(a.) Cold and cutting; cheerless; as, a bleak blast.
(a.) A small European river fish (Leuciscus alburnus), of the family Cyprinidae; the blay.
Example Sentences:
(1) "The results present a remarkably bleak portrait of life in the UK today and the shrinking opportunities faced by the bottom third of UK society," said the head of the project, Professor David Gordon of Bristol University.
(2) The study says: "The short-term outlook for the labour market looks bleak.
(3) He'd later carry this over into Netflix's House Of Cards but before that, TV had already begun to emulate this new, bleak, antiheroic maturity with a cycle of dark, longform, acclaimed dramas, commencing with The Sopranos and culminating in Breaking Bad .
(4) This is training that predators rely upon,” she says in the book, “It is, perhaps, a form of gender-wide grooming.” For Caro, the opportunity of the book was to “place the blame where it lies,” she says, “squarely on the shoulders of those who use their power to exploit and damage others.” For all its bleakness, I drew comfort from the stories of the other contributors.
(5) Through small and large acts of deprivation and destruction we follow the process: the removal of hope, of dignity, of luxury, of necessity, of self; the reduction of a man to a hoarder of grey slabs of bread and the scrapings of a soup bowl (wonderfully told all this, with a novelist's gift for detail and sometimes very nearly comic surprise), to the confinement of a narrow bed – in which there is "not even any room to be afraid" – with a stranger who doesn't speak your language, to the cruel illogicality of hating a fellow victim of oppression more than you hate the oppressor himself – one torment following another, and even the bleak comfort of thinking you might have touched rock bottom denied you as, when the most immediate cause of a particular stress comes to an end, "you are grievously amazed to see that another one lies behind; and in reality a whole series of others".
(6) He said the “bleak alternative” would have been to go through numerous probate courts while distant relatives of Gurlitt made their claims on the collection.
(7) After dismissing the ending of Revolutionary Road as "falsely bleak" and telling his audience that "there's something goofy about American literature since modernism came to an end", the celebrated author of Freedom and The Corrections moved on to social media .
(8) Bleak jokes and cartoons have been circulating for weeks in the anti-Assad camp on the theme of barrel bombs serving as ballot boxes.
(9) "I have such passion for what I do that I can't see it as bleak.
(10) It is to be hoped that pharmaceutical developments will improve the current bleak picture in which there are no proven treatments for ischaemic stroke or intracerebral haemorrhage.
(11) Next month Commonwealth leaders gather in Sri Lanka amid a bleak human rights situation as the country emerges from two decades of civil war that saw 40,000 civilians lose their lives .
(12) Things began to look bleak for the Saddlers when Chelsea extended their lead four minutes from the interval.
(13) The compelling television series The Returned , which concludes on Sunday on Channel 4, and several award-winning titles from French authors are earning fresh international plaudits for Gallic storytelling and proving that it is not only Norway, Sweden and Denmark that can offer a bleak outlook and a half-lit landscape.
(14) The alternative is to leave our young children facing a bleak future.
(15) Concomitant other distant metastases conferred a bleak prognosis.
(16) "I don't know why," he says, but it's something that didn't even happen at his lowest ebb: amid the bleakness of the early 70s, he somehow kept sporadically producing incredible songs: Til I Die, This Whole World, Sail On Sailor… There's always touring, however.
(17) The forecast is for one of the coldest winters in Syria for 100 years, with more than four million people displaced inside the country and an estimated two million who have fled into neighbouring countries, facing an increasingly bleak existence.
(18) The Reading group reaction to Bleak House has been overwhelmingly positive.
(19) The childish vulnerability she brings out in Sara balances out the visual bleakness of the film.
(20) The bleak outlook for patients with marrow necrosis based on early experience in adults with disseminated malignancy does not appear to apply to children with ALL.
(n.) Partial or total darkness; thick shade; obscurity; as, the gloom of a forest, or of midnight.
(n.) A shady, gloomy, or dark place or grove.
(n.) Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness.
(n.) In gunpowder manufacture, the drying oven.
(v. i.) To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer.
(v. i.) To become dark or dim; to be or appear dismal, gloomy, or sad; to come to the evening twilight.
(v. t.) To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken.
(v. t.) To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
Example Sentences:
(1) Byatt said that, while she had not wished to present an allegory or a polemic, the story was impelled by a profound sense of gloom about the environment and indeed about all human endeavours.
(2) Thus, knowledge of HIV antibody status appears to dispel a sense of gloom in persons who incorrectly believe themselves to be infected with HIV, but does not appear to induce significant distress in those whose expectation of a positive result is confirmed.
(3) The Nuit debout has some aspects of a May 68 for the internet age, but with a major difference: the revolutionary students of half a century ago came of age during the trente glorieuses , the 30 glorious years of postwar economic growth, and wanted to crack open a conservative society; those of 2016 are, on the contrary, the children of 30 years of high unemployment, economic gloom and disenchantment with the way representative democracy works.
(4) In Dublin, the general mood was summed up by the Evening Herald headline, referring to a slogan from an car advert featuring Henry: "It's Va Va Gloom".
(5) 9pm BST: In fresh gloom on Wall Street, the Dow sheds 449 points to close at 10,609.
(6) In a day of unremitting gloom, and yet more market turbulence, the Greek government also stood on the precipice of collapse, risking an uncontrolled default, as the government of George Papandreou faced a late-night confidence vote in parliament.
(7) Gianni Infantino’s victory offers Fifa a glimmer of hope amid the gloom Read more David Gill, the FA director who also sits on the executive committee at both Uefa and Fifa, said Infantino’s election was “a good day for football”, while the American Fifa executive committee member Sunil Gulati also hailed it as “a good day for the sport”.
(8) The charge merely adds to the gloom engulfing Mourinho as he contemplates the ramifications of his side’s fifth defeat in 10 Premier League games.
(9) She lurches up from the corner with cheerful gloom.
(10) Chelsea v Bournemouth: Premier League – as it happened Read more Mourinho’s post-match gloom reflected as much, his criticisms of the officials all rather half-hearted given the fact that, when he has lambasted perceived mistakes this term, he has been slapped down with heavy fines, a stadium ban and a threat of another to come.
(11) The speech will be “very different than some of the doom and gloom we hear from some of the Republican candidates out there”, he told ABC.
(12) Although I've learned to appreciate the grim beauty of murkiness, the washrag skies and mud so jealous it clings to every step, this emerald vision in the monochrome gloom is startling.
(13) I like the challenges that come with those that thrive in such adverse conditions, and there are plenty: woodland species that make the most of what little sunlight hits the leaf litter; ferns that like dripping cave mouths and cliff faces cast in gloom; and small shrubs that eke out a living under bigger things, such as butcher’s broom ( Ruscus aculeatus ) and fragrant sweet box ( sarcoccoca ).
(14) Carpetright also added to the gloom, axing this year's dividend and warning that it sees "no respite" from the challenges that have forced several high street names into administration in recent weeks.
(15) The gloom was soon to build when five minutes after the interval Giggs won a corner with a sprightly run.
(16) The plea for government intervention comes as chancellor George Osborne continues to tour China, where figures showed local factory activity shrinking at its fastest pace in six and a half years in September, adding to a sense of gloom over the prospects for the world economy.
(17) When Barack Obama was elected US president in the depths of economic gloom, satirical news outlet the Onion carried the headline: "Black man given nation's worst job."
(18) The one message that is important for both patients and physicians is that the gloom and doom of the 1960s and 1970s can now be replaced by a spirit of optimism.
(19) As Europe scrambled to put together a coherent answer to the biggest challenge the union has faced, EU interior ministers meeting in Amsterdam on Monday compounded a sense of gloom and confusion in the face of ever rising numbers of people heading into Greece from Turkey.
(20) It fears that, set against the gloom of the past three years, the enthusiasm produced by even a low level of growth may be enough to keep the government, or at least the Conservatives , in power.