(1) The Cheka begat the NKVD, the NKVD led to the KGB and now the FSB.
(2) The screen adaptation , however, finessed its narrative problems and begat a sleek and vividly thrilling movie from the then unknown wunderkind Steven Spielberg.
(3) However, the foundation for success has been laid – the same foundation that led to Donovan's one shot, and the celebrations it begat.
(4) Also, Pryor begat Murphy who begat Rock, so it means even more to me.
(5) The 1950s saw TV's first soap opera boom, which begat the blueprint doctors-and-nurses serial General Hospital, recognised by Guinness as the longest-running US TV drama.
(6) Virality begat virality and one of the most talked about responses was from Betty Ming Liu, a former newspaper columnist who now teaches journalism at New York University.
(7) Later, iTunes begat the App Store, a service that solidified the App Phone genre.
(imp.) of Beget
(p. p.) of Beget
() imp. & p. p. of Beget.
Example Sentences:
(1) Intimate alignment of surgeons with physiologists of the circulation begot intracardiac surgery, a significant innovation with consequences of tremendous import for greater medicine's advance.
(2) In England property begot a strong place sense, but Americans, restless and with shallow roots, needed fins and wings.
(3) This paper describes the inception of a scientific movement (the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology); the individuals who begot it; the two journals and numerous scientific articles which resulted; its effects in stimulating new areas of teaching and of theoretical development; and its international reception as well as its successes and failures in stimulating the creation of satellite societies on the same pattern.