(n.) The watch of a whole army by night, when in danger of surprise or attack.
(n.) An encampment for the night without tents or covering.
(v. i.) To watch at night or be on guard, as a whole army.
(v. i.) To encamp for the night without tents or covering.
Example Sentences:
(1) Its boot always held a bivouac bag, a trenching tool of some sort and a towel and trunks, in case he passed somewhere interesting to sleep, dig, or swim.
(2) By evening, I found myself agreeing to pitch a tent on the banks of the Arno for an illegal bivouac in the heart of Florence.
(3) Water bottles, sweet wrappers, sanitary towels and footprints are telltale signs, as is a bivouac made from bushes to shelter the migrants from the heat of the day so they can continue their journey at night.
(4) It’s insanity, of course, and we knew that we would be in the frame as soon as the robbery happened, but it’s the same madness, I suppose, that drives people to bivouac on the north face of the Eiger.” But, like some of the Hatton Garden crew, they had left too many clues behind.
(5) It's insanity, of course, and we knew that we would be in the frame as soon as the robbery happened but it's the same madness, I suppose, that drives people to bivouac on the north face of the Eiger.
(a.) Lasting for a time only; existing or continuing for a limited time; not permanent; as, the patient has obtained temporary relief.
Example Sentences:
(1) Schistosomiasis control currently relies primarily on chemotherapy which is both expensive and temporary.
(2) The temporary loss of a family member through deployment brings unique stresses to a family in three different stages: predeployment, survival, and reunion.
(3) Known as the Little House in the Garden, this temporary structure lasted over 50 years.
(4) Electromagnetic interference presented as inhibition and resetting of the demand circuitry of a ventricular-inhibited temporary external pacemaker in a 70-year-old man undergoing surgical implantation of a permanent bipolar pacemaker generator and lead.
(5) The surgical procedure, using a dispensable tendon, could be directly associated to the sutures of the proximal injuries of the cubital nerve as a temporary palliative.
(6) Safety is increased through temporary discontinuation or dosage reduction of lithium in special risk situations.
(7) Percutaneous tenotomy performed only in patients recurring after temporary cure, drops the rate of recurrences to 13%.
(8) Temporary threshold shifts increased for the first eight hours of exposure and then were asymptotic.
(9) Deafferentation of certain brain regions in adult animals results in (1) the disappearance of degenerating axon terminals and (2) in the temporary persistence of vacant postsynaptic sites.
(10) Poults 3 weeks and older developed temporary tracheal resistance to intranasal challenge following inoculation of either Artvax vaccine or formalin-inactivated Bordetella avium bacterin by the intranasal and eyedrop routes.
(11) Freezing may be valuable while quality control procedures are performed following radiolabeling as well as if temporary storage or shipment of radioantibodies prior to patient dosing is undertaken.
(12) The blockage of the tubular system by the calcium oxalate deposits leads to a temporary reversible increase in serum urea and serum creatinine.
(13) The change in the magnitude of conditioned salivation, latencies of secretion and motor reaction was temporary, and by the end of the third postoperative period their initial magnitudes were restored.
(14) But perhaps the most striking example of how differently much of the world sees London – and the importance of religion – from the way the city plainly sees itself came from the US, where Donald Trump caused uproar with a call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country.
(15) But this regime is by no means a temporary regime,” Brandis said.
(16) We conclude that infusion system malfunction resulting in interruption of insulin flow is a common occurrence, is often associated with temporary hyperglycemia, and may account for some of the increased incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis previously described in these patients.
(17) The striking improvements in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in diabetic and non-diabetic Aborigines after a temporary reversion to a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle highlight the potentially reversible nature of the detrimental effects of lifestyle change, particularly in young people who have not yet developed diabetes.
(18) Temporary hypertensive increases in blood pressure, or variations in blood pressure when there was an already existing hypertension, in which the blood pressure either moved within the limits of hypertensive blood pressure values or temporarily returned to normal, occurred in 129 men ages 23-85, in whom repeated measurements of the blood pressure and pulse wave rate (PWG) were carried out in the aorta and iliac artery in the course of a longitudinal study over years.
(19) Certain of the schistosomes were covered with a dense mass of interconnected blood platelets resembling a temporary haemostatic plug but not a blood clot.
(20) Emergency indications to operate have become exceptional since the temporary control of inappropriate secretions by pharmacologic agents is available.