(v. t.) To cause to deviate from straightness; to bend; to inflect; to make crooked or curved.
(v. t.) To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.
(v. t.) To bend or incline, as the head or body, in token of respect, gratitude, assent, homage, or condescension.
(v. t.) To cause to bend down; to prostrate; to depress,;/ to crush; to subdue.
(v. t.) To express by bowing; as, to bow one's thanks.
(v. i.) To bend; to curve.
(v. i.) To stop.
(v. i.) To bend the head, knee, or body, in token of reverence or submission; -- often with down.
(v. i.) To incline the head in token of salutation, civility, or assent; to make bow.
(n.) An inclination of the head, or a bending of the body, in token of reverence, respect, civility, or submission; an obeisance; as, a bow of deep humility.
(v. t.) Anything bent, or in the form of a curve, as the rainbow.
(v. t.) A weapon made of a strip of wood, or other elastic material, with a cord connecting the two ends, by means of which an arrow is propelled.
(v. t.) An ornamental knot, with projecting loops, formed by doubling a ribbon or string.
(v. t.) The U-shaped piece which embraces the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.
(v. t.) An appliance consisting of an elastic rod, with a number of horse hairs stretched from end to end of it, used in playing on a stringed instrument.
(v. t.) An arcograph.
(v. t.) Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging the hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.
(v. t.) A rude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.
(sing. or pl.) Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.
(v. i.) To play (music) with a bow.
(v. i. ) To manage the bow.
(n.) The bending or rounded part of a ship forward; the stream or prow.
(n.) One who rows in the forward part of a boat; the bow oar.
Example Sentences:
(1) Aldi, Lidl and Morrisons are to raise the price they pay their suppliers for milk, bowing to growing pressure from dairy farmers who say the industry is in crisis.
(2) The effects of maxillary protracting bow appliance were the maxillary forward movement associated with counter-clockwise rotation of the nasal floor and the mandibular backward movement associated with clockwise rotation.
(3) We have urged the government not to bow to the pressure of the opposition against this law.
(4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Mark Karpeles, president of Mt Gox bitcoin exchange, bows his head during a press conference in Tokyo after a $400m hack.
(5) We see central bank leaders seemingly bowing to political pressures .
(6) The tangential force caused massive swelling and one week later bowing of the forearm was noticed.
(7) Following the last model’s disappearance backstage, Galliano appeared briefly in front of the audience and bobbed a blink-and-you-missed-it bow, dressed in the white lab coat that is the uniform of the Maison Margiela label for whom he now designs.
(8) She walked around her Bethnal Green and Bow constituency in a crop top that showed her belly button ring; she also established herself as a hard- working MP for that area.
(9) A case of acute plastic bowing fractures of both the fibula and tibia in a child is presented.
(10) It soon became a standard text for aspiring Young Conservatives and Bow Groupers in the days before the Thatcherite tide had engulfed even those institutions.
(11) At 12, Focus E15 were served with a notice to appear in Bow magistrates court at 2pm.
(12) Labour's Michael Dugher said he welcomed the prime minister "bowing down to public pressure".
(13) We report four patients with unilateral bowing of the lower leg, affecting only the fibula.
(14) Isolated bowing of the ulna is rare, yet its occurrence, particularly in conjunction with congenital dislocation of the radial head, has been documented.
(15) Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), when isolated from human colon fibroblast (hcf) cells, is N-glycosylated differently than when isolated from the Bowes melanoma (m) cell line (Parekh et al., 1988).
(16) President Obama's speech on Thursday seemed to put a neat bow on the past four years.
(17) Before negotiations have even started, the proposed trade deal between the EU and United States has been heralded as a game-changer: an unprecedented stimulus package for the European economy, a shot across the bow for British Eurosceptics and a chance for Europe and the US to set the standard for global trade before China beats us to it.
(18) Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows at the Tyndall centre for climate change research at Manchester University say global carbon emissions are rising so fast that they would need to peak by 2015 and then decrease by up to 6.5% each year for atmospheric CO2 levels to stabilise at 450ppm, which might limit temperature rise to 2C.
(19) On Saturday the president said he had no intention of bowing to critics' calls for him to step down.
(20) The present study was undertaken for the purpose of detecting the influence on upper first molars by the dynamic behavior originated in face-bow construction.
(a.) Lost for want of occupiers or use; superfluous.
(a.) To bring to ruin; to devastate; to desolate; to destroy.
(a.) To wear away by degrees; to impair gradually; to diminish by constant loss; to use up; to consume; to spend; to wear out.
(a.) To spend unnecessarily or carelessly; to employ prodigally; to expend without valuable result; to apply to useless purposes; to lavish vainly; to squander; to cause to be lost; to destroy by scattering or injury.
(a.) To damage, impair, or injure, as an estate, voluntarily, or by suffering the buildings, fences, etc., to go to decay.
(v. i.) To be diminished; to lose bulk, substance, strength, value, or the like, gradually; to be consumed; to dwindle; to grow less.
(v. i.) To procure or sustain a reduction of flesh; -- said of a jockey in preparation for a race, etc.
(v.) The act of wasting, or the state of being wasted; a squandering; needless destruction; useless consumption or expenditure; devastation; loss without equivalent gain; gradual loss or decrease, by use, wear, or decay; as, a waste of property, time, labor, words, etc.
(v.) That which is wasted or desolate; a devastated, uncultivated, or wild country; a deserted region; an unoccupied or unemployed space; a dreary void; a desert; a wilderness.
(v.) That which is of no value; worthless remnants; refuse. Specifically: Remnants of cops, or other refuse resulting from the working of cotton, wool, hemp, and the like, used for wiping machinery, absorbing oil in the axle boxes of railway cars, etc.
(v.) Spoil, destruction, or injury, done to houses, woods, fences, lands, etc., by a tenant for life or for years, to the prejudice of the heir, or of him in reversion or remainder.
(v.) Old or abandoned workings, whether left as vacant space or filled with refuse.
Example Sentences:
(1) The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential for integrating surveillance techniques in reproductive epidemiology with geographic information system technology in order to identify populations at risk around hazardous waste sites.
(2) Muscle wasting in MYD may be explained by these abnormalities as well.
(3) Solely infectious waste become removed hospital-intern and -extern on conditions of hygienic prevention, namely through secure packing during the transport, combustion or desinfection.
(4) Communicating sustainability is a subtle attempt at doing good Read more And yet, in environmental terms it is infinitely preferable to prevent waste altogether, rather than recycle it.
(5) In a newspaper interview last month, Shapps said the BBC needed to tackle what he said was a culture of secrecy, waste and unbalanced reporting if it hoped to retain the full £3.6bn raised by the licence fee after the current Royal Charter expires in 2016.
(6) Swedes tend to see generous shared parental leave as good for the economy, since it prevents the nation's investment in women's education and expertise from going to waste.
(7) In South Africa, health risks associated with exposure to toxic waste sites need to be viewed in the context of current community health concerns, competing causes of disease and ill-health, and the relative lack of knowledge about environmental contamination and associated health effects.
(8) It was recently demonstrated that MRL-lpr lymphoid cells transferred into lethally irradiated MRL- +mice unexpectedly failed to induce the early onset of lupus syndrome and massive lymphadenopathy of the donor, instead they caused a severe wasting syndrome resembling graft-vs-host (GvH) disease.
(9) But there was a clear penalty on Diego Costa – it is a waste of time and money to have officials by the side of the goal because normally they do nothing – and David Luiz’s elbow I didn’t see, I confess.
(10) But in the rush to design it, Girardet wonders if the finer details of waste disposal and green power were lost.
(11) The agency, which works to reduce food waste and plastic bag use, has already been gutted , with its budget reduced to £17.9m in 2014, down from £37.7m in 2011.
(12) Sagan had a way of not wasting words, even playfully.
(13) In the end, prisons are all about wasting human life and will always be places that take things away.
(14) It just seems a bit of a waste, I say, given that he's young and handsome and famous.
(15) Any surplus food left over goes to anaerobic digestion energy plants, which turn food waste into electricity.
(16) By its calorific value the mycelial waste is equal to brown coal or peat.
(17) The observed differences in Na excretion suggest that this aldosterone hypersecretion may be of pathophysiological importance as a protection against inappropriate renal waste of Na during the early phase of endotoxin-induced fever.
(18) Hyperbilirubinaemia in newborn infants is generally regarded as a problem, and bilirubin itself as toxic metabolic waste, but the high frequency in newborn infants suggests that the excess of neonatal bilirubin may have a positive function.
(19) The original agricultural wastes had captured CO2 from the air through the photosynthesis process; biochar is a low-tech way of sequestering carbon, effectively for ever.
(20) In March, the Tories reappointed their trusty old attack dogs, M&C Saatchi, to work alongside the lead agency, Euro RSCG, and M&C Saatchi's chief executive, David Kershaw, wasted no time in setting out his stall, saying: "It's a fallacy that online has replaced offline in terms of media communications."