(n.) A strong alcoholic liquor distilled from wine. The name is also given to spirit distilled from other liquors, and in the United States to that distilled from cider and peaches. In northern Europe, it is also applied to a spirit obtained from grain.
Example Sentences:
(1) But this regime is by no means a temporary regime,” Brandis said.
(2) O’Sullivan said a number of “third parties” whom Brandis met would need to be consulted before they could consider release.
(3) The idea that these problems exist on the other side of the world, and that we Australians can ignore them by sheltering comfortably in our own sequestered corner of the globe, is a fool’s delusion.” Brandis sought to reach out to Australian Muslims, saying the threat came “principally from a small number of people among us who try to justify criminal acts by perverting the meaning of Islam”.
(4) Brandis rejected suggestions the Coalition had made a deal with the Greens to pass Senate reforms as long as the ABCC was not raised.
(5) Plibersek’s spokesman said on Friday: “Who is Mr Brandis to dictate the language on the Middle East peace negotiations?” The spokesman said the intervention this week amounted to “another foreign policy embarrassment for the Abbott government, which is why [Brandis] was forced by the foreign minister and the Foreign Affairs Department to rush out a statement about his inept pronouncements.” Labor ran into its own controversy earlier this year when Bill Shorten appeared to telegraph a shift in policy around the description of settlements in a major speech to the Zionist Federation of Australia.
(6) Brandis said nothing in the bill would stop Asio whistleblowers from reporting suspected wrongdoing to the inspector general of intelligence and security.
(7) Brandis is yet to make a final determination about whether the government will implement such a regime or not – I suspect it is very likely to happen – but he's quite clearly reserving himself time and space to think it through.
(8) Brandis has asked the ACT government not to put the new laws into effect until the court can determine their validity, but the chief minister, Katy Gallagher, has vowed to press ahead.
(9) Everyone knows that Father Christmas’s tipple of choice is brandy, so Santa, if you’re reading this, we recommend you pause in The Flask on Highgate West Hill for a quick snifter.
(10) In 2013, the Mail On Sunday reported that Umunna belonged to a “shady” City men’s club where bottles of brandy went for £4,000 a pop, that he hung out with celebrities, and that he would happily pay £1,200 for a suit.
(11) I want to emphasise the point: it’s a common responsibility on all citizens if they become aware of information of concern, they should make authorities aware.” Brandis said he had spoken early on Friday to the AFP commissioner, Andrew Colvin, who told him the New South Wales police had “no reason to believe” the Merrylands police station incident was an act of terrorism .
(12) Brandis said former human rights commissioner Tim Wilson, who retired in February and was preselected as Liberal candidate for Goldstein , had a “particularly distinguished term”.
(13) Asked about his forthcoming Christmas television special in an interview in the Radio Times, the BBC presenter, who turns 90 next year, said: “At Christmas we’re under the impression we have it all: we have turkey and brandy butter and Christmas pudding and the family and we have a great time, by and large.
(14) The latter of these focus on the things Chile does best: wine and pisco, the local brandy with a grassy colour and spicy-sweet taste.
(15) Marriage equality could be a reality by end of the year, says George Brandis Read more The attorney general, George Brandis , told Sky News on Sunday the government’s mooted plebiscite on the issue would be held shortly after the 2016 election and before the end of the year.
(16) Brandis conceded to Liberal Democratic senator David Leyonhjelm, explicitly prohibiting Asio from engaging in torture, but would not even answer a reasonable question from Greens Senator Scott Ludlam during what passed for the debate over the bill.
(17) Carboxylic acids were present in much higher levels in plum brandy, vinegar, lamb and mutton (heated), whereas alcohols, esters and carbonyls aldehydes are particularly abundant in brandy.
(18) Brandis said the measures were developed in conjunction with the New South Wales government.
(19) In an interview with Sky News on Tuesday, Brandis emphasised that the government had not made any decisions about second-generation Australians and had instead opted to “lead a national conversation about the rights and obligations associated with citizenship”.
(20) The treasurer, Joe Hockey, the attorney general, George Brandis, the trade minister, Andrew Robb, the finance minister, Mathias Cormann, and Turnbull are understood to oppose Billson’s proposed changes.
(n.) A kind of intoxicating liquor distilled from cane juice, or from the scummings of the boiled juice, or from treacle or molasses, or from the lees of former distillations. Also, sometimes used colloquially as a generic or a collective name for intoxicating liquor.
(a.) Old-fashioned; queer; odd; as, a rum idea; a rum fellow.
(n.) A queer or odd person or thing; a country parson.
Example Sentences:
(1) Now she also dabbles in playwriting and rap, and is in the band Sound of Rum .
(2) I DJed the Rum Runner every Tuesday, but it was really interesting every night.
(3) • The Film weekly podcast saw host Jason Solomons talk to ... Bruce Robinson (director of Withnail & I) about his new film The Rum Diary ... Errol Morris (director of The Thin Blue Line) about Tabloid - his documentary on Joyce McKinney and the "Manacled Morman" case ... and Guardian film critic Xan Brooks (director of people to decent movies), who helped Jason review Arthur Christmas , The Awakening and Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights .
(4) It’s been a very rum version of an open and transparent process.
(5) After all who wants democracy when you could have the perfect rum baba?
(6) In Brittany we like to add rum to everything – people in the navy used to bring it back from the French Caribbean – but it's optional here.
(7) Bow-tied waitresses in miniskirts deliver high-ball rums to men in suits while heavily-painted women sip champagne from their positions on the sidelines.
(8) Islands such as San Salvador, Cat Island and Rum Cay were expected to experience the most significant effects later in the day and Friday as the storm begins an expected shift toward the north, forecasters said.
(9) Photograph: Jon Tonks for the Guardian Councillors approved Hay-Smith's plans, and knocked back Tesco's, in March 2010 – but then things took another rum turn.
(10) This was followed by visits to Cuba by John Kerry , the US secretary of state, and later by Obama himself , then the resumption of commercial flights and the lifting of restrictions on Cuban rum and cigars .
(11) It seemed to me that it's pretty basic that when women make up half the population it seems a bit rum to have only just over a quarter of them in the top 10% of earnings.
(12) The Rum Diary is a ramshackle jalopy of a movie, a bumpy ride that yields amusements and diversions here and there, and several interesting or loopy performances – including Aaron Eckhart as a slick resort developer Depp takes a dislike to, and Giovanni Ribisi as some breed of alcoholic Nazi-idolator.
(13) Among the individual flavors sweetened with 0.025% sodium saccharin, rum, strawberry and raspberry proved to be the most acceptable.
(14) Contact the marketing departments for gin, vodka, whiskey and rum brands, and offer them publicity via your social media, or a couple of places at your supper club in exchange for some free stock to serve a welcome drink for your guests.
(15) The Ivory Coast may like to be known as Côte d'Ivoire but they're having a rum old time trying to convince anyone to actually do so – in Spain they call it the Costa de Marfil , in Germany they prefer Elfenbeinküste , in Italy it's Costa d'Avorio , in Norway it's Elfenbenskysten and in Hungary it's Elefántcsontpart .
(16) Withdrawal from alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol) or other general sedatives leads to progressive hyperactivity that progresses from tremulousness, sleep disturbance, and hallucinosis, to the more serious rum fits and delirium tremens (DTs).
(17) Among them: “I can imitate Janis Joplin after two rums.
(18) We end our conversation with his party's rum assortment of allies in the European parliament , and another chance to rummage through more arcane rightwing parties that do their thing in Brussels: among them, Helsinki's own True Finns, and the United Poland party.
(19) There are other can't-miss-cocktails, with mezcal, whiskey, and rum bases, if tequila is not your poison.
(20) The vector, Culex quinquefasciatus (Say), breeds mostly in and around numerous rum distilleries, located exclusively around the periphery of the city, and this undoubtedly accounts for the higher prevalence and intensity of infection among suburban dwellers.