously; support; promotion; befriending.
(n.) A kind act or office; kindness done or granted; benevolence shown by word or deed; an act of grace or good will, as distinct from justice or remuneration.
(n.) Mildness or mitigation of punishment; lenity.
(n.) The object of regard; person or thing favored.
(n.) A gift or represent; something bestowed as an evidence of good will; a token of love; a knot of ribbons; something worn as a token of affection; as, a marriage favor is a bunch or knot of white ribbons or white flowers worn at a wedding.
(n.) Appearance; look; countenance; face.
(n.) Partiality; bias.
(n.) A letter or epistle; -- so called in civility or compliment; as, your favor of yesterday is received.
(n.) Love locks.
(n.) To regard with kindness; to support; to aid, or to have the disposition to aid, or to wish success to; to be propitious to; to countenance; to treat with consideration or tenderness; to show partiality or unfair bias towards.
(n.) To afford advantages for success to; to facilitate; as, a weak place favored the entrance of the enemy.
(n.) To resemble in features; to have the aspect or looks of; as, the child favors his father.
Example Sentences:
(1) While it is true that Clinton’s favorability rating is languishing among all voters, her favorability among Democrats is as robust as Biden’s, at nearly 75% .
(2) Conditions consistent with a buildup of reduced flavoprotein, however, favored filament formation.
(3) Only Arteparon had a favorable effect on the integrity of the articular surface.
(4) In fact, the distribution of [3H]oleate between plasma membranes and unilamellar vesicles of lipids extracted from these membranes was in favor of the lipids, indicating the absence of a detectable amount of binding to a putative fatty acid binding protein in plasma membranes.
(5) During the interview process, nurse applicants frequently inquire about the availability of such a program and have been very favorably impressed when we have been able to offer them this approach to orientation.
(6) The accumulated evidence would strongly favor an affirmative answer.
(7) Our findings suggest that many traditional biological features used to estimate prognosis in ALL can be discarded in favor of clinical features (leukocyte count, age, and race) and cytogenetics (ploidy) for planning of future clinical trials.
(8) Although histologic proof of regression is not available, this experience suggests a more favorable prognosis than previously thought possible.
(9) Pathological changes may, thus, be initially confined to projecting and intrinsic neurons localized in cortical and subcortical olfactory structures; arguments are advanced which favor the view that excitotoxic phenomena could be mainly responsible for the overall degenerative picture.
(10) This structural change opens the heme pocket and modifies the general conformation of the EF segment, thus explaining the increase in oxygen affinity and the achievement of a three-dimensional structure favoring asparagine deamidation.
(11) The reported study demonstrates that performance asymmetries between normal or reflected letters presented in the right and left visual field favors the right visual field when stimulus patterns are blocked and rotated 90 degrees clockwise and favors the left visual field when they are blocked and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.
(12) Generally the course of symptoms was more favorable, when people found a satisfactory job.
(13) The compounds favored the development of bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and inhibited the growth of all other gram-negative bacteria.
(14) This compares favorably to our previous experience in survivors of prehospital cardiac arrest not receiving a controlled antiarrhythmic program.
(15) The same experimental conditions that favored a large component of Cao-activated Na efflux also caused a large increase in Ca influx.
(16) In favorable cases, tRNA-DNA hybrids of length about 80 nucleotide pairs can be recognized (although with difficulty).
(17) Patients with grade 2 carcinoma could be separated into one subgroup with small nuclei (mean nuclear area less than or equal to 95 microns2) having a favorable outcome (5-year survival rate: 100%), and into another subgroup with large nuclei (mean nuclear area greater than 95 microns2) showing a worse prognosis (5-year survival rate: 63.2%) (Mantel-Cox, P = .01).
(18) The favorable prognosis is due solely to the fact that women with an IUD have far less negative antecedents and that the EP probably occurred due to impaired ciliary action, reversible when the IUD is removed.
(19) Employment patterns favored men returning to work, and number of hours worked was highly correlated with less depression, younger age, and return of energy.
(20) The immunologic technique compared favorably with the autoradiographic methods performed concurrently on the same cultures.