

  • (n.) A handbarrow or portable frame on which a corpse is placed or borne to the grave.
  • (n.) A count of forty threads in the warp or chain of woolen cloth.

Compare bier with other words:

bier vs. tier

bier vs. kier

bier vs. lier

bier vs. birr

bier vs. biker

bier vs. biter

bier vs. wier

bier vs. brier

bier vs. briar

bier vs. hearsecloth

bier vs. pier

beer vs. bier

bier vs. hearse

bier vs. chain

bier vs. warp

bier vs. thread

bier vs. coffin

bier vs. platform

bier vs. stand

bier vs. dead

bier vs. corpse

bier vs. litter