What's the difference between blackguard and cad?



  • (n.) The scullions and lower menials of a court, or of a nobleman's household, who, in a removal from one residence to another, had charge of the kitchen utensils, and being smutted by them, were jocularly called the "black guard"; also, the servants and hangers-on of an army.
  • (n.) The criminals and vagrants or vagabonds of a town or community, collectively.
  • (n.) A person of stained or low character, esp. one who uses scurrilous language, or treats others with foul abuse; a scoundrel; a rough.
  • (n.) A vagrant; a bootblack; a gamin.
  • (v. t.) To revile or abuse in scurrilous language.
  • (a.) Scurrilous; abusive; low; worthless; vicious; as, blackguard language.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Here he is on the Nasty Party in 1835, in a letter to Catherine Hogarth (soon to take the name Dickens, as his wife): "... a ruthless set of bloody-minded villains... perfect savage... superlative blackguards..." Two days later he ended another letter: "P.S.



  • (n.) A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares; an idle hanger-on about innyards.
  • (n.) A lowbred, presuming person; a mean, vulgar fellow.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In conclusion, 99Tcm-MIBI SPECT provides a reliable method for detecting CAD.
  • (2) ST-segment elevation is an uncommon finding in these patients and does not reliably differentiate those with and without fixed CAD.
  • (3) The nuclear runoff experiments also demonstrated that the CAD gene expression was shut down in less than 4 h after induction, well before morphological changes were observed in these cells.
  • (4) In a prospective study, the influence of the length of the time interval on spontaneous variability was investigated in 100 patients with CAD or IDC and untreated ventricular arrhythmia of Lown grade IV.
  • (5) Therefore, we studied 122 consecutive clinically stable patients with angiographically defined CAD (greater than 75 per cent luminal stenosis) and a positive exercise test.
  • (6) These changes in EF were accompanied by the development of wall motion abnormalities, which occurred in segments of myocardium that were supplied by coronary arteries with angiographic CAD (more than 50% diameter narrowing).
  • (7) The correlation between elevated cholesterol and coronary artery disease (CAD) has emerged slowly, with the strongest statistical links appearing recently.
  • (8) Angiograms were evaluated by two angiographers for presence or absence of coronary artery disease (CAD, defined as one or more coronary artery stenoses of 50% or greater in diameter, and no CAD, defined as no stenosis of 25% or greater in diameter, respectively).
  • (9) When combined with atrial pacing, 2-D echocardiography and thallium 201 perfusion imaging are of similar value for diagnosing the presence of CAD in patients with stable chest pain.
  • (10) A consecutive series of 198 patients (148 men and 50 women, mean age 51 years, range 18 to 76) with pure, isolated, severe aortic regurgitation was retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence of angiographically significant coronary artery disease (CAD) and its relation to angina pectoris and coronary risk factors.
  • (11) These study designs will be discussed and compared with other studies, and the expected impact on CAD event rates presented.
  • (12) The trimers are found to be in slow equilibrium with hexamers and higher oligomers composed of multiples of three copies of the CAD polypeptide chain.
  • (13) Ninety percent of patients with VA were cigarette smokers and 70% were heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes daily), compared with 53% and 33% in patients with CAD (p less than 0.001) and 30% and 15% in those without heart disease (p less than 0.001).
  • (14) Some clinical results of the application of this method on CAD patients are presented and discussed.
  • (15) Several large-scale, observational epidemiologic studies in the United States and abroad have shown a strong independent inverse relation between HDL and CAD.
  • (16) Propranolol therapy did not significantly affect the ST segment of the exercise ECG in the normal subjects or the CAD patients without an ischemic control exercise ECG.
  • (17) Of the 96 patients, 21 had AP, 10 (48%) with angiographically significant CAD and 11 (52%) without (CAD).
  • (18) In patients with mild to moderate degree of CAD, PGI2 was found to be well tolerated.
  • (19) The cad operon encodes lysine decarboxylase and a protein homologous to amino acid antiporters.
  • (20) The interaction of Type A behavior and social support in relation to the degree of coronary artery disease (CAD) severity was investigated.

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