(n.) The practice of doing good; active goodness, kindness, or charity; bounty springing from purity and goodness.
Example Sentences:
(1) Prenatal informed consent for sonogram, a primarily autonomy-based indication, should be given the same weight in clinical judgment and practice as the beneficence-based indications listed by the National Institutes of Health consensus panel.
(2) We discuss the benefice of a such therapeutic option in the true hermaphroditism lately diagnosed recording to organic and psychological data.
(3) Then, acting on a refusal of treatment would amount to acting on unreliable clinical judgment, justifying the physician's resisting the patient's exercising a positive right when fulfilling that positive right contradicts the most highly reliable clinical judgment, dooms the beneficence-based interests of the fetus, and virtually dooms the beneficence-based interests of the pregnant woman.
(4) Therapy appeared beneficent in half of the cases, but only one patient was markedly improved.
(5) The ethical problems for 3 groups of agents (informants and other relatives, including the deceased; the researcher; and the research) are discussed according to 3 basic ethical principles (nonmaleficence, beneficence and respect for autonomy).
(6) Because humans are the subjects in clinical research, this area of scientific study must operate within the limits dictated by such basic principles as individual autonomy, justice, and beneficence.
(7) We can see from the examples discussed that there are many instances where principles, guidelines, rules or laws propounded for the benefit of one party may restrain autonomy, beneficence and justice done to another.
(8) The choice of when and how to use behavioral interventions and the implications of these choices may present the nurse with certain ethical dilemmas related to ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and maleficence.
(9) In a previous essay I criticized Engelhardt's libertarian conception of justice, which grounds the view that society's obligation to assure access to adequate health care for all is a matter of beneficence.
(10) When consideration is given to the underlying principles of autonomy and beneficence, a case can be made for weak paternalistic interventions with persons of diminished capacity who are clearly endangered and in whom the conduct involved is substantially nonvoluntary.
(11) Thanks to the beneficence of its owner he and his allies have recently moved into a derelict 19th-century sea fort on the tiny island of Stack Rock, taking with them camping supplies and generators.
(12) Up until now, it's mostly shown off the times when it's done so with beneficent aims: promoting organ donors, or voters.
(13) When there are no beneficence-based obligations to the fetus, the physician should recommend only termination of pregnancy or nonaggressive management.
(14) The question of beneficence and non-maleficence must first be related to the individual and only second to the society.
(15) A beneficence-based construal would yield a much weaker obligation with respect to the distribution of health care.
(16) To allocate resources ethically under the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) system of reimbursement, it will not be sufficient to appeal to traditional patient-centered principles such as individual beneficence and autonomy.
(17) After this evidence has been collected, moral issues of altruism and beneficence can be balanced against the possible detriment to both patient and health care provider, with the highest priority given to the patient's concerns.
(18) Consumers and providers of ECMO services must continue to examine and debate these issues in a reasoned, deliberate fashion and construct the necessary procedural safeguards that will ensure beneficent and just delivery of these services.
(19) In the absence of an acceptable way to give consistent moral priority to any of the criteria, he concludes, practical systems should be set up to resolve conflicts by taking into account the fundamental moral values of respect for autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence while incorporating Aristotle's formal principle of justice.
(20) But the rise of a racist far right across Europe is more than just a predictable cost of an overwhelmingly beneficent change.
(n.) Faithfulness; adherence to right; careful and exact observance of duty, or discharge of obligations.
(n.) Adherence to a person or party to which one is bound; loyalty.
(n.) Adherence to the marriage contract.
(n.) Adherence to truth; veracity; honesty.
Example Sentences:
(1) These lysates are comparable to those of Escherichia coli in transcriptional and translational fidelity and efficiency in response to a given template DNA.
(2) Procaryotic DNA polymerases contain an associated 3'----5' exonuclease activity which provides a proofreading function and contributes substantially to replication fidelity.
(3) In the current study, left ventricular geometry, loading conditions, and contractile state were assessed in 13 patients with nonischemic DCM with the use of simultaneous high-fidelity pressure measurements and echocardiographic recordings.
(4) "He was modelling himself at that time in Ethiopia on Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.
(5) A comparison of two different restriction enzymes, which cleave the plasmid with blunt or cohesive-ended double-strand breaks, did not reveal differences in repair fidelity.
(6) A major limitation of 3-D CT is its inability to reconstruct the pathology of soft tissues with the same fidelity afforded bony structures.
(7) The effect of metal activators on the fidelity of DNA synthesis has been examined.
(8) The spin-spin relaxation time T2 may be estimated using multiecho pulse sequences, but the accuracy of the estimate is dependent on the fidelity of the spin-echo amplitudes, which may be severely compromised by rf pulse and static field imperfections.
(9) The fidelity of base-matching is better in double-stranded transcripts synthesized on rat liver chromatin by homologous polymerase than in those synthesized on it by a bacterial polymerase, or in those synthesized by either of the two polymerases on pure DNA.
(10) Investors include Threadneedle, Fidelity, Blackrock and Standard Life.
(11) Rob Fisher, head of UK personal investments at Fidelity, thinks tax considerations alone make it worthwhile using the full limit.
(12) If you want full flexibility, you will probably have to switch your pension savings to a provider such as Hargreaves Lansdown, Fidelity or Aegon Retiready and manage it from their “platform”.
(13) Replication fidelity is shown to decrease roughly exponentially, and catalytic efficiency is shown to increase with diminishing returns, with the number of letters for a fixed genome length; hence their product, i.e.
(14) In Escherichia coli the dnaQ+ gene, which encodes epsilon, a fidelity subunit of DNA polymerase III, and the rnh+ gene, which encodes RNase H, share a promoter region but are transcribed in opposite directions.
(15) Unsurprisingly, Romney is polling ahead of his rival among Cuban Americans in Miami, where exiles have traditionally supported successive Republican candidates for their hardline stance against the communist regime of Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl.
(16) This indicates that elimination from the nucleotide pool of the oxidized form of guanine nucleotide is important for the high fidelity of DNA synthesis.
(17) Members of each subgroup have similar although not identical restriction maps and show relatively high but varying fidelities of DNA cross reassociation between members.
(18) They could be playing these people – Morales, Chesimard – off as pawns.” While Cuba was once an attractive destination for criminals, revolutionaries and skyjackers – 34 of 62 American plane hijackers flew to Cuba in 1969 – Fidel Castro lost patience with the swarm as early as the 70s.
(19) The high fidelity DNA synthesis in vitro by Thermococcus litoralis DNA polymerase provides good possibilities for maintaining the genetic information of original target DNA sequences intact in the DNA amplification applications.
(20) In Fidel's mind, he was probably acting in self-defence."