What's the difference between bored and boxed?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Bore

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The scaphoid silicone implant bore significant, although less, load than the normal scaphoid.
  • (2) Paparella type II tubes had a prolonged period of intubation and a decreased reintubation rate when compared with the smaller bore tubes.
  • (3) He says the next step will be moving to bore water, which will require people to boil water to drink.
  • (4) By the time the bud was half the diameter of the mother cell, it almost always bore a vacuole.
  • (5) Rather, there is evidence that students find these courses 'waffly' and boring.
  • (6) (2) E. granulosus, which includes two geographical groups: (a) Northern group, with two sub-species E. g borelis and E. g. canadensis, the life-cycle of which is sylvatic and that are agents of a pulmonary hydatidosis which may affect Man.
  • (7) Adult mongrel dogs were instrumented and placed in the bore of a Bruker Biospec 1.89 tesla superconducting magnet system.
  • (8) But the president said that the rest of the country had relied for too long on police to do the “dirty work” of containing urban violence and bore responsibility for the violent spectacle in Baltimore.
  • (9) It was shown by double staining that most of the Ia-bearing T cells also bore the T8 marker.
  • (10) Neither the peak serum E2 level attained nor the number of days of stimulation required bore a relationship to the BMI or the total body weight of these women.
  • (11) Experts and activists have said the murder bore all the hallmarks of Egypt’s notorious secret service, but Egyptian officials have consistently put forward alternative theories, including that Regeni was killed by a criminal gang and that his death was an isolated incident.
  • (12) The selectivity, efficiency and lifetime of normal- and narrow-bore columns for high-performance liquid chromatography were investigated for the separation and quantification of amino acids and the amino acid-like antibiotics phosphinothricin and phosphinothricylalanylalanine in biological samples.
  • (13) Soon my pillowcases bore rusty coins of nasal drippage.
  • (14) On 1 January 1832, he reports that: "The new year to my jaundiced senses bore a most gloomy appearance.
  • (15) The use of soft catheter materials in large-bore veins has allowed safe long-term venous access in human patients.
  • (16) The lesson for the international community, fatigued or bored by competing stories of Middle Eastern carnage, is that problems that are left to fester only get worse – and always take a terrible human toll.
  • (17) While Cropley talked to a member of staff, her daughter got a bit bored.
  • (18) Sometimes my press conferences are boring because I’m very polite or political.
  • (19) It was found that the emphasis in the reporting of adolescence bore little relationship to the importance or relevance of each area of study.
  • (20) And until recently, they bore children for foreigners who never even saw this place.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Box

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Would people feel differently about it if, for instance, it happened on Boxing Day or Christmas Eve?
  • (2) In the absence of an authentic target for the MASH proteins, we examined their DNA binding and transcriptional regulatory activity by using a binding site (the E box) from the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene, a target of MyoD.
  • (3) However, valid electroacoustic evaluation of the DMHAs cannot be accomplished using the conventional hearing aid test box.
  • (4) An AT-rich stretch is centered at position -31 with respect to the transcription initiation site, and a potential CCAAT box is centered at position -138.
  • (5) Calves were fed milk replacer twice daily while housed indoors in wooden-slatted floor box crates (metabolism cages).
  • (6) In contrast, BTEB repressed the activity of a promoter containing BTE, a single GC box of the CYP1A1 gene that is stimulated by Sp1.
  • (7) The protein sequence of the homoeo domain is identical to that encoded by Hu-1, one of a the pair of closely linked homoeo boxes in the human genome.
  • (8) It was sent into the box and Jaap Stam's free header went towards Kaka at the far post.
  • (9) But as an entertaining family experience, it ticks almost every box.
  • (10) Piedmont’s research, which was conducted among 3,000 filmgoers and weighted to the demographics of the cinemagoing public, is not the same as the Hollywood tracking system, which delivers predictions of box-office success.
  • (11) Illustration by Andrzej Krause Photograph: Guardian The Foreign Office attributed the forgotten boxes to "an earlier misunderstanding about contents" and stated that there needed to be an "improvement in archive management".
  • (12) Although the islet promoter was found to lack a TATA box, a major transcript from the islet promoter was mapped 486 nucleotides upstream of the translation initiation site.
  • (13) We conclude that the activity of the gamma-subunit gene is determined largely by E boxes, which in vivo are likely to be activated by MyoD family proteins; in addition, other transactivators such as the M-CAT binding protein presumably play a role.
  • (14) There was an upstream "HTF" island (Hpa II tiny fragments) followed by four direct repeats of the "chorion box" enhancer.
  • (15) While there would inevitably be some interaction, Gibbs said, "I do not think the president approaches it like a boxing match."
  • (16) Weir soon has to hack away a cross from Bodmer which would otherwise have found Govou in the box.
  • (17) LU, a branch of the London mayor's Transport for London authority, claims that Aslef is seeking triple-time pay and an extra day off for members working on Boxing Day.
  • (18) Now another deep cross is thrown into the box and Guzan leaps to claim it, but can only parry it down and pick up the second ball.
  • (19) The spacing between the G-box sequences proved to be important for the full induction of gene expression.
  • (20) The Liverpool manager was incensed by Lee Mason's performance at the Etihad Stadium on Boxing Day, when a 2-1 defeat cost his team the Premier League leadership and Raheem Sterling had a first half goal disallowed for an incorrect offside call.

Words possibly related to "boxed"