What's the difference between biodynamics and motion?



  • (n.) The doctrine of vital forces or energy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The analysis employs a biodynamic computer model developed in earlier research.
  • (2) Using the hypothesis that the biodynamical efficiency may not be greater than the inverse age rate beta, a dimensionless number is constructed, which is given by the product of age rate beta and the theoretical lifespan T.
  • (3) Biodynamic stressors such as acceleration, vibration, heat, and cold can affect pilot performance.
  • (4) Important biodynamic properties of the new formulation have not, however, been elucidated in vivo.
  • (5) The mission and current programs of the Laboratory encompass basic and applied research and development in the fields of toxicology, biodynamics and human engineering.
  • (6) In 2 tables, a systematic listing of origins and results of biodynamics and bioenergetics (biorelativity) is given.
  • (7) and Chemstrip LN (Boehringer Mannheim Diagnostics, BioDynamics, Indianapolis, Ind.
  • (8) A prospective study was performed to assess the sensitivity and specificity of leukocyte esterase activity as measured by dipstick (Chemstrip 9, Biodynamics) for the prediction of vaginitis and urinary tract infections during pregnancy.
  • (9) Vibration, noise, cold, ergonomic and biodynamic conditions, and emotional stress during work result in disorders of the central and autonomic nervous systems.
  • (10) After having noted that the literature in this regard is generally incomplete and fragmentary, the authors felt it worth compiling the various etiopathogenesis and biodynamic factors involved; characteristics of blunt laryngotracheal trauma.
  • (11) The extent of knowledge and skills possessed by traditional healers and lay people, the plants and plant materials used by them for herbal remedies, parallel uses in India of the various plant species and their biodynamic properties are presented.
  • (12) Four reactions of the Chemstrip-9TM (Biodynamics, Inc., Indianapolis, IN) were used as biochemical indicators, namely, protein, occult blood, leukocyte esterase, and nitrite.
  • (13) The following strain criteria were used: biodynamic behavior of the trunk and the head, electrical activity of the muscles of the back and the neck, subjective sensation, skin temperature in the lumbar area and visual and tracking performance.
  • (14) This theory is based on four premises, out of which three are supposed to be involved in all kinds of biodynamic activity, while the fourth is required only in those instances where polymerization and depolymerization is a constituent part of the performance of mechanical work.
  • (15) Biodynamic stress analysis takes into account whole-body responses, particular responses of rigid bone, viscous elastic soft tissues, pneumatic and hydraulic effects of gas and fluids in hollow organs, and displacements of solid organs suspended in body cavities.
  • (16) For these reasons, improvement in accuracy of SMBG (using Chemstrip bG, Biodynamics Division, Boehringer-Mannheim, Indianapolis, Indiana) after a 30-min session of professional instruction in one group of diabetic patients was compared with improvement after 30 min of practice and study of package instructions in another group.
  • (17) Linearity of biodynamic response mechanisms is demonstrated, and the model is shown to predict accurately the effects of tracking performance of vibration amplitude and spectrum, control gain, R.M.S.
  • (18) ), an automated filtration device; the Chemstrip LN (Boehringer Mannheim Diagnostics, BioDynamics, Indianapolis, Ind.
  • (19) A nonlinear, finite-element, model is used to examine the biodynamic impact response to helmeted and unhelmeted headforms having human response characteristics.
  • (20) At present, craniofacial biodynamics is the sole concept capable of shedding light on matters such as the evolution of the skull, its diversification and transformation down from the primeval primates.



  • (n.) The act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement; the passing of a body from one place or position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary; -- opposed to rest.
  • (n.) Power of, or capacity for, motion.
  • (n.) Direction of movement; course; tendency; as, the motion of the planets is from west to east.
  • (n.) Change in the relative position of the parts of anything; action of a machine with respect to the relative movement of its parts.
  • (n.) Movement of the mind, desires, or passions; mental act, or impulse to any action; internal activity.
  • (n.) A proposal or suggestion looking to action or progress; esp., a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly; as, a motion to adjourn.
  • (n.) An application made to a court or judge orally in open court. Its object is to obtain an order or rule directing some act to be done in favor of the applicant.
  • (n.) Change of pitch in successive sounds, whether in the same part or in groups of parts.
  • (n.) A puppet show or puppet.
  • (v. i.) To make a significant movement or gesture, as with the hand; as, to motion to one to take a seat.
  • (v. i.) To make proposal; to offer plans.
  • (v. t.) To direct or invite by a motion, as of the hand or head; as, to motion one to a seat.
  • (v. t.) To propose; to move.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In attacking the motion to freeze the licence fee during today's Parliamentary debate the culture secretary, Andy Burnham, criticised the Tory leader.
  • (2) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
  • (3) Based on our results, we propose the following hypotheses for the neurochemical mechanisms of motion sickness: (1) the histaminergic neuron system is involved in the signs and symptoms of motion sickness, including vomiting; (2) the acetylcholinergic neuron system is involved in the processes of habituation to motion sickness, including neural store mechanisms; and (3) the catecholaminergic neuron system in the brain stem is not related to the development of motion sickness.
  • (4) Full consideration should be given to the dynamics of motion when assessing risk factors in working tasks.
  • (5) It is proposed that microoscillations of the eye increase the threshold for detection of retinal target displacements, leading to less efficient lateral sway stabilization than expected, and that the threshold for detection of self motion in the A-P direction is lower than the threshold for object motion detection used in the calculations, leading to more efficient stabilization of A-P sway.
  • (6) Local minima of hand speed evident within segments of continuous motion were associated with turn toward the target.
  • (7) To evaluate the relationship between the motion pattern and degree of organic change of the anterior mitral leaflet (AML) and the features of the mitral component of the first heart sound (M1) or the opening snap (OS), 37 patients with mitral stenosis (MS) were studied by auscultation, phonocardiography and echocardiography.
  • (8) An unusually high degree of motional freedom is found for both these spin-labels, even in gel phase bilayers.
  • (9) A more accurate fit of T1 data using a modified Lipari and Szabo approach indicates that internal fast motions dominate the T1 relaxation in glycogen.
  • (10) However, the effect of prior jaw motion and the effect of the recording site on the EMG amplitudes and on the vertical dimension of minimum EMG activity have not been documented.
  • (11) Clinical evaluation of passive range of motion, antero-posterior laxity and the appearance of the joint space showed little or no difference between the reconstruction methods.
  • (12) We present a paradigm to estimate local affine motion parallax structure from a varying image irradiance pattern.
  • (13) Echocardiographic findings included an abrupt midsystolic, posterior motion (greater than 3 mm beyond the CD line) in five patients, multiple sequence echoes in six, and posterior coaptation of the mitral valve near the left atrial wall in six.
  • (14) Results show that responses to motion of cortical cells are particularly sensitive to these manipulations.
  • (15) Interexaminer reliability studies indicate that a standard method of motion palpation is quite feasible and accurate.
  • (16) Rapid right ventricular pacing increased the extent and degree of dyskinesia of the left ventricle, but premedication with nicorandil improved the wall motion.
  • (17) A method using selective saturation pulses and gated spin-echo MRI automatically corrects for this motion and thus eliminates misregistration artifact from regional function analysis.
  • (18) The relative importance of these properties depends critically on the presence and mode of motion of the tectorial plate.
  • (19) Left ventricular asynchrony was quantified by the phase difference of the first Fourier harmonic between postero-basal and antero-apical wall motion.
  • (20) The Weinstein Company, which Harvey owns with his brother Bob, lost rights to the title on Tuesday following a ruling by the Motion Picture Association of America's arbitration board.

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