(1) Had not Jaggers summoned me to see him on the day of my majority some years later, I might have wondered at the psychological implausibility of an old woman training a child to be a psychopath, but luckily I was so caught up by the possibility of my benefactor's name being revealed that the thought quite slipped my mind.
(2) In the absence of foreign benefactors it makes financial sense, and also appeals to the supporters in control, to give young German players an opportunity.
(3) Airline shares are leading the charge -- they're an obvious benefactor from the lower oil price.
(4) The contemporary family romance myth of the secret benefactor as rescuer is described.
(5) Kim Jong-un's need for cash has grown more urgent following tough UN sanctions in response to recent missile and nuclear tests, which also prompted China, the North's main benefactor, to rein in its assistance.
(6) His benefactors, he says, are "rather lovely people, who say: 'I'm a little bit Red, I'm a little bit Tory.
(7) It reveals seven foundation benefactors linked to HSBC bank accounts in Geneva, who have donated, in total, as much as $81m.
(8) The army's equipment is now so poor that soldiers typically buy their own uniforms and most military equipment, or rely on private benefactors.
(9) The nation faces losing further culturally important works, including Poussin's The Infant Moses trampling Pharaoh's Crown (c1645-6) and a 1641 Van Dyck self-portrait, unless rich benefactors can find £26.5m to save them before temporary export bans run out.
(10) Makhaya wrote: “These contradictions, Rhodes the pillager and Rhodes the benefactor, are a symbol of our country’s evolution towards a yet to be attained just and inclusive order.
(11) She knows he is a national treasure, both as a footballing icon and benefactor to many of Liberia's poor.
(12) The children's relatively good scores on the tests may be understood by placing their abandonment in a cultural perspective, which includes the children's strong peer support system, their access to adult benefactors, and the fact that the children were developing in an orderly fashion from matrifocal families.
(13) I must confess to having been a little surprised at being asked to give The Dental School Founders' and Benefactors' Lecture this year.
(14) "If you thought your benefactor's name was to be revealed, then you are greatly mistaken," said Jaggers.
(15) HSBC executives continued to so business with Al Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia, even after it emerged that its owners had links to organizations financing terrorism and that one of the bank's founders was an early financial benefactor of al-Qaida.
(16) Last week it was revealed he had used a network of benefactors – including tapping Mandela for a 3m rand (£214,000) gift – who shelled out millions of rand to sustain him and his 21-child family.
(17) I have never met or spoken with him, and it’s rare in this life to find such a selfless benefactor.
(18) To imagine the US president negotiating with these countries as if he were a benefactor discussing how fast wealth should be transferred from west to east is just not realistic.
(19) Concerns are heightened by their being dependent on a single benefactor, the owner Eddie Davies.
(20) With President Trump in a position to personally benefit financially from his world-wide business enterprises, the American people will not be able to tell whose interests are represented by the president’s policy decisions: Trump’s financial interests, his benefactors’ interests, or the interests of the American people.” Nor is the long-awaited plan likely to appease Trump’s government critics.
(a.) Doing or producing good; performing acts of kindness and charity; characterized by beneficence.
Example Sentences:
(1) Prenatal informed consent for sonogram, a primarily autonomy-based indication, should be given the same weight in clinical judgment and practice as the beneficence-based indications listed by the National Institutes of Health consensus panel.
(2) We discuss the benefice of a such therapeutic option in the true hermaphroditism lately diagnosed recording to organic and psychological data.
(3) Then, acting on a refusal of treatment would amount to acting on unreliable clinical judgment, justifying the physician's resisting the patient's exercising a positive right when fulfilling that positive right contradicts the most highly reliable clinical judgment, dooms the beneficence-based interests of the fetus, and virtually dooms the beneficence-based interests of the pregnant woman.
(4) Therapy appeared beneficent in half of the cases, but only one patient was markedly improved.
(5) The ethical problems for 3 groups of agents (informants and other relatives, including the deceased; the researcher; and the research) are discussed according to 3 basic ethical principles (nonmaleficence, beneficence and respect for autonomy).
(6) Because humans are the subjects in clinical research, this area of scientific study must operate within the limits dictated by such basic principles as individual autonomy, justice, and beneficence.
(7) We can see from the examples discussed that there are many instances where principles, guidelines, rules or laws propounded for the benefit of one party may restrain autonomy, beneficence and justice done to another.
(8) The choice of when and how to use behavioral interventions and the implications of these choices may present the nurse with certain ethical dilemmas related to ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and maleficence.
(9) In a previous essay I criticized Engelhardt's libertarian conception of justice, which grounds the view that society's obligation to assure access to adequate health care for all is a matter of beneficence.
(10) When consideration is given to the underlying principles of autonomy and beneficence, a case can be made for weak paternalistic interventions with persons of diminished capacity who are clearly endangered and in whom the conduct involved is substantially nonvoluntary.
(11) Thanks to the beneficence of its owner he and his allies have recently moved into a derelict 19th-century sea fort on the tiny island of Stack Rock, taking with them camping supplies and generators.
(12) Up until now, it's mostly shown off the times when it's done so with beneficent aims: promoting organ donors, or voters.
(13) When there are no beneficence-based obligations to the fetus, the physician should recommend only termination of pregnancy or nonaggressive management.
(14) The question of beneficence and non-maleficence must first be related to the individual and only second to the society.
(15) A beneficence-based construal would yield a much weaker obligation with respect to the distribution of health care.
(16) To allocate resources ethically under the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) system of reimbursement, it will not be sufficient to appeal to traditional patient-centered principles such as individual beneficence and autonomy.
(17) After this evidence has been collected, moral issues of altruism and beneficence can be balanced against the possible detriment to both patient and health care provider, with the highest priority given to the patient's concerns.
(18) Consumers and providers of ECMO services must continue to examine and debate these issues in a reasoned, deliberate fashion and construct the necessary procedural safeguards that will ensure beneficent and just delivery of these services.
(19) In the absence of an acceptable way to give consistent moral priority to any of the criteria, he concludes, practical systems should be set up to resolve conflicts by taking into account the fundamental moral values of respect for autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence while incorporating Aristotle's formal principle of justice.
(20) But the rise of a racist far right across Europe is more than just a predictable cost of an overwhelmingly beneficent change.