What's the difference between brachia and branchia?



  • (n. pl.) See Brachium.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The mean neuropathological findings were cerebello-olivary atrophy (late atrophy), degeneration of the dentate nuclei and brachia conjunctiva, degeneration of the pyramidal and psinocerebellar tracts and of the pars reticulata of substantia nigra.
  • (2) In all cases the brainstems showed both microscopic and macroscopic hemorrhages of the isthmus cerebri and in some cases of the cerebral peduncles and the cerebellar brachia conjunctiva.
  • (3) Possible ways of restoration of afferent input to the temporal cortical area after lesion of the inferior colliculi brachia are discussed.
  • (4) All of these reorganizations take place between the caudal end of the optic chiasm and the division of the main optic tract into the optic brachia.
  • (5) The techniques of functional elimination of the temporal neocortex by cold and section of the posterior colliculi brachia were used.
  • (6) Conditioned reflexes elaborated after section of the posterior colliculi brachia are not manifested in the case of cooling of the temporal areas throughout the period of observation (18 sessions).
  • (7) The most convenient target is in the region of brachia conjunctiva cerebelli.
  • (8) The role of the neocortex temporal areas in the closing function was studied in chronic experiments on cats in the norm and after section of the posterior colliculi brachia.
  • (9) In order to evaluate whether regenerating axons are capable of navigating in the optic tract and brachia and on the tectum, the present study examined the pathway choices and the morphology of regenerating axons en route to their tectal targets in goldfish.
  • (10) Fiber tracing studies during the third month of regeneration show that the axons have reestablished a basically normal fiber order in the two brachia of the optic tract; axons originating in the ventral hemiretina are concentrated in the dorsal brachium, axons from the dorsal hemiretina in the ventral brachium.
  • (11) Antidromic activation on the Bechterew nucleus neurons with stimulation of brachia pontis and conjunctivum as well as cerebellar central nuclei and pyramidal tract, was studied in anesthetized cats.
  • (12) The normal r-order, present in the nonregenerated stump of the experimental nerve, was severely degraded and perhaps lost entirely in the regenerated optic nerve, tract, and brachia.
  • (13) Evoked potentials during light stimulation were investigated in normal cats and after bilateral destruction of specific (the optical tracts, the lateral geniculate nuclei) and nonspecific (the brachia colliculi superioris) visual pathways.
  • (14) Sectoral order was also lost as the axons passed the crush site, but it was reestablished, albeit crudely, in the regenerated tract and brachia where axons tended to occupy positions appropriate to their dorsal, ventral, nasal, and temporal retinal origins.
  • (15) Plaques in the corpus callosum, pons, and brachia pontis were better demonstrated utilizing 3D MP RAGE.
  • (16) On their way to the tectum, many regenerating axons make erroneous choices between the two arms (brachia) of the optic tract.
  • (17) All regenerating fibres approached their tectal terminations by one or more of three main pathways: round one or both brachia, thus encircling the tectum to get to their terminal zone; directly across the tectum; or by passing on to the tectum before changing course.
  • (18) In all experimental animals, axons were observed regenerating through the visual pathway but at the brachia most of the fibers were channeled through the ventral brachium.
  • (19) Retino-SPp axons occupy the center of the main optic tract before it divides into the two optic brachia.
  • (20) The age-related fiber order of the optic tract involves a rotation of the optic pathway that begins near the chiasm, continues through the optic tract as it wraps around the brain, and extends through the brachia.



  • (n.) A gill; a respiratory organ for breathing the air contained in water, such as many aquatic and semiaquatic animals have.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Enteroviruses were isolated from 12% of the digestive tract samples collected from Anodonta cygnea (9.4%) and Dreysena polymorpha (13.2%) shell species and from 8.4% of the branchiae sample from fish species Rutilus rutilus, Perca fluviatilis and Silurus glanis.
  • (2) In saplings of Acipensar güldenstädti Brandt while adapting to sea water with salinity of 12.5%, the main functional changes in the chloride cells of the branchiae, the thyroid gland and interrenal tissue occur within the first 12 hours.
  • (3) The branchiae of Artemia adapted to triple-strength sea water (105 per mil salinity) were studied with the electron microscope.
  • (4) The detectable positions of calcinosis cutis were mostly at the injected sites, that is, outside the right brachium followed by bilateral-branchia and crura.

Words possibly related to "brachia"

Words possibly related to "branchia"