(v. t.) To cause to blossom; to put forth (blossoms or flowers).
(n.) A blossom; a flower; also, a state of blossoming; a mass of blossoms.
(n.) A forcible stroke with the hand, fist, or some instrument, as a rod, a club, an ax, or a sword.
(n.) A sudden or forcible act or effort; an assault.
(n.) The infliction of evil; a sudden calamity; something which produces mental, physical, or financial suffering or loss (esp. when sudden); a buffet.
(v. i.) To produce a current of air; to move, as air, esp. to move rapidly or with power; as, the wind blows.
(v. i.) To send forth a forcible current of air, as from the mouth or from a pair of bellows.
(v. i.) To breathe hard or quick; to pant; to puff.
(v. i.) To sound on being blown into, as a trumpet.
(v. i.) To spout water, etc., from the blowholes, as a whale.
(v. i.) To be carried or moved by the wind; as, the dust blows in from the street.
(v. i.) To talk loudly; to boast; to storm.
(v. t.) To force a current of air upon with the mouth, or by other means; as, to blow the fire.
(v. t.) To drive by a current air; to impel; as, the tempest blew the ship ashore.
(v. t.) To cause air to pass through by the action of the mouth, or otherwise; to cause to sound, as a wind instrument; as, to blow a trumpet; to blow an organ.
(v. t.) To clear of contents by forcing air through; as, to blow an egg; to blow one's nose.
(v. t.) To burst, shatter, or destroy by an explosion; -- usually with up, down, open, or similar adverb; as, to blow up a building.
(v. t.) To spread by report; to publish; to disclose.
(v. t.) To form by inflation; to swell by injecting air; as, to blow bubbles; to blow glass.
(v. t.) To inflate, as with pride; to puff up.
(v. t.) To put out of breath; to cause to blow from fatigue; as, to blow a horse.
(v. t.) To deposit eggs or larvae upon, or in (meat, etc.).
(n.) A blowing, esp., a violent blowing of the wind; a gale; as, a heavy blow came on, and the ship put back to port.
(n.) The act of forcing air from the mouth, or through or from some instrument; as, to give a hard blow on a whistle or horn; to give the fire a blow with the bellows.
(n.) The spouting of a whale.
(n.) A single heat or operation of the Bessemer converter.
(n.) An egg, or a larva, deposited by a fly on or in flesh, or the act of depositing it.
Example Sentences:
(1) Certainly, Saunders did not land a single blow that threatened to stop his opponent, although he took quite a few himself that threatened his titles in the final few rounds.
(2) The ruling centre-right coalition government of Angela Merkel was dealt a blow by voters in a critical regional election on Sunday after the centre-left opposition secured a wafer-thin victory, setting the scene for a tension-filled national election in the autumn when everything will be up for grabs.
(3) "The government should be doing all it can to put the UK at the forefront of this energy revolution not blowing hot and cold on the issue.
(4) Rapid swelling of the knee following a blow or twisting injury is considered a significant injury.
(5) Drainage of contrast medium from the maxillary sinus during blowing and sniffing was studied by cine-roentgenography in 11 healthy subjects.
(6) It would cost their own businesses hundreds of millions of pounds in transaction costs, it would blow a massive hole in their balance of payments, it would leave them having to pick up the entirety of UK debt.
(7) The phrase “self-inflicted blow” was one he used repeatedly, along with the word “glib” – applied to his Vote Leave opponents.
(8) Losing Murphy is a blow to the Oscars which has struggled to liven up its image amid a general decline in its TV ratings over the last couple of decades and a rush of awards shows that appeal to younger crowds, such as the MTV Movie Awards.
(9) Hagan’s defeat came as a shock and a heavy blow for the Democratic party in North Carolina, a purple state that now has no Democratic senator or governor for the first time in 30 years.
(10) The case of a 32-year-old man who suffered a blow to his left supraorbital region and eyebrow in an automatic closing door is reported to draw attention to the uncommon but trivial nature of this injury which may result in profound visual loss.
(11) It's almost starting to feel like we're back in the good old days of July 2005, when Paris lost out to London in the battle to stage the 2012 Olympic Games, a defeat immediately interpreted by France as a bitter blow to Gallic ideals of fair play and non-commercialism and yet another undeserved triumph for the underhand, free-market manoeuvrings of perfidious Albion.
(12) A rather pessimistic wind is blowing over cancer chemotherapy, while a not very objective enthusiasm for second generation immunotherapy is raising its head.
(13) The departure of Emmerson – who said in a statement that no allegations had been put to him – is a huge blow.
(14) On second impacts, the GSI rose considerably because the shell and liner of the DH-151 cracked and the suspension of the "141" stretched during the first blow.
(15) The files, which were made available to the Guardian , the New York Times and the German weekly Der Spiegel, give a blow-by-blow account of the fighting over the last six years, which has so far cost the lives of more than 320 British and more than 1,000 US troops.
(16) Maybe there was a wish to go for these stronger story formulations, more extreme situations to try to get the energy up to comfortably blow the lid off.” Miller pointed out to Franzen that he has developed something of a reputation as a misanthrope.
(17) Pure blow-out fracture or comminuted facial fracture, double vision and amnesia emerged as additional factors which yielded an efficient scoring system with a sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 90% for the population upon which it was based.
(18) It would strike a blow against its excessively adversarial ways of working, the two sides of a divided house braying at each other across the floor.
(19) However, a no show from the leader of the Commonwealth's biggest member would be a huge blow to the credibility of the organisation.
(20) All of which would be perfectly normal (after all, if there's anything valencianos love more than blowing off their fingers, it's complaining about their team) but for one thing: it was only just after half past nine and there was still an hour to go against hated rivals Real Madrid.
(n.) A sort of leather, prepared from the skin of the buffalo, dressed with oil, like chamois; also, the skins of oxen, elks, and other animals, dressed in like manner.
(n.) The color of buff; a light yellow, shading toward pink, gray, or brown.
(n.) A military coat, made of buff leather.
(n.) The grayish viscid substance constituting the buffy coat. See Buffy coat, under Buffy, a.
(a.) A wheel covered with buff leather, and used in polishing cutlery, spoons, etc.
(a.) The bare skin; as, to strip to the buff.
(a.) Made of buff leather.
(a.) Of the color of buff.
(v. t.) To polish with a buff. See Buff, n., 5.
(v. t.) To strike.
(n.) A buffet; a blow; -- obsolete except in the phrase "Blindman's buff."
(a.) Firm; sturdy.
Example Sentences:
(1) Some offer a range, depending on whether you think you're a bit of a buff, and know a pinot meunier from a pinot noir and what prestige cuvée actually means or you just want to see a bit of the process and have a nice glass of bubbly at the end of it, before moving on to the next place – touring a pretty corner of France getting slowly, and delightfully, fizzled.
(2) Like, I am well, well equipped for this thing.” For their one survival item each, Rogen brought a role of toilet paper, while Franco brought sunglasses and mugs continually for the camera, giving his best Spring Breakers faces while in the buff.
(3) Most train yards have a washer system, which we call the "buff", that takes about 10 minutes to clean the whole train, and that's it – it goes back into service.
(4) In vitro autoradiography was used to compare the D-1 and D-2 receptor densities in brains from Buffalo (BUFF) and Fischer 344 (F344) rats.
(5) On Tuesday a piece called Art Buff appeared on a wall in Folkestone, Kent – another part of Britain where immigration is high on the political agenda.
(6) Former BBC 6 Music presenter Phill Jupitus said his departure was "something that, as a lover of music and radio buff, I had always hoped would never happen" .
(7) T. buffeli and T. orientalis also represented immunodominant antigens.
(8) In the past decade he has become known as the buff, handsome actor able to genre-jump: he has done comedies (Just Friends, Van Wilder: Party Liaison), horror (The Amityville Horror remake, which is memorable to his fans mostly because it featured Reynolds chopping wood topless), action thrillers (Blade: Trinity) and, in 2009, his breakout romcom The Proposal, in which he starred opposite Sandra Bullock.
(9) The present study suggests that T. sergenti should be separated from T. buffeli and T. orientalis on the basis of their serological dissimilarities.
(10) Its Genes Reunited site takes a much more mass-market approach than Find My Past, which is used by more "hardcore" genealogy buffs.
(11) It remains the achievement with which he is most often linked, except perhaps by movie buffs who admire the films that have preoccupied him over the past couple of decades: La Reine Margot , Intimacy , Gabrielle , Son Frère , Persécution , Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train .
(12) Elastase and buff-treated lobes were inflated cyclically with humidified air to a pressure of 20 cm H2O 6 times per min during a 16-hour period.
(13) Meanwhile, Dom (no relation) starts planning his own venture, a piri-piri chicken restaurant (drool), then goes cruising in a bath house where he meets Scott Bakula – hot off his Emmy-nominated performance in HBO's Liberace biopic, Behind the Candelabra , and looking unfeasibly buff for a 59-year-old.
(14) Differences in veil constituents were found between T. sergenti, T. buffeli and T. orientalis.
(15) His father, Kim Jong-il , was a well-known movie buff who ordered the abduction of the South Korean director Shin Sang-ok in 1987.
(16) It was these roles that gave him a serious cachet among a generation of film buffs who became movie makers, such as David Zucker, who cast him in the comedy spoof Top Secret!
(17) The direct migration inhibition test with peripheral buff-coated leukocytes, is an easy and reliable correlate of delayed hypersensitivity to mycobacterial antigens in the human body.
(18) The news will come as no surprise to film buffs who for years have been playing the parlour game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, in which they link other actors to Bacon in six films or fewer.
(19) If he wants a seven-foot picture of a woman feeding a giraffe in the buff, he's probably going to get one.
(20) Test resin was allowed to polymerize, and then buff polished or treated by surface smoothing.