(1) Errors in the initial direction of response were fewer in binocular viewing in comparison with monocular viewing.
(2) At this threshold there was no effect on reducing the rate of visual acuity overreferrals, but ten children with abnormal binocular vision were detected who were not referred by visual acuity criteria.
(3) The external and internal rear-view mirrors of automobiles should be positioned within the binocular field of vision.
(4) Electrophysiological methods were used to determine changes in the neural representation of the binocular visual field at the paired midbrain optic tecta and in the tectal projection of pairs of corresponding retinal loci at various developmental points between these ages.
(5) IBA was defined as the percentage increment of the largest binocular response compared with the monocular response.
(6) These observations suggest that refractive anomalies such as anisometropia that limit high frequency spatial resolution and binocular integration can present a major obstacle to the postnatal development of binocular vision.
(7) When a meridional-size lens is used to provide magnification in the horizonal meridan for one eye the resulting stereopsis distortion is readily accounted for in the terms of the binocular disparity caused by changed angular relations.
(8) Prism fixation disparity curves were determined in three different experimental situations: the routine method according to Ogle, a method to stimulate the synkinetic convergence (Experiment I, with one fixation point as sole binocular stimulus) and a method to stimulate the fusion mechanism (Experiment II, with random dot stereograms).
(9) In 4 patients strabismus surgery alone restored binocular single vision.
(10) Permanent suppression produced a reduction in spectral sensitivity; however, in contrast to binocular rivalry suppression, the sensitivity alterations associated with permanent suppression were independent of the test-probe wavelength.
(11) The Siamese cat is a mutant with abnormally crossed visual pathways, which provides a model for studying the effects of visual deprivation in the absence of binocular competitive interactions.
(12) Comparing results of different stereotests, e.g., random-dot stereograms and the two-pencil test, provides some insight into different levels of cortical binocular interaction.
(13) Monocular and binocular depth thresholds were measured for all kittens when they were between three and five months old.
(14) The results therefore define a critical period which ends before 3 weeks of age during which corpus callosum section reduces striate cortex binocularity.
(15) The five disturbing symptoms of binocular confusion can be positivity eliminated by an appropriate combination of spectacles and contact lens (combined correction) in regard to echometry and intraocular optics.
(16) We may thus conclude that both the binocular and monocular contrast sensitivity seemed independent of age within the range of 6 to 40 years.
(17) Matched, binocular displacing prisms were mounted over the eyes of 19 barn owls (Tyto alba) beginning at ages ranging from 10 to 272 d. In nearly all cases, the visual field was shifted 23 degrees to the right.
(18) Scleral depression with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy will be easier to learn if the examiner observes the patient's pupillary reflex through the ophthalmoscope without looking through the hand-held condensing lens.
(19) Binocular single vision was restored after buckle removal and strabismus surgery in three further patients (20%), one requiring a prism in addition.
(20) The reduction was much smaller in humans with impaired binocular vision, at least for the dominant eye.
(a.) Having only one eye; with one eye only; as, monocular vision.
(a.) Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; as, a monocular microscope.
Example Sentences:
(1) Errors in the initial direction of response were fewer in binocular viewing in comparison with monocular viewing.
(2) It appears that the effects of monocular lid suture upon MIN are in most respects similar to the effects of monocular lid suture previously reported for the A laminae.
(3) Fish were trained monocularly via the compressed or the normal visual field using an aversive classical conditioning model.
(4) The present report details an unusual patient with "occult temporal arteritis" who sustained abrupt monocular visual loss and subsequent ipsilateral ophthalmoplegia involving all functions of the oculomotor nerve.
(5) Results of tests on 4 mammalian, 19 reptilian, and 17 avian species confirmed the prediction that lack of optomotor response to monocular optokinetic stimulation in one of the two horizontal directions would correlate with afoveate retinal organization, whereas consistent optomotor responses to monocular stimulation in either horizontal direction would correlate with foveate organization.
(6) IBA was defined as the percentage increment of the largest binocular response compared with the monocular response.
(7) The reports of rod-dominated psychophysical spectral sensitivity from the deprived eye of monocularly lid-sutured (MD) monkeys are intriguing but difficult to reconcile with the absence of any reported deprivation effects in retina.
(8) After training, this abduction-adduction asymmetry was preserved in the light and dark with monocular or dichoptic viewing, indicating again that all adaptive changes were conjugate.
(9) Cataracts accounted for 22% of bilateral and 6% of monocular blindness.
(10) Two visually monocular patients with retinopathy of prematurity, followed up for 14 and 5 years, developed progressive visual loss in their twenties and thirties, respectively.
(11) Lateral peristriate differences were less than those of striate cortex, and regions of greater and lesser monocular input could be distinguished.
(12) All but two patients noted monocular diplopia; in three patients this was so intolerable that the diffractive lens was explanted and exchanged for a monofocal lens, following which the visual acuity improved by an average of two Snellen lines and complaints of monocular diplopia disappeared.
(13) in monkeys monocularly deprived from birth for up to 27 weeks, and compared them with results from the non-deprived layers in the same animals and in a series of normal animals.
(14) These differential responses to monocular deprivation suggest different time courses of development among the dLGN laminae.
(15) Monocular and binocular depth thresholds were measured for all kittens when they were between three and five months old.
(16) We may thus conclude that both the binocular and monocular contrast sensitivity seemed independent of age within the range of 6 to 40 years.
(17) In addition, our data indicate that, following neonatal monocular enucleation, developmental abnormalities in the topography of geniculocortical projections can occur independently of any alteration in the retinogeniculate projection patterns.
(18) In monocularly enucleated monkeys, patches are larger and darker above and below the ocular dominance stripes of the remaining eye than in the alternate stripes.
(19) A more sensitive within-animal comparison was carried out to detect any small shifts in metabolic activity which might have occurred during retinal blockade; after 1 or 2 months of monocular TTX treatment, either binocular enucleation or binocular TTX injections were performed 24 h before 2-DG, depriving both sides of the SC of retinal input.
(20) When a perspective drawing is viewed monocularly, changes in fixation point are accompanied by changes in steady-state vergence; their direction is usually appropriate for the distance relationships implied in the illustration.