(n.) The protuberant part of a cask, which is usually in the middle.
(n.) That part of a ship's hull or bottom which is broadest and most nearly flat, and on which she would rest if aground.
(n.) Bilge water.
(v. i.) To suffer a fracture in the bilge; to spring a leak by a fracture in the bilge.
(v. i.) To bulge.
(v. t.) To fracture the bilge of, or stave in the bottom of (a ship or other vessel).
(v. t.) To cause to bulge.
Example Sentences:
(1) I get lots of negative emails but the people I meet are always friendly.” The existence of Snopes and similar sites like FactCheck.Org , TruthOrFiction.com and PolitiFact.com raises several questions: who produces the bilge?
(2) When Clegg told his party they were now "the radical middle, governing from the middle for the middle", in the same breath as claiming the heritage of Mill, Lloyd George, Keynes and Beveridge, it was plain bilge.
(3) Clegg said in an Independent interview on Friday that he had joked to Cameron that he was talking "complete bilge" when he defended the first-past-the-post system at prime minister's questions on Wednesday.
(4) "Bilge," he grumbled when another student wanted to know about his links with a lobbying firm that later worked for Colonel Gaddafi.
(5) In the area of non-toxic waste, Genesearch has developed products for on-site treatment of, for example, grease-trap wastes and waste oil in ship bilges; and a large scale process for conversion of municipal grease wastes into protein-rich biomass.
(6) As the election season moves into high gear, co-founder David Mikkelson says “the bilge is rising faster than you can pump”.
(7) The Catholic father in Ken Loach's Jimmy's Hall is just the most implacable enemy of nice-as-pie communists showing everyone a good time; the village imam in Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Winter Sleep is an ingratiating, smirking creep; and the local rev in The Homesman (as played by John Lithgow) is definitely a weasel, rather too obviously grateful not to have to transport three traumatised frontierwomen back east.
(8) Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Winter Sleep was a punishing three-and-a-quarter hour workout from the Turkish master.
(9) The frontrunner is still Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Winter Sleep, a three-and-a-half Turkish drama about an actor grappling with marital breakdown in the mountains.
(10) It tasted as you might imagine licking the slime off a fish that has been left to fester in a warm room for three days might taste; it had the tang of bilge and entrail.
(11) If the bilge pump stops, you are done,” said Cauchi.
(12) "Of course we are fighting it [and] we will win," said Sanci's daughter Bilge Sanci, executive editor at his publishing house Sel Yayincilik.
(13) Imagine the pejorative bilge that they'd stir up and slap on, if it'd been a yarn not about tycoons and warlords but about people outside of the mainstream; an out-of-favour celeb, an immigrant or a gypsy.
(14) There has been one movie which, though not exactly a disappointment, has caused critics to revise their expectations – and that is Winter Sleep , by the Turkish auteur Nuri Bilge Ceylan.
(15) "I kept my silence for weeks and weeks and weeks of ludicrous bilge being put out there [by the no to AV campaign] to dupe and to scare the British people."
(16) "My kingdom may be small but at least I'm the king," boasts the despised landlord at the heart of Nuri Bilge Ceylan's Turkish drama Winter Sleep.
(17) And in any case, Clegg assured everyone, claims that the Queen had got into a bust-up with him over Brexit back in 2011 were “A-grade, 24-carat bilge”.
(18) AP Winter Sleep Nuri Bilge Ceylan with actress Hatice Aslan and screenwriter Ebru Ceylan at Cannes 2008.
(19) The bilge is contaminating, not destroying, public discourse.
(20) The bilge keeps coming faster than you can pump.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest The patron saint of fact-checking ... David Mikkelson, co-founder of Snopes.com at his desk in Calabasas, California.
(n.) That which is not sense, or has no sense; words, or language, which have no meaning, or which convey no intelligible ideas; absurdity.
(n.) Trifles; things of no importance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
(2) To this end, a meiosis-defective mating-type mutation was used as a marker for the plus segment, by taking advantage of its suppressibility by a nonsense suppressor.
(3) Real ear CVRs, calculated from real ear recordings of nonsense syllables, were obtained from eight hearing-impaired listeners.
(4) The first paper of this series (Picheny, Durlach, & Braida, 1985) presented evidence that there are substantial intelligibility differences for hearing-impaired listeners between nonsense sentences spoken in a conversational manner and spoken with the effort to produce clear speech.
(5) These data suggest that yeast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase interacts with positions 34 and 35 of the anticodon of tRNATyr and opens the possibility that nonsense suppressor efficiency may be mediated by the level of aminoacylation.
(6) But this no-nonsense venue, just 10km but a world away from parliament, is the latest stop in a national pro-renewables tour that is making the Abbott government decidedly uncomfortable.
(7) Free recall of nonsense syllables was significantly better when these were learned under active compound.
(8) "It is clear this is a government which is short of ideas, desperately trying to bring up nonsensical diversions to distract attention from the situation in the country.
(9) Four regA mutants (regA1, regA8, regA11, and regA15) failed to make a protein having a molecular weight of about 12,000, whereas mutant regA9 did make such a protein; regA15 produced a new, apparently smaller protein that was presumably a nonsense fragment, whereas regA11 produced a new, apparently larger protein.
(10) In the first, span and free-recall measures were obtained for 24 subjects, each tested with four types of spoken material (nonsense syllables, random words, fourth-order approximations to English, and normal prose).
(11) I’d have been a TV celeb type, done these albums that are nonsense – and yeah, with hindsight, that wouldn’t have been a bad idea.
(12) In addition, purified protein of 62,000 daltons, resulting from the suppression of the nonsense mutations tox-30 and tox-45, will react with antisera purified against the terminal 17,000 daltons of the toxin molecule and are immunologically identical to toxin by radial immunodiffusion.
(13) The other three carry nonsense mutations which inactivate both the excision repair and essential functions.
(14) La Manga in Spain is an example of human nonsense: 20km of city length, two kilometres wide, with huge buildings all along,” said Couet.
(15) In a sign of Labour's need to avoid tension with business, Darling was careful to stress he was not criticising the signatories but said: "I wonder if one of their finance directors came to them and said 'look, we have this wonderful idea, and we are going to pay with it by savings we have not yet identified and by calculations we cannot verify', they would say 'that is complete nonsense'."
(16) The mutation, which is not of the common CG-to-TG type, is at the same codon in which both nonsense and a different missense (Arg to Gln) have previously been observed.
(17) Introduction of an ochre nonsense codon into the reading frame of the leader peptide sequence leads to considerable reduction of the basal expression and loss of inducibility of the cat gene.
(18) On the Iraq war, he admitted he had voted in favour of military action in 2003 though he said he thought at the time that Blair's claims about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) were "nonsense".
(19) Two nonsense mutations at codon positions 33 and 187 and an aberrant splice site were found in the human gene.
(20) The studies on the reverse mutation of osm3 indicated that this osmotic-sensitivity arises from a missense or nonsense mutation in OSM3 locus.