What's the difference between blabbermouth and talebearer?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) I blame my mother, whom my father called Blabbermouth, for training me up to spout what she called the Truth and what other people call telling the world everybody's private business.
  • (2) And although I am a terrific blabbermouth, I do think a bit of privacy is a good idea, but we don't seem to have much nowadays, what with blanket CCTV, NHS records, phone tapping and now general spying.
  • (3) Michael Billington Royal Court , London SW1 , from 17 September Blabbermouth: artists, actors, politicians, journalists and sportspeople read their favourite Scottish writing.
  • (4) The song We’re Not Gonna Take It is a song about rebellion, and there’s nothing more rebellious than what Donald Trump is doing right now,” Snider told TMZ ( via Blabbermouth ).
  • (5) I’d like to see today’s blabbermouths try that.



  • (n.) One who officiously tells tales; one who impertinently or maliciously communicates intelligence, scandal, etc., and makes mischief.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "blabbermouth"

Words possibly related to "talebearer"