(n.) An old woman in general; especially, an ugly old woman; a hag.
Example Sentences:
(1) View the wither’d Beldam’s face; Can thy keen inspection trace Aught of Humanity’s sweet, melting grace?
(n.) An old ewe.
(n.) An old woman; -- usually in contempt.
(n.) An old man; especially, a man who talks and acts like an old woman.
Example Sentences:
(1) So Crone spoke to someone in London, who also had no knowledge.
(2) • Crone and the former NoW editor Colin Myler "misled the committee by answering questions falsely about their knowledge of evidence that other News of the World employees had been involved in phone-hacking and other wrongdoing".
(3) The News Group Newspapers head of legal, Tom Crone, told the committee in July that he was 20.
(4) It accused Colin Myler, a former editor of the News of the World, and the paper's ex-head of legal, Tom Crone, deliberately withheld crucial information and answered questions falsely.
(5) Relationships deteriorated between Brooks and her team and Colin Myler, the News of the World editor, and the paper's chief lawyer, Tom Crone, both of whom were no longer involved in internal inquiries relating to phone hacking.
(6) The then News of the World editor, Colin Myler, and legal counsel, Tom Crone, are also understood to have seen it.
(7) Tom Crone, legal manager for News Group, told the committee Mulcaire, jailed for six months in January 2007 for hacking into voicemails of royal aides and others, had received a settlement, though it "bore no relation" to the £200,000 suggested by one MP.
(8) Tom Crone, the legal manager for News Group, the News International subsidiary that publishes the News of the World, said Mulcaire had earned rights as a contracted employee with a annual deal with the worth more than £100,000.
(9) Neville Thurlbeck claimed Colin Myler, the former News of the World editor, and Tom Crone, the former head of legal at the newspaper, had left him "to dangle as a suspect for the next two years" after he first told them in July 2009 that he had "final proof" that phone-hacking at the paper went beyond a single "rogue reporter".
(10) Murdoch, also the chairman and chief executive of News International parent company News Corporation's businesses in Europe and Asia, was told about the Taylor claim, and Crone continued negotiations with the PFA boss until a settlement was agreed last year, Myler told the committee.
(11) In July 2009 the News of the World's editor, Colin Myler, told MPs that he and the paper's top lawyer, Tom Crone, briefed James Murdoch over a proposed £700,000 payment to Gordon Taylor, of the Professional Footballers' Association, to settle a case over alleged hacking of his phone.
(12) Crone responded that Mulcaire apparently did have such rights.
(13) The News International head of legal, Tom Crone, and the News of the World editor, Colin Myler, took the settlement figure to Murdoch for his approval, MPs on the Commons culture, media and sport select committee hearing into privacy, press standards and libel heard.
(14) This feat he proudly recorded: “One cackling young crone claimed loudly that I had no evidence.” As well as limiting access to abortion and excluding women from company boards and any other careers where they might take men’s jobs, Mr Buchanan hopes, with his election campaign, to inflict especial damage on the Labour party, to which end he is standing against Gloria de Piero .
(15) "Every single case against us from breach of privacy, unless information is out there in public domain, results in very strict confidentiality clause," Crone said.
(16) In the brain, the reference molecule was an intravascular marker (Crone's method) whereas inthe salivary gland the reference was an extracellular marker of similar size to the test molecule.
(17) Today, Labour MP Paul Farrelly, a member of the culture select committee, put these comments to Crone and asked how the company could continue to maintain that it had no evidence of wider evidence of phone hacking.
(18) MPs said that Myler and Crone deliberately withheld crucial information and answered falsely questions put by the committee.
(19) Temperature effects on the permeabilities of the structured endothelium and epithelium to antipyrine (AP) have been determined with the indicator dilution technique in isolated rat and dog lungs perfused between 38 and 8 degrees C. Permeability coefficients of the endothelium to AP [Pendo(AP)] from the Crone equation are smaller than values for isolated endothelial cells but close to the permeability coefficient of the interstitial epithelial plasmalemma [Pepi(AP)] obtained from physical and mathematical models.
(20) The committee is due to hear evidence from Colin Myler, the current editor of the News of the World, and Tom Crone, the paper's lawyer, next week.