(n.) A lotion made by mixing calomel and lime water.
(n.) A wash that blackens, as opposed to whitewash; hence, figuratively, calumny.
Example Sentences:
(1) If Charlotte slagged off Austen - her only real rival in the canon of superb, sex-starved writers - what would she have made of Gaskell's blackwash?
(n.) A washing, especially of the skin for the purpose of rendering it fair.
(n.) A liquid preparation for bathing the skin, or an injured or diseased part, either for a medicinal purpose, or for improving its appearance.
Example Sentences:
(1) After bone-union the embracing ring device was removed in conjunction with external lotion and active exercises.
(2) Clindamycin lotion completely suppressed the growth of C acnes organisms, whereas erythromycin and tetracycline did not depress the C acnes counts.
(3) Treatments for jock itch include anti-fungal ointments and lotions, or anti-fungal pills for severe cases.
(4) This suggests that a surgical scrub should be used more widely in clinical practice, and that a spirit-based hand lotion might with advantage become a partial substitute for handwashing, particularly in areas where handwashing is frequent and iatrogenic coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection common.
(5) Tolerability of bifonazole was satisfactory in all cases but one, who interrupted treatment because of pain and local hyperemia where the lotion had been applied.
(6) Sixty-two patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis were treated topically with a 2% ketoconazole foaming gel or with a 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate lotion in a single-blind study for 4 months.
(7) As the sachets of powder, tubs of lotion, jars of jam, and bottles of juices and liqueurs that line his shelves testify, his hopes – and his money – are on a rather more niche fruit: baobab.
(8) From the beginning of time, man has had the instinct to pour things in wounds to kill microorganisms and enhance healing, and..... "wounds are still lathered, bathed, and sprayed with various notions, potions, and lotions".
(9) Like Ray, my parents are Bengali and while they had been taking me back to Kolkata during long summer holidays, I had failed to take to the city, which seemed to offer only August heat, difficult food and calamine lotion for mosquito bites.
(10) A 1% minoxidil lotion was used to treat 670 male patients affected by androgenetic alopecia.
(11) The authors draw attention to the epidemiological association with the eye lotion BSS which was used from which Proteus mirabilis and E. coli were cultivated and with the Ringer solution from which Enterobacter cloaceae and Klebsiella pneumoniae were cultivated.
(12) A clinical trial of the pyrethroid permethrin in 1% lotion was performed on 20 children.
(13) and none of the body lotions were contaminated to that extent.
(14) A selective bactericide for gram-positive bacteria, which is a lotion containing deoxycholic acid, was applied to the feet of the 17 volunteers.
(15) Groups of 38 BALB:c female mice or 16 Skh:2 hairless pigmented mice were treated with 1) lotion vehicle, 2) 0.02% L-selenomethionine (SeMet) lotion, or 3) vehicle and 1.5 ppm SeMet in the drinking water.
(16) The range includes products such as lip gloss (in claret red, precious gold and velvet mauve), bath crystals and body lotions.
(17) By using this method, typical UV absorbers in several commercial cosmetic products such as lip creams, sun oils, lotions and emulsions were able to be rapidly determined without any interference.
(18) Furthermore, the hair can be modified both externally and internally through the use of hair dyes, permanent waving lotions, and hair straighteners.
(19) During recent years, 48 patients with therapy-resistant chronic skin lesions of atopic dermatitis have been treated once a week with clobetasol propionate lotion left under Duoderm occlusive patches.
(20) On May Day last year millions of Britons were rubbing on sun lotion and firing up their barbecues.