(v. t.) To extend under, or be opposed to; as, the line of a triangle which subtends the right angle; the chord subtends an arc.
Example Sentences:
(1) A state of cellular resistance to insulin action subtends the observed hyperinsulinism.
(2) Collinearity errors are consistent with the hypothesis that the sizes of all subtended angles are underestimated.
(3) Many thousands of arachnoid villi subtend all the membranes from the intrathecal space, and many of these end in the large epidural veins.
(4) Our results show that the endothelial cells and the subtending basal lamina of myocardial capillaries gradually mature morphologically during the final days of gestation and the first neonatal week.
(5) Findings are reported which suggest that this phenomenon is based on a difference in the accessing of proximal stimulus information, which, in the case of size, refers to visual angle subtended.
(6) The relationship between the logarithm of this distance and that of the fraction of the lobe subtended by an airway could be described by a quadratic equation with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.85.
(7) Eight angles, variously oriented, provided judgmental errors attributable to the size of the subtended angle and line orientation.
(8) Most PVNs subtend large, bilateral receptive fields and are exquisitely sensitive to stimulus motion and direction but insensitive to stimulus speed.
(9) We present a configuration of 3 applicators subtended by an equilateral triangle in order to target and relocate a 'hot spot' for improved treatment of deep tumors.
(10) To characterize the size of more peripheral airways, the size and number of the terminal bronchioles subtended by each airway in each left lower lobe cast were identified so that the fraction of the lobe served by that airway could be estimated.
(11) Suture holes are provided on a flange subtending 120 degrees around the circumference of the shell and are exactly matched on a stainless steel template.
(12) Two-sized checks subtending 15' and 31' were used as stimuli.
(13) Myocardial ischemia was diagnosed by either FDG-PET or Rb-PET in 34 segments subtended by significant local coronary stenoses.
(14) The magnitude of beat-to-beat alternation of unipolar waveforms was described by the difference between the time integrals subtended by electrograms of consecutive beats.
(15) We conclude that subendocardial segment lengths "average" shortening in the muscle they subtend when arrayed across the perfusion boundary.
(16) The rostellar distal cytoplasm of Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces is characterized by extensive basal membrane infolding, prominent hemidesmosomes and is subtended by a lamina reticularis with microfibrils of approximately 10 nm diameter that occasionally show a 55 nm banding periodicity.
(17) A mathematical relationship between the peak area subtended by an immunoprecipitate in the crossed immuno-electrophoresis system and the quantity of vesicles used in the adsorption process has been derived.
(18) In this report, different events led to a sudden and fatal outcome in two patients with total coronary occlusions subtending recently infarcted, but still viable, areas of myocardium.
(19) VEPs were obtained to each of two grid sizes flashed to one eye (individual squares subtending 15 and 60 min of arc) and changes in amplitude of these VEPs were considered as a function of four stimuli continuously presented to the other eye (diffuse light, 15, 30, and 60 min of arc squares in grids).
(20) The temporal fovea, which can resolve targets subtending half a minute or less must depend upon its peripheral cornea for such sharp resolution.