(a.) Of both sexes; hermaphrodite; as a flower with stamens and pistil, or an animal having ovaries and testes.
Example Sentences:
(1) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
(2) This must mean that many same-sex contacts are by people who do not consider themselves gay or bisexual.
(3) It also pledged support to a veterans’ group that rejected a request by a gay, lesbian and bisexual group to march in the St Patrick’s Day parade in Boston.
(4) There were no significant differences in the adrenal weights of males or females, but females reared by bisexual pairs had larger absolute and relative adrenals than females reared in populations.
(5) The levels of specific antibodies were much higher in bisexual infection than in unisexual infection and closely related to the intensity and duration of infection.
(6) There was no acknowledgement in the agreement of the “deep pain these decisions will cause, nor any concern for the pastoral care of [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual and intersex] Christians,” she said.
(7) Rates of victimization of and attitudes towards lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals at a well-known national liberal arts college were reported and compared to other institutions.
(8) The accumulating process and concentration ratios of ingested blood meals in the larvae and nymphs of Amblyomma testudinarium, Haemaphysalis campanulata, H. concinna, H. formosensis, H. hystricis, H. kitaokai, the bisexual and parthenogenetic strains of H. longicornis, H. megaspinosa, and Ixodes persulcatus on rabbits and Argas japonicus on chickens were comparatively investigated.
(9) Paterson added in the letter, published on the PoliticsHome website : "However, the government is rightly committed to advancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and has already taken action to do so by allowing those religious premises that wish to carry out civil partnerships to do so, erasing historic convictions for consensual gay sex and putting pressure on other countries that violate the human rights of LGBT people.
(10) datch dattch A location-based app that seeks out lesbian and bisexual women nearby.
(11) "Great Yuletide fun on ITV now: hilarious reparations as Dannii Minogue performs a selection of the biblical world's most hideous acts of penance in front of a panel of witheringly critical bisexual judges."
(12) Leaked Home Office documents show bisexual asylum seekers being asked degrading questions during hours of interrogation by Home Office officials – questions that included: "What is it about men's backsides that attracts you?"
(13) The AIDS epidemic is discussed in terms of its effect on general sexual attitudes and behavior of homosexual and bisexual men, then, in particular, on the issue of control over one's sexual behavior.
(14) The authors report on an anti-hepatitis C virus antibody (HCV Ab) prevalence (6.9%) in 622 homo-bisexual males from Northern Italy, voluntarily attending an HIV and STDs screening program in the period 1984-89.
(15) Symptoms of bleeding, almost always harmless skin or mucosal bleeding, were found in 45% of patients with a history of intravenous drug abuse and in 18% of the homo- or bisexual men.
(16) It turns out he is a member of the EDL's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender division, which has 115 members.
(17) Most of the cases in the U.K. have occurred in homo- or bisexual men, and the pattern of disease in the U.K. closely follows that of the epidemic in the United States.
(18) Transmission of HIV in many Caribbean countries has followed the pattern of initial predominance among homosexual and bisexual males, with the infection subsequently spreading into the heterosexual community.
(19) Of these, 13 were intravenous drug abusers, 13 were homosexual or bisexual, six were haemophiliacs, two were homosexual intravenous drug abusers and one was a heterosexual contact of a drug abuser.
(20) Over one third of the bisexual women reported having been involved in prostitution.
(n.) The male fecundating fluid; semen. See Semen.
(n.) Spermaceti.
Example Sentences:
(1) A study revealed that the percentage of active sperm in semen 30 seconds after ejaculation was 10.3% when a nonoxynol 9 latex condom was used as opposed to 55.9% in a nonspermicidal condom.
(2) Here we report that sperm from psr males fertilizes eggs, but that the paternal chromosomes are subsequently condensed into a chromatin mass before the first mitotic division of the egg and do not participate in further divisions.
(3) Sperm specimens were obtained from 13 men participating in our in vitro fertilization program.
(4) Whether hen's egg yolk can be used as a sperm motility stimulant in the treatment of such conditions as asthenospermia and oligospermia is subjected for further study.
(5) Sperm were examined at 4.5 h, 8 to 9 h, and 24 to 25 h of incubation (37 degrees C, 5% CO2, and 95% air).
(6) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
(7) Peaks in the sperm index were preceded by 6 days with peaks in the serum testosterone concentration.
(8) Those without sperm, or with cloudy fluid, will require vasoepididymostomy under general or epidural anesthesia, which takes 4-6 hr.
(9) A sperm whale myoglobin gene containing multiple unique restriction sites has been constructed in pUC 18 by sequential assembly of chemically synthesized oligonucleotide fragments.
(10) Major limitations of the conventional sperm penetration assay are the inability to assess several aspects of sperm function (zona binding and penetration) and the absence of human ovulatory products known to influence fertilization.
(11) Couples applying to in vitro fertilization were admitted into this project when the sperm concentration was greater than 20 million per mL and motility greater than 30 per cent.
(12) To develop a new immunobead binding test (IBT) procedure that will detect sperm antibody in cervical mucus (CM), especially in very small samples of mucus.
(13) This procedure can quickly provide acrosome-reacted bull sperm for use with various in vitro fertilization procedures and for assessment of male fertility.
(14) Males were then sacrificed and organ weights, testicular spermatid counts, and cauda epididymal sperm count and sperm morphology were obtained.
(15) The freezing procedure increased sperm motility in approximately 30% of samples from both animals.
(16) The time of sperm penetration in the mouse eggs, however, was delayed for one-half to one hour when ejaculated sperm were used.
(17) The epididymis appeared distended but without any visible sperms.
(18) Liposomes of PC10 rapidly destroyed sperm motility while PC12 acrosome-reacted sperm remained motile for several h. Liposomes of PC with greater than or equal to 14-carbon fatty acyl chains had no effect on the AR or motility of sperm.
(19) Additionally, the data demonstrate that hamster sperm can remain viable for several hours after becoming immotile, and that many of the immotile sperm are capable of being reactivated.
(20) Heterogeneity in thiol content of sperm within individual samples was also observed.