What's the difference between boaster and bouncer?



  • (n.) One who boasts; a braggart.
  • (n.) A stone mason's broad-faced chisel.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In this society saturated with diet tips and fitness blogs, with “bony boasters” showcasing their ribs on Instagram and bikini selfies on newsfeeds, our food neurosis seems explicit, on the table for all to see.



  • (n.) One who bounces; a large, heavy person who makes much noise in moving.
  • (n.) A boaster; a bully.
  • (n.) A bold lie; also, a liar.
  • (n.) Something big; a good stout example of the kind.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Imran Yousuf, 24, a bouncer and former marine who served in Afghanistan, saw people pouring into the back hallway.
  • (2) Prasad, meanwhile, inserts a bouncer, and the over closes with the pleasing reappearance of the verbal.
  • (3) "S exual harassment is endemic," says Sophie Tolley, who until last month worked at student club nights around Edinburgh as a bouncer.
  • (4) A young man holds his hands aloft in victory as he is frog-marched out the door by bouncers.
  • (5) It is a figurehead maybe, although one that is less svelte mermaid than bullying bouncer.
  • (6) Then, following more mouth, another short one crumps the handle - they run two - before torso is offered to bouncer, it takes back and earns four.
  • (7) I would like to say thank you very much to the bouncers outside Turtle Bay,” she said.
  • (8) Next to Laura’s elegant effort, he looks like a steroidal bouncer who’d kick you off a glacier.
  • (9) A door guarded by bald, unsmiling men, the bouncers who stand forever as the bored sentinels of indifferent celebrity.
  • (10) Both teams left the pitch with a pile of grievances and the lingering image is of the referee, Jon Moss, being escorted off the pitch at the final whistle by a man wearing the look of a nightclub bouncer.
  • (11) The former bouncer Levi Bellfield has lost a bid to challenge his conviction for the kidnap and murder of Milly Dowler .
  • (12) Maybe a sling or a bouncer if you're feeling flush – and, of course, bottles and sterilisers if you're bottle feeding.
  • (13) There are a few things about his death that everyone agrees on: he was in a hilltop park eating a burrito and tortilla chips, wearing the Taser he carried for his job as a bouncer at a nightclub, when someone called 911 on him a little after 7pm on the evening of 21 March 2014.
  • (14) Bennett’s route into teaching encompassed six years running nightclubs in Soho, including a popular club on Wardour Street – sparking headlines that the government’s new behaviour tsar was a former bouncer.
  • (15) Molina hits a bouncer, Pedroia wisely just gets the out at first.
  • (16) A snazzy looking nightclub with bouncers who won’t let you in.
  • (17) The 78-year-old, a former bouncer who reportedly had three girlfriends before becoming a priest, described the family as “a factory of hope”, each one with “divine citizenship”.
  • (18) He used Unity Force as on-stage bouncers, renaming them Security of the First World, or S1Ws.
  • (19) Puig caps an 0-4 night with a bouncer to Kozma at shortstop who fires to second base, to take Gordon off the base paths.
  • (20) One of the earliest posts told the story of a young Asian woman who had run away from home only to find herself pursued by a posse of ex-rugby league players and bouncers hired by her father.