(n.) The larva of a moth (Heliothis armigera) which devours the bolls or unripe pods of the cotton plant, often doing great damage to the crops.
Example Sentences:
(1) A kidney bean meal diet was the most satisfactory laboratory diet for the larvae of the American bollworm Heliothis armigera Hubn.
(2) Use of the test provides a good estimation of the percent of diapause larvae in populations of pink bollworm in cotton fields in California and Arizona.
(3) Gossyplure used to bait field traps at a dose of 50 micrograms admixed with 4-16 milligrams of an antioxidant attracted and captured male pink bollworm moths early in the cotton-growing season (early May) in Israel, whereas 20 milligrams of hexalure plus antioxidant was completely inactive under identical conditions.
(4) Whole plants, assayed under conditions of high insect pressure with Heliothis zea (cotton bollworm) showed effective square and boll protection.
(5) An ELISA test was developed to assay for the presence of a protein, pectinophorin, that is expressed only in diapausing last instar larvae of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders.
(6) A mixture of the cis and trans forms of propylure (10-propyl-trans-5,9-tridecadienyl acetate), the sex pheromone of the female pink bollworm moth, has been separated into its pure isomers by thin-layer chromatography.
(7) The method is applied to determine activity of acetylcholinesterase in a larvae bollworm (from the formation of thiocholine from acetylthiocholine).
(8) The synthetic sex pheromone (gossyplure) of the pink bollworm was evaporated into the atmosphere of three cotton fields during an entire growing season.
(9) A diapause associated protein was electrophoretically isolated from the hemolymph of diapausing last instar larvae of the pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella.
(10) Aflatoxin accumulation in Deltapine 16 cottonseed, grown in Yuma, Ariz., in a 3-year study, was significantly influenced by the timing of irrigation terminations and by level of pink bollworm infestations.
(11) The cytochrome P-450 content, activity of microsomal monooxygenases, nonspecific esterases and glutathione S-transferases were studied at different stages of development of the Colorado beetle, cotton bollworm, cabbage butterfly, wax moth from the laboratory and natural populations.
(12) The restriction endonucleases Bam HI, Pst I, Sla I were used to study DNA of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of bollworm, two NPV isolates of cabbage moth, NPV of black arches moth isolated from a natural population of caterpillars.
(13) These alkaloids have antifeedant activities against the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella.
(14) The polyhedral inclusion body of the cotton bollworm nuclear polyhedrosis virus contains virions occluded in an orthogonal crystalline matrix.
(15) Significantly less aflatoxin also was found in the 1971 and 1973 plots where low levels of pink bollworm infestations were maintained.
(16) The genetic basis of the duration and incidence of male wing fanning to pheromone in the pink bollworm moth, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), was examined by artificial selection.
(17) The action spectra for prevention of diapause in larvae of the European corn borer and the pink bollworm exhibited maxima lying between 420 and 490 nm.
(n.) Any young insect from the time that it hatches from the egg until it becomes a pupa, or chrysalis. During this time it usually molts several times, and may change its form or color each time. The larvae of many insects are much like the adults in form and habits, but have no trace of wings, the rudimentary wings appearing only in the pupa stage. In other groups of insects the larvae are totally unlike the parents in structure and habits, and are called caterpillars, grubs, maggots, etc.
(n.) The early, immature form of any animal when more or less of a metamorphosis takes place, before the assumption of the mature shape.
Example Sentences:
(1) Larvae from fresh water eggs, cultured in fresh water and 'normal' laboratory cultures reached 50% infectivity in 3-5 days, losing potential infectivity in 11-15 days post-hatching.
(2) After treatment of larvae of instar 1 at preimago stages about 77% of the insects died.
(3) A total of 3,532 females of various engorged weights was collected from all calves, resulting in a mean female tick yield of 1.78% based on the number of larvae used for all infestations.
(4) Similar concentrations of free ecdysteroids were recorded in adults and larvae, although the two life cycle stages differed in their ratio of ecdysone: 20-hydroxyecdysone.
(5) Larvae of both mutants also excrete 3H-3-hydroxykynurenine and 3H-kynurenine rapidly, which probably accounts for the normal levels of kynurenine during larval life.
(6) Guinea pigs exposed to 200 and 400 H. truncatum larvae elicited the greatest change in feeding efficiency during the fourth infestation.
(7) In cultures of medium ML-15 containing a feeder layer of Dog Sarcoma (DS) cells larvae successfully moulted and showed a small but significant increase in length.
(8) The test is based on the ability of larvae to freely migrate through selected mesh sizes of nylon sieves and the reduced ability of larvae to migrate after preincubation with, and in the presence of, substances that inhibit or reduce larval motility.
(9) This study provides evidence for a maternal yolk factor associated with increased tolerance and resistance of larvae to copper.
(10) Human activity not only increases risk, but influences control by killing mosquito larvae, killing adult mosquitos or preventing mosquitos from feeding.
(11) Infected ticks were reared from larvae feeding on each of 11 rabbits taken from the same site.
(12) Histopathology examination from the margin of the ulcerative area confirmed the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma, which was infested secondarily with larvae of flies.
(13) Tolypocladium tundrense and T. terricola UV-irradiated conidia exhibited acute toxicity to Aedes aegypti larvae in concentrations of 5 x 10(5) and 5 x 10(6) ml-1, respectively.
(14) These products, as well as several synthetic intermediates, were evaluated for antifilarial activity against Molinema dessetae either in vivo in its natural host, the rodent Proechimys oris, or in vitro by a new test using cultures of the infective larvae.
(15) However, mosquitoes infected with more than 4 larvae became more active than uninfected mosquitoes 8 days after infection.
(16) Metabolism of carbaryl by the fat body is affected by the age of the larva, the pH of the incubation medium, and the concentration of magnesium chloride in the incubation medium.
(17) The mutant larvae are apparently normal, but they harbor serious defects in the organs containing proliferating cells of both somatic and germ line origins.
(18) Changes in haemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) concentrations of larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella, were used to estimate the activity of the corpora allata.
(19) Statistical analysis has shown the following: a) the growth inhibition, which is especially distinct in autumn-spring generation, takes place in the Ist instar larvae 1.76-2.20 mm long inhabiting the walls of the nasal cavity and concha (their average body length at hatching is 1.08 plus or minus 0.004 mm); the inhibition is associated with interpopulation relations and apparently does not depend on the date of its beginning and can last from 6 to 7 months; c) after the growth resumption the development continues uninterruptedly up to the moulting; the inhibition is also possible at the beginning of the 2nd instar and then the development proceeds without any intervals up to the complete maturation of larvae.
(20) It is present throughout development and is as abundant in embryos as in larvae and adult flies.