(prep.) On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than.
(prep.) At a place or time not yet reached; before.
(prep.) Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength.
(prep.) In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind.
(adv.) Further away; at a distance; yonder.
Example Sentences:
(1) The enzyme, when assayed as either a phospholipase A2 or lysophospholipase, exhibited nonlinear kinetics beyond 1-2 min despite low substrate conversion.
(2) Beyond this, physicians learn from specific problems that arise in practice.
(3) This promotion of repetitive activity by the introduction of additional potassium channels occurred up to an "optimal" value beyond which a further increase in paranodal potassium permeability narrowed the range of currents with a repetitive response.
(4) However, since CR3 does not recognize a hexapeptide containing RGD, we presume that residues beyond the RGD triplet contribute to binding.
(5) This case is unusual in that it demonstrated no malignant epithelium beyond that of a borderline tumor, but met the criteria of malignancy because of its invasiveness and metastasis.
(6) Reversible male contraception is another objective that remains beyond our reach at present.
(7) Newspapers and websites across the country have been reporting the threat facing nursery schools for weeks, from Lancashire to Birmingham and beyond.
(8) It felt like my very existence was being denied,” said Hahn Chae-yoon, executive director of Beyond the Rainbow Foundation.
(9) Echocardiographic findings included an abrupt midsystolic, posterior motion (greater than 3 mm beyond the CD line) in five patients, multiple sequence echoes in six, and posterior coaptation of the mitral valve near the left atrial wall in six.
(10) It’s gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background, and – most important of all, as far as I’m concerned – diversity of thought.” Diversity needs action beyond the Oscars | Letters Read more He may have provided the Richard Littlejohn wishlist from hell – you know the one, about the one-legged black lesbian in a hijab favoured by the politically correct – but as a Hollywood A-lister, the joke’s no longer on him.
(11) The length of delay is determined by unconscious, non-rational processes, and other factors beyond her control.
(12) Histologically, all 17 lesions were squamous cell carcinomas; 10 lesions being mucosal carcinomas, the remaining 7 lesions mucosal carcinomas spreading beyond the epithelial layer.
(13) They were preceded by the publication of The Success and Failure of Picasso (1965) and Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny and the Role of the Artist in the USSR (1969); in one, he made a hopeless mess of Picasso’s later career, though he was not alone in this; in the other, he elevated a brave dissident artist beyond his talents.
(14) Continuous exposure to long days or to short days delayed the first normal luteal cycle beyond 1 yr of age.
(15) Computerized axial tomography diagnosed the injury in 14 of the 24 patients requiring study beyond initial screening.
(16) Cable argued that the additional £30bn austerity proposed by the chancellor after 2015 went beyond the joint coalition commitment to eradicate the structural part of the UK's current budget deficit – the part of non-investment spending that will not disappear even when the economy has fully emerged from the recession of 2008-09.
(17) Many varieties of display beyond the 12-lead ECG are also available in software.
(18) The mean age of gravidae with doubtful smears is about 6 years beyond the mean age of gravidae with positive smears.
(19) Flexion of the knee beyond 40 degrees progressively diminished viability of the edges of the wound, particularly the lateral edge.
(20) As a university student in the early 1980s and a political journalist for most of the 1990s and beyond, I was aware of the issues surrounding Britain's continental occupation.
(a.) Disposed or tending to transgress; faulty; culpable. -
Example Sentences:
(1) It appears likely to argue that it has already taken steps to deal with coaches and lab technicians who transgressed and insist that there is not enough evidence for Russia to be suspended.
(2) Its specific applications in surgical planning include the question of chest wall invasion, brachial plexus involvement, and transgression of the diaphragm, pericardium, or lung apex.
(3) After transgressing of the pathological process to the state of fibrosis the vessels were showing a striped course presenting a greater number of broncho-pulmonary anastomoses.
(4) Both materials elicited a surrounding inflammatory reaction containing macrophages which transgressed the interstices of only the PGA prostheses.
(5) A case of malignant astrocytoma in the frontoparietal parasagittal region with transgression into the overlying dura mater and the skull is presented.
(6) Renal cell carcinomas were single, unilateral, nonwedge-shaped, and exophytic, and easily transgressed the renal capsule.
(7) And that voice like a whip-crack: impish, transgressive, swooping from a mutter to a scream.
(8) Resisting widely-accepted norms involves varying levels of inconvenience and risk, from women getting funny looks on the bus if they’ve not shaved their legs all the way through to rape and murder for more grave “transgressions”.
(9) When both spouses described their mates as transgressive and themselves as ineffectual responders to transgression, the dysfunction reported by both spouses was pronounced.
(10) She said: "To date, the UK Border Force can do little more than accuse me of intending to possibly commit a future transgression, as it has been forced to admit there has been none.
(11) The combat against the streptococcal infection by means of penicillin transgresses into a recidivation prophylaxis with benzathin-penicillin, which is to be performed up to an age of 5 years.
(12) Feinstein, in an extraordinary Senate floor speech, said the CIA had transgressed its constitutional boundaries and prompted a crisis, one that the CIA inspector general is examining.
(13) More than 200 people complained about transgressions including swearing before the 9pm watershed, when Cocozza shouted "fucking have it, get in there" after avoiding being voted out, and glamorising alcohol abuse in clips showing him partying in London nightclubs.
(14) "You do get blasts every now and then about talks or items within political programmes or current affairs programmes where people feel that we have transgressed our impartiality ethos.
(15) Joey's slap in the face to his parents is certainly transgressive, "a stunning act of sedition and a dagger to Patty's heart".
(16) It is "a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the deity, or the interposition of some invisible agent."
(17) Speaking on Monday morning, Hanningfield, a 73-year-old former pig farmer, stopped short of offering an apology for his latest transgression, but said that he had not known what he was doing was wrong and intends to return to the House of Lords after his suspension.
(18) We concluded that aseptic practices, as routinely performed without any noticeable breaks or transgressions, do not guarantee sterility.
(19) His decision to re-integrate Bardsley following a couple of serious disciplinary transgressions during Paolo Di Canio's tenure was rewarded by the full-back's second goal in two games.
(20) However, the manner in which this new system is being implemented in some cases transgresses some fundamental principles of MCQ examinations.