(n.) A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together; commonly, many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing.
(n.) A composition, written or printed; a treatise.
(n.) A part or subdivision of a treatise or literary work; as, the tenth book of "Paradise Lost."
(n.) A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures, etc.
(n.) Six tricks taken by one side, in the game of whist; in certain other games, two or more corresponding cards, forming a set.
(v. t.) To enter, write, or register in a book or list.
(v. t.) To enter the name of (any one) in a book for the purpose of securing a passage, conveyance, or seat; as, to be booked for Southampton; to book a seat in a theater.
(v. t.) To mark out for; to destine or assign for; as, he is booked for the valedictory.
Example Sentences:
(1) In this book, he dismisses Freud's idea of penis envy - "Freud got it spectacularly wrong" - and said "women don't envy the penis.
(2) It is my desperate hope that we close out of town.” In the book, God publishes his own 'It Getteth Better' video and clarifies his original writings on homosexuality: I remember dictating these lines to Moses; and afterward looking up to find him staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment, and saying, "Thou do knowest that when the Israelites read this, they're going to lose their fucking shit, right?"
(3) In the 153 women to whom iron supplements were given during pregnancy, the initial fall in haemoglobin concentration was less, was arrested by 28 weeks gestation and then rose to a level equivalent to the booking level.
(4) Join a Twitter book club It all started last summer, when 12,000 people took to Twitter to discuss Neil Gaiman's American Gods .
(5) This is an edited extract from Across the Seas – Australia’s Response to Refugees: A History by Klaus Neumann, published by Black Inc. Books and on-sale now .
(6) When we gave her a gift of a few books in English, she burst out crying.
(7) In a recent book about the life of Rudolf Höss who was the commandant at Auschwitz, he is quoted as saying of himself that he was not a murderer, he was “just in charge of an extermination camp”.
(8) In some ways, the Gandolfini performance that his fans may savour most is his voice work in Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are (2009), the cult screen version of Maurice Sendak 's picture book classic – he voiced Carol, one of the wild things, an untamed, foul-mouthed figure.
(9) Liekens, who has been called the "leading lady in sexology", has written several books including The Vagina Book, The Sex Bible and Her Penis Book.
(10) Analysis according to clinical importance, gestation at booking, maternal age, parity, birth order, ethnic origin, and certainty of gestational age.
(11) For Burroughs, who had been publishing ground-breaking books for 20 years without much appreciable financial return, it was association with fame and the music industry, as well as the possible benefits: a wider readership, film hook-ups and more money.
(12) The award for nonfiction went to New Yorker staff writer Evan Osnos for his book on modern China, Age of Ambition .
(13) All was very accomplished; her award-winning photographs have been exhibited in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, and her articles and pictures were published in books, periodicals, and newspapers around the world.
(14) Nicholas Shaxson – the author of Treasure Islands, a book about the world of tax evasion – described the demands as "incredibly powerful".
(15) In 1999, Kamprad admitted his past involvement with Nazism in a book about his life and asked for forgiveness for his "stupidity."
(16) Standing as he explains the book's take-home point, Miliband recalls the author Michael Lewis's research showing that a quarter-back is the most highly paid player, but because they throw with their right arm they can often be floored by an attacker from their blindside.
(17) But he won’t call.” Allardyce is also cynical about an offer from Swansea to compensate around 300 Sunderland fans who had booked trips to Wales before the date change.
(18) Rates Six to 12 hours from R$189 (£54) to R$396 (£113), or from £199 by the day; booking policy unlikely to change during the World Cup.
(19) "This is the guy we've all seen in Borders or HMV on a Friday afternoon, possibly after a drink or two, tie slightly undone, buying two CDs, a DVD and maybe a book - fifty quid's worth - and frantically computing how he's going to convince his partner that this is a really, really worthwhile investment."
(20) The Broken King by Philip Womack Photograph: Troika Books The Sword in the Stone begins with Wart on a "quest" to find a tutor.
(n.) The ordinary language of men in speaking or writing; language not cast in poetical measure or rhythm; -- contradistinguished from verse, or metrical composition.
(n.) Hence, language which evinces little imagination or animation; dull and commonplace discourse.
(n.) A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass. See Sequence.
(a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, prose; not in verse; as, prose composition.
(a.) Possessing or exhibiting unpoetical characteristics; plain; dull; prosaic; as, the prose duties of life.
(v. t.) To write in prose.
(v. t.) To write or repeat in a dull, tedious, or prosy way.
(v. i.) To write prose.
Example Sentences:
(1) Comic writing can be a brutal, unforgiving business, yet it can produce great and multi-layered prose, combining comedy, pathos and satire.
(2) The prose rhythm and colloquial diction here work against exaggeration, but allow for humour.
(3) In the first, span and free-recall measures were obtained for 24 subjects, each tested with four types of spoken material (nonsense syllables, random words, fourth-order approximations to English, and normal prose).
(4) But his magnificent, exact rendering of the world, in his mordant, civilised and generous prose, has no comparison.
(5) With prose that takes the English language and infuses it with inflections and a history that is uniquely Igbo, discernibly Nigerian and unmistakably African, Achebe's is a realism that ensures the enduring relevance of his fiction.
(6) It was concluded that CAs are more effective and more efficient than prose for teaching clinical decisionmaking.
(7) Young and old adults were tested for recall of ideas presented in a 641 word prose passage.
(8) "The inauguration address was poetry, and now people are looking for some prose," said Alden Meyer, policy director at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
(9) Louise Glück’s prose-poem collection, Faithful and Virtuous Night , won for poetry.
(10) He writes poetry and prose, he writes news reports and short stories.
(11) Pinter adores poetry, would perhaps have preferred his poetry to have taken precedence over his plays, and his prose often has the compression and musicality of poetry, what he calls the "question of rhythm".
(12) These models account for a broad range of memory-related processes, including word recognition, sentence verification, prose comprehension, and sentence production.
(13) Various Voices: Prose, Poetry and Politics 1948-98 is published by Faber (£9.99).To order it at the special price of £7.99 plus 99p p&p, freephone 0500 600 102 or send a cheque payable to The Guardian CultureShop to 250 Western Avenue, London, W3 6EE.
(14) His narrative has the simple directness of the finest English prose: the overall effect is both intimate and majestic Perhaps he was lucky.
(15) Featuring handwritten lyrics and prose drawn from his notebooks and scraps of paper he kept in ringbinders, the selection was put together with the help of journalist Jon Savage .
(16) Ada banyak prakarsa dari bawah ke atas, mulai dari usaha pengelolaan sampah hingga tingkat nol sampai proses pengelolaan air kotor secara komunal.
(17) Subjects suffering from persecutory delusions, psychiatric controls and normal subjects were required to recall immediately six passages of prose, half of which contained mildly threatening propositions.
(18) But given how addictive the prose was in Constellation, where Marra was lyrical but also drover quickly, those who loved the John Leonard Prize winner a couple of years back are certainly hungering for more.