(n.) That which engirdles a person or thing; a band or girdle; as, a lady's belt; a sword belt.
(n.) That which restrains or confines as a girdle.
(n.) Anything that resembles a belt, or that encircles or crosses like a belt; a strip or stripe; as, a belt of trees; a belt of sand.
(n.) Same as Band, n., 2. A very broad band is more properly termed a belt.
(n.) One of certain girdles or zones on the surface of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, supposed to be of the nature of clouds.
(n.) A narrow passage or strait; as, the Great Belt and the Lesser Belt, leading to the Baltic Sea.
(n.) A token or badge of knightly rank.
(n.) A band of leather, or other flexible substance, passing around two wheels, and communicating motion from one to the other.
(n.) A band or stripe, as of color, round any organ; or any circular ridge or series of ridges.
(v. t.) To encircle with, or as with, a belt; to encompass; to surround.
(v. t.) To shear, as the buttocks and tails of sheep.
Example Sentences:
(1) Gladstone's speech was not made in Parliament, but to a crowd of landless agricultural workers and miners in Scotland's central belt, Gove pointed out.
(2) The most common seenario was a vehicle-vehicle collision in which seat belts were not used and the decedent or the decedent's driver was at fault.
(3) Thirty adult male Wister rats were pretrained to criterion on the moving belt test, and then made tolerant to ethanol by daily administration of increasing doses over a period of 3 weeks.
(4) The extra enforcement produced increases in the use of seat belts by drivers during the four months of the heightened enforcement.
(5) Two hundred and forty-four motor car occupants involved in road traffic accidents, who sustained injuries sufficiently severe to require admission to hospital, have been investigated in order to assess the value of seat belts.
(6) A woman in labor and not wearing a seat belt sustained multiple fractures of the pelvis and femur while in an automobile accident.
(7) He has some suggestions for what might be done, including easing changing the planning laws to free up parts of the green belt, financial incentives to persuade local authorities to build, and the replacement of the council tax and stamp duty land tax with a new local property tax with automatic annual revaluations.
(8) We analized 71 car head-on collisions with 100 persons involved wearing seat belts.
(9) The cola accuminata is more popular in the Ibo and Igedde tribes of the Eastern and Middle Belt regions respectively in Nigeria, while cola nitida is preferred by the Hausa-Fulani tribes of the Northern part of Nigeria.
(10) The records of 950 MVA-related injury victims treated at San Francisco General Hospital during comparable 3-month periods in 1985 (451) and 1986 (499) were reviewed to assess the effect of seat belt legislation on reduction of maxillofacial trauma.
(11) People were holding on to him, trying to pull themselves up by his belt, but only succeeded in dragging him into the water.
(12) The son of the slain Afghan police commander (who is the husband of one of the killed pregnant woman and brother of the other) says that villagers refer to US Special Forces as the "American Taliban" and that he refrained from putting on a suicide belt and attacking US soldiers with it only because of the pleas of his grieving siblings.
(13) In a complex so large that travelator conveyor belts were installed to ferry visitors between the exhibition halls, the multitude of new gadgets on display can be bewildering.
(14) A leaked cabinet committee memo in 2010 showed coalition ministers were advised on coming into government that it was wrong "to regard radicalisation in this country as a linear 'conveyor belt' moving from grievance, through radicalisation, to violence … This thesis seems to both misread the radicalisation process and to give undue weight to ideological factors".
(15) Motor vehicle occupants may suffer severe cervical airway injuries as the result of impaction with the steering wheel, dashboard, windshield, backseat, and seat belt.
(16) A woman who was 30 weeks pregnant was sitting with a three-point seat belt fastened in the front passenger seat of an automobile that was involved in a head-on collision.
(17) "Celtic fans still regularly belt out The Ballad of Willie Maley," writes Mark Sheffield.
(18) A pair of bizarre photographs have been widely circulated online, that appear to show alleged EgyptAir hijacker Seif Eldin Mustafa posing for pictures with passengers in what is believed to have been a fake suicide belt.
(19) There's a lot of money betting that you soon will and that device will look a lot like something you own already – a belt, a watch, glasses.
(20) Tight junctions only occur in inflamed tissue between the most superficial cells usually as part of a lateral intercellular junctional complex that also contains belt desmosomes.
(v. t.) To form a circle about; to inclose within a circle or ring; to surround; as, to encircle one in the arms; the army encircled the city.
Example Sentences:
(1) After 1 day in vitro the explants were partly encircled by epithelium which had proliferated from the cut edges of the explant and from rete ridges near the cut edge (epiboly).
(2) More distally the nerve fibres consist only of one axon encircled by a Schwann cell.
(3) Foveal involvement included coarse foveal granularity, thinning of the foveal retinal pigment epithelium, increasing encirclement of the fovea with focal areas of atrophy, and minimal macular drusen.
(4) The roentgenographic appearance of most lesions consisted of a radiolucent central nidus encircled by sclerotic bone.
(5) At the ultrastructural level, kynurenine aminotransferase immunoreactive astrocytic processes were apparent throughout the neuropil where they often encircled capillaries and surrounded axospinous synapses.
(6) The bands encircle the muscle fiber perpendicular to the long axis of the fiber and they matched the sites of attachment of the sarcomeres to the plasma membrane.
(7) These and other results indicate that the junctional complex encircling the apical surface of a sheet of MDCK cells can provide an effective permeability barrier constituting a true occluding junction with the same properties in hemicyst and nonhemicyst areas.
(8) Encircling endocardial resection, with complete removal of endocardial scar unguided by intraoperative mapping, was employed in 10 patients with drug-resistant sustained ventricular tachycardia.
(9) The nerve bundles, encircled by basal lamina, were enclosed by a thin connective tissue layer and by flattened fibroblast-like cells.
(10) Within these fields, the development of perineuronal baskets followed a similar medial to lateral sequence: DA axons first surrounded a few neuronal cell bodies at P3 in the medial part of the intermediate LSN; at P6, Met-IR axons encircled more laterally located perikarya, and only at P9, some neurons located along the ventricle in the lateral DA field became surrounded.
(11) Ventricular tachycardias occurring after myocardial infarction (MI) and resistant to medical treatment were successfully treated in 5 patients by encircling endocardial ventriculotomy.
(12) At the end of the third reperfusion day, an atypical form of bouton degeneration was found, consisting of massive occurrence of enlarged (greater than 4 microns) boutons encircled by a clear halo.
(13) The preservation of the His bundle connection is explained by the failure of the sulcus to completely encircle the heart.
(14) Examinations of stages of fibril development in muscle fibers of seven Rhesus monkey and six human fetuses reveal SR tubules encircling the Z lines at all stages of fibril development.
(15) All patients had undergone pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil injection for proliferative vitreoretinopathy; five patients had encircling solid silicone scleral buckles.
(16) Vibrassae show up as hair follicles plunged in a blood sinus encircled by a thick connective capsule.
(17) From these primary processes, secondary ones arise and often encircle the vessel almost completely.
(18) The "dangerous zones" are situated at the base of the right-side surface of the interatrial septum above the fibrous ring of the septal cusp of the tricuspid valve, along the base of the membranous segment of the interventricular septum, in front of the posterior fibrous triangle, and at the fibrous ring encircling the bases of the posterior and right aortic semilunar valves.
(19) Thus, under these circumstances, the message from the neuron to the oligodendrocyte to make myelin is apparently intact, yet there is interference with the ability of the oligodendroglial cell process to find, attach to and encircle CNS axons with a normal myelin sheath.
(20) Intraocular pressure was recorded continuously during intravitreal infusion of saline solution before and after the application of encircling silicone elements.