

  • (v.) To make a hollow, loud noise, as an enraged bull.
  • (v.) To bowl; to vociferate; to clamor.
  • (v.) To roar; as the sea in a tempest, or as the wind when violent; to make a loud, hollow, continued sound.
  • (v. t.) To emit with a loud voice; to shout; -- used with out.
  • (n.) A loud resounding outcry or noise, as of an enraged bull; a roar.

Compare bellow with other words:

bellow vs. rave

bellow vs. fellow

ballow vs. bellow

bellow vs. mellow

bellow vs. yellow

bellow vs. yelp

bellow vs. whine

bellow vs. snap

bellow vs. screech

bellow vs. mutter

bellow vs. wraith

bellow vs. wail

bellow vs. grumble

bellow vs. rebellow

bellow vs. mugient

bellow vs. bellower

bellow vs. bottom

bellow vs. below

bellow vs. groan

bellow vs. shout

bellow vs. shriek

bellow vs. under

bellow vs. bellowing

bellow vs. billow

bellow vs. scream

bellow vs. bray

bellow vs. blore

bellow vs. roar

bellow vs. rout

bell vs. bellow

bark vs. bellow

bellow vs. yell