

  • (a.) A blot or spot, as of color or of ink; especially a large or irregular spot. Also Fig.; as, a moral blotch.
  • (a.) A large pustule, or a coarse eruption.

Compare blotch with other words:

blotch vs. botch

blotch vs. splotch

blotch vs. spot

blotch vs. stain

blotch vs. mottling

blotch vs. macula

blotch vs. gobbet

blotch vs. irregular

blotch vs. discoloration

blotch vs. color

blotch vs. uneven

blot vs. blotch

blotch vs. dapple

blotch vs. maculated

blotch vs. piebald

blotch vs. blotchy

blotch vs. blotched

blotch vs. patch

blotch vs. pied