(a.) Northern; pertaining to the north, or to the north wind; as, a boreal bird; a boreal blast.
Example Sentences:
(1) The Polar Psychology Project brings together three organizations from Canada and Argentina to study human adaptation to the boreal and austral circumpolar environments.
(2) Mosquito-borne arboviruses are prevalent throughout subarctic regions of Canada and Alaska, principally in the boreal forest extending between latitudes 53 and 66 degrees N, but they have been identified in tundra regions as far north as 70 degrees N. All mosquito-borne agents have been bunyaviruses, comprising principally the snowshoe hare subtype of California encephalitis (CE) virus, but also Northway virus.
(3) Antifreeze production is seasonal in boreal species and is often initiated by environmental cues other than low temperature, particularly short day lengths.
(4) This trend is only like to deepen as heat extremes in central Europe grow stronger, while the boreal forests of Scandinavia experience less snow, river ice, and an increasing risk of winter storms and pest infestations.
(5) In the Atlantic, Boreal and Steppic (southern Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and western Kazakhstan in Europe), no forest ecosystems were found to be well-tended, although 80% of such habitats across Europe were also judged unfavourably.
(6) The effect of the accidental oil spill (250 tons) in a boreal archipelago (Gulf of Bothnia, Vaasa, Finland) on xenobiotic metabolism of local perch (Perca fluviatilis) was monitored for 1.5 years.
(7) When this became apparent, a comprehensive radioecological research programme was initiated in order to study the behaviour of radiocaesium in boreal and alpine ecosystems, with emphasis on food-chains leading to exposure of species used for human consumption, i.e., reindeer and freshwater fish.
(8) Ultimately, the occupation of the Western Hemisphere was a direct result of boreal cultural adaptations in the Old World.
(9) The high northern latitudes are warming more rapidly than other parts of the Earth, with climate models predicting a northward shift of Arctic vegetation that will see the boreal biome (coniferous forest across North America and Eurasia) migrate into what is currently tundra (treeless plains of the Arctic).
(10) But the ‘Boreal’ (Norway, Finland and the Baltics) and ‘Atlantic’ (UK, Western France, Denmark and Benelux countries) emerge as danger spots for biodiversity.
(11) Among the Cree-Ojibwa Indians in the subarctic boreal forest of northern Manitoba and Ontario, a high prevalence of clinical gallbladder disease (18.5% among women aged 20-64) was observed.
(12) The morphology of the optical part of the Enallagma boreale Selys compound eye remains unchanged during its post-embryonic development.
(13) Six strains of Jamestown Canyon virus in the California serogroup were isolated from three species of boreal Aedes in the Aedes communis group of the subgenus Ochlerotatus.
(14) Between 2011 and 2013 fires in the boreal forests of Canada and Russia accounted for almost a quarter of global forest losses.
(15) Strongholds include the boreal forests of northern Canada, Australia’s deserts and western woodlands, some lowland forests in Asia and parts of central Africa.
(16) Infections were restricted to alpine and montane regions in southwestern Alberta (97%) as well as boreal uplands of the Cypress Hills in southeastern Alberta (3%).
(17) Surrounded by boreal forest, it is one of the most spectacularly beautiful regions in Canada.
(18) If global warming is leading to more fires in boreal forests, which in turn leads to more emissions from those forests, which in turn leads to more climate change.
(19) Boreal forests are one of the world’s great carbon sinks.
(20) It would only feed the expansion of strip mining the boreal forests and wetlands for tar sands crude.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the orient or east; eastern; concerned with the East or Orientalism; -- opposed to occidental; as, Oriental countries.
(n.) A native or inhabitant of the Orient or some Eastern part of the world; an Asiatic.
(n.) Eastern Christians of the Greek rite.
Example Sentences:
(1) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
(2) With respect to family environment, a history of sexual abuse was associated with perceptions that families of origin had less cohesion, more conflict, less emphasis on moral-religious matters, less emphasis on achievement, and less of an orientation towards intellectual, cultural, and recreational pursuits.
(3) Rigidly fixing the pubic symphysis stiffened the model and resulted in principal stress patterns that did not reflect trabecular density or orientations as well as those of the deformable pubic symphysis model.
(4) The response selectivity, such as orientation and direction selectivities, of cortical cells was not affected by the depletion of ACh.
(5) We have examined the initial events in myelin synthesis, including the insertion and orientation of PLP in the plasma membrane, in rat oligodendrocytes which express PLP and the other myelin-specific proteins when cultured without neurons (Dubois-Dalcq, M., T. Behar, L. Hudson, and R. A. Lazzarini.
(6) Other fusiform cells of the cPVN are oriented in a rostral-caudal plane and are situated more medially in this subdivision.
(7) During the interview process, nurse applicants frequently inquire about the availability of such a program and have been very favorably impressed when we have been able to offer them this approach to orientation.
(8) The central part of the system is the patient-orientated data bank.
(9) To alleviate these problems we developed an object-oriented user interface for the pipeline programs.
(10) Our data support the hypothesis that evoked and epileptiform magnetic fields result from intradendritic currents oriented perpendicular to the cortical surface.
(11) It’s gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background, and – most important of all, as far as I’m concerned – diversity of thought.” Diversity needs action beyond the Oscars | Letters Read more He may have provided the Richard Littlejohn wishlist from hell – you know the one, about the one-legged black lesbian in a hijab favoured by the politically correct – but as a Hollywood A-lister, the joke’s no longer on him.
(12) The changes are necessary to produce confident, supportive community oriented nurses.
(13) Families were randomly assigned to one of two forms of conjoint therapy: an Insight-oriented treatment (N = 10) or a Problem-Solving intervention (N = 10).
(14) Proper maintenance of body orientation was defined to be achieved if the net angular displacement of the head-and-trunk segment was zero during the flight phase of the long jump.
(15) In conjunction with the development of a computerized goal-oriented record system at Forest Hospital Des Plaines, Illinois, research staff developed a psychiatric goal list from goal statements most frequently used at the hospital.
(16) Given the liberalist context in which we live, this paper argues that an act-oriented ethics is inadequate and that only a virtue-oriented ethics enables us to recognize and resolve the new problems ahead of us in genetic manipulation.
(17) A team-oriented problem-solving procedure using management project teams was developed to improve quality of care and productivity in a private, nonprofit hospital.
(18) Orientation and lever responding were not functionally related.
(19) Circular dichroism (CD) spectra indicating different local orientation of oxazolone, when coupled to L or D side chain-terminating amino acids, support this suggestion.
(20) Economic burdens for postmarketing research should be shared jointly by the research-oriented and generic drug companies.