(n.) An officer who has charge of the boats, sails, rigging, colors, anchors, cables, cordage, etc., of a ship, and who also summons the crew, and performs other duties.
(n.) The jager gull.
(n.) The tropic bird.
Example Sentences:
(1) Most recently, a 24-year-old white boatswain's mate was sent to the National Naval Medical Center for treatment of unifocal disease which originated in his right mastoid bone.
(2) The Navy occupations showing the highest risk for various exposures to hazardous materials were Utilitiesman, Hull Maintenance Technician, and Boatswain's Mate.
(n.) See Boatswain.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the late 1970s the challenge was to discover the missing pieces of the Standard Model: the W and Z bosons (which carry the weak nuclear force), the top quark and the tau neutrino.
(2) A predecessor to the LHC, a machine called the Large Electron Positron collider at Cern , the particle physics laboratory near Geneva, ruled out the existence of the Higgs boson up to a mass of 114GeV, but saw what might have been hints of the particle before it shut down in 2000 to make way for the LHC.
(3) "There is no doubt that something very much like the Higgs boson has been discovered.
(4) For now, work centres on gathering more and more data from Higgs bosons inside the LHC.
(5) Evidence for the Higgs boson has risen sharply in the past seven months.
(6) Jim Baggott, author of Farewell to Reality: How Fairytale Physics Betrays the Search for Scientific Truth The discovery of the Higgs boson was a triumph for the standard model of particle physics.
(7) "I had a nightmare which is that Cern would discover the Higgs boson and then nothing else.
(8) The report suggests that "finding the Higgs boson, exactly as postulated in the Standard Model, would be a triumph.
(9) To spot the boson, the scientists have to look for unusual excesses of the particles it decays into, which appear as bumps in their data.
(10) The present one is nice and cosy, but it is embarrassing and sad to see many distinguished colleagues queueing up at five in the morning knowing that they have a slim chance to get a seat, after working for 20 years on finding the Higgs boson," said Dorigo.
(11) From previous work, the Higgs boson was thought to have a mass somewhere between 114 and 185GeV (gigaelectronvolts) – one GeV is roughly equivalent to the mass of a proton, a subatomic particle found in atomic nuclei.
(12) "It's going to be the Higgs boson of the brain, a Noah's archive of the mind," he says.
(13) For original approaches to outstanding problems in particle physics, including the proposal of large extra dimensions, new theories for the Higgs boson, novel realisations of supersymmetry, theories for dark matter, and the exploration of new mathematical structures in gauge theory scattering amplitudes.
(14) Ripples of excitement swept through the physics community last month when Cern scientists reported what looked like glimpses of the long-sought Higgs boson .
(15) That moment came today for physicists at Cern , near Geneva, home of the Large Hadron Collider, who announced overwhelming evidence for the obscure but profoundly important Higgs boson, the particle that sparked the greatest hunt in modern science.
(16) Without doubt, CERN has delivered us a new particle that looks every bit like the long-sought-after Higgs boson, which is absolutely central to our understanding of how the universe works at its most elemental level.
(17) These microscopic fireballs of energy condense into well known subatomic particles, but scientists hope that among them they will see other more exotic particles, including the Higgs boson .
(18) Following examples like the Human Genome Project and the Large Hadron Collider (where Higgs' elusive boson was finally discovered), the idea is that a large investment will deliver significant results.
(19) But the Standard Model of particle physics – of which the Higgs boson is part and which describes fundamental particles and forces of nature – hides a terrifying secret: a theoretical composite particle that is so stable it can transform any other particle of matter into a copy of itself.
(20) On Monday, scientists at the Tevatron, which was shut down by the US government last year , fired a parting shot, releasing a fresh analysis that showed their strongest evidence yet for the Higgs boson .