(1) The Cheka begat the NKVD, the NKVD led to the KGB and now the FSB.
(2) The screen adaptation , however, finessed its narrative problems and begat a sleek and vividly thrilling movie from the then unknown wunderkind Steven Spielberg.
(3) However, the foundation for success has been laid – the same foundation that led to Donovan's one shot, and the celebrations it begat.
(4) Also, Pryor begat Murphy who begat Rock, so it means even more to me.
(5) The 1950s saw TV's first soap opera boom, which begat the blueprint doctors-and-nurses serial General Hospital, recognised by Guinness as the longest-running US TV drama.
(6) Virality begat virality and one of the most talked about responses was from Betty Ming Liu, a former newspaper columnist who now teaches journalism at New York University.
(7) Later, iTunes begat the App Store, a service that solidified the App Phone genre.
(v. t.) To procreate, as a father or sire; to generate; -- commonly said of the father.
(v. t.) To get (with child.)
(v. t.) To produce as an effect; to cause to exist.
Example Sentences:
(1) Another example is the death in 1817 of Princess Charlotte, in childbirth, which led to the scramble of George III's aging sons to marry and beget an heir to the throne.
(2) I believe in due process of law; I know violence begets violence.
(3) The temporal progression of CHF from a mild to a severe state need not be a sign of progressive pathology of heart muscle, but rather a result of feedback circuits where failure begets failure and leads to progressive cardiac enlargement, progressive hypervolemia, and peripheral edema.
(4) Alexander said she thinks piracy is necessary because of country content restrictions, and that while the wealth piracy begets for the pirates isn’t right, the freedom of access to content is.
(5) As long as universities favour privately educated applicants, money will beget money.
(6) This reluctance flows from not only from our humanitarian ideals but from our experience that violence usually begets violence.
(7) It is proposed that this test should be made generally available in Southeast Asia and Southern China, in order to identify couples who are at risk of begetting fetuses afflicted with homozygous alpha-thalassemia.
(8) Knowledge begets increased output and liberates resources for further investment.
(9) Solomon Mercado (@M3rcMyWords) But yeah Max Kellerman better never plan a visit to the Philippines.... May 3, 2015 Leizl de los Reyes (@leizlgd) @MaxKellerman_ Respect begets respect.
(10) This begets responsibility – and no country is more aware of this than the Federal Republic.
(11) However, the only alternative is the terrible dystopia unfolding before our eyes as the EU disintegrates; David Cameron celebrates the potential exclusion of some eastern Europeans from social security benefits; ambition is renationalised; xenophobia surges; and newer and taller fences are built begetting insecurity in the name of … security.
(12) The middle class, of course: in the feedback loop of the bourgeoisie, their behaviour (breastfeeding, long maternity leave and well-planned paternity leave) begets better bonding, leads them to care more, which leads to even better behaviour.
(13) A male and female left to their own devices for one year – the average lifespan of a city rat – can beget 15,000 descendants.
(14) And God, the all-powerful creator, capable of moving mountains and of begetting a universe with all the laws of physics, couldn't find a better way to lift the burden of sin than a blood sacrifice.
(15) Social media, including Facebook, has been shown to have contagious effects on mood and behaviour, with negative comments begetting negative feelings and further comments even if they are not directed towards the reader.
(16) It was concluded that involuntary sterilization of mentally incompetent persons can be deemed legally acceptable if the person is incapable of valid consent; has a big possibility of begetting genetically defective offspring; and is permanently incapable of being a competent parent.
(17) The Hebrew word for "know" (yada') means both to know and to beget.
(18) The experience of Iraq and Afghanistan illustrates, although in different circumstances, how the overthrow of a tyrant can beget a long-running insurgency or civil war.
(19) As well as huge insecurity, disorganised capitalism begets disorganised politics: as Labour and the Tories find their respective support bases pushed down, so a Great Beyond opens, where seemingly anything can happen, from the shortlived rise of the BNP to the even briefer high summer of Cleggmania .
(20) They knew that violence mostly escalates and begets more violence.