(n.) An alloy (usually yellow) of copper and zinc, in variable proportion, but often containing two parts of copper to one part of zinc. It sometimes contains tin, and rarely other metals.
(n.) A journal bearing, so called because frequently made of brass. A brass is often lined with a softer metal, when the latter is generally called a white metal lining. See Axle box, Journal Box, and Bearing.
(n.) Coin made of copper, brass, or bronze.
(n.) Impudence; a brazen face.
(n.) Utensils, ornaments, or other articles of brass.
(n.) A brass plate engraved with a figure or device. Specifically, one used as a memorial to the dead, and generally having the portrait, coat of arms, etc.
(n.) Lumps of pyrites or sulphuret of iron, the color of which is near to that of brass.
Example Sentences:
(1) Corbyn to complain to MoD about army chief's ‘political interference’ Read more Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn’s political mis-steps over the past 10 days have allowed his views to be dismissed as flaky and irresponsible – even where he is right, as in his warnings about kneejerk responses to terrorist attacks and, indeed, in his Armistice Day strictures about the requirement for the top brass to stay out of politics .
(2) Of the various metals and alloys tested for use in its construction, brass produced the smallest NMR artifact with minimal magnification.
(3) "For the top brass in French football, the issue is settled: there are too many blacks, too many Arabs, and not enough white players in French football," the website said.
(4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Rodriguez, who has been recovering from offseason hip surgery and who stands to lose more than $35m on the remaining portion of his contract should the reported suspension be carried out, has a team of lawyers working to battle the office of the commissioner on any penalties, despite MLBPA union head Michael Weiner reaching out to baseball's brass to try to hammer out a late deal on Saturday, an offer that was rejected by the sport's ruling body.
(5) The increase in retention was greater for brass than for dentine.
(6) A brass probe cooled to--79 degrees C and applied directly to infected corneas for six seconds resulted in an immediate 99.9% reduction in bacteria.
(7) The musician group was comprised of 31 brass instrument players, and 31 reed instrument or flute players.
(8) The pathologically increased enzyme activity might well permit diagnostic conclusions concerning the intensity and stage of destruction of the retina by brass poisoning.
(9) He’ll face competition from Manchester City though with Pep Guardiola shunning a wealth of Barcelona and Bayern Munich stars and identifying the England man as his top transfer target during a meeting with City’s top brass in, er, Amsterdam.
(10) wonders Chris Taylor, who one suspects doesn't have two brass bawbies to rub together.
(11) You're as likely to see the entire brass section of the Halle Orchestra running across the road at the interval for a swift pint as you are a room full of drunken retired policemen.
(12) The colonization rates were polyvinyl chloride, 70; copper, 31; and brass, 25%.
(13) Players of string instruments had longer careers than players of woodwind and brass instruments.
(14) All of my photographs are taken on a 4in by 5in wood and brass Gandolfi camera .
(15) Our guide extinguished the light and began to open the shutter, rotating the lens with a brass handle.
(16) Z was measured between brass sleeve electrodes within the end conduits of the pouch.
(17) Speaking as a factory member I had remembered many brass band concerts we enjoyed during lunchtimes in the Oxford car factory where I worked for 14 years.
(18) A plastic catheter is introduced into the trachea through a brass tube fitted on to the laryngoscope blade and oxygen is injected intermittently through the catheter to provide ventilation.
(19) Over a 0.009 inch flexible tip steel wire a diamond-coated brass burr fastened to a flexible drive shaft that rotates and tracks was advanced.
(20) A "news" report on Chris Morris's satirical Brass Eye once summed up a particularly unpleasant sight as resembling "Dante meets Bosch in a crack lounge in hell".
(n.) An ancient trumpet.
(n.) A sax-tuba. See Sax-tuba.
Example Sentences:
(1) agents from tuba with, conversely, frequent isolation of these agents (34.7%) from cervical swabs.
(2) In children with recurrent secretory otitis media (SOM) a mechanical malfunction of the Tuba Eustachii (by adenoids, myogenous palatotubal insufficiency, persistent cartilaginous collapse of the tube) should be taken into consideration as well as immunological factors of the lymphatic structures of the pharynx which may influence the tubotympanal mucosa.
(3) Topographical relationships and size of the arteries of the mesovarium and mesosalpinx were evaluated from the point of view of their usefulness in microsurgical operations on the oviduct (tuba uterina).
(4) The conclusion drawn out is that it does exist a correlation between the kind of register and the forced aperture of the ostium tubae.
(5) The numbers of patients admitted to the Public Health Service Indian Hospital, in Tuba City, Arizona, with deficits in weight for their chronological ages, marasmus, and kwashiorkor were compared during two 5-year-periods, 1963 to 1967 and 1969 to 1973.
(6) Patulous Eustachian tube (tuba aperta) is a distressing condition for the patient with such symptoms as autophony and a sensation of fullness in the ear.
(7) It was the Poetry Society that awarded Tempest the Ted Hughes poetry prize in 2013 for Brand New Ancients, a narrative work that told a tale of everyday heroics, false gods and fierce hopes in modern-day London over tuba, violin, drums, electronics.
(8) This often stressed symptom of amber discharge or hydrops tubae profluens could not be elicited in any patient.
(9) "And my stomach was churning with the sound of the low tuba."
(10) Our findings that the ventilation of the ear is in most cases blocked at the diaphragma and not at the tube leads to questions on the one hand regarding the function of diaphragma and to the opinion on the other that the ventilation system of the middle ear is divided in two sections by the diaphragma: An anterior section including tuba and hypomesotympanon and a posterior including epitympanon, aditus, antrum and the pneumatic cells of mastoid and pyramid.
(11) If the adhesions include the proximal end of the tubae, the contrast pooling may be absent.
(12) "Perhaps the Premier League could pay Stewie Griffin to follow him around with a tuba."
(13) Included are measurements of distances of the Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae to the Canalis palatinus major and the upper surface of the Palatum molle.
(14) The level of tubA transcript remains the same throughout the cell cycle.
(15) Macroscopical and microscopical examinations revealed a hernia-like prolaps of a part of the wall of the tuba uterina across a hole in the myometrium of the fundus uteri.
(16) Because of high rates of acute pharyngitis in Tuba City, AZ, at the Navajo Indian reservation, the use of rapid diagnostic test was prospectively evaluated.
(17) Molecular disruption of tubA results in a block in nuclear division whereas in tubB it gives rise to abnormal cell and nuclear morphology.
(18) The national anthems: Flower of Scotland is given a nice plodding bassline on parping tuba, while the Georgian is a close-harmony affair, a bit like the theme to Eurovision, plus a couple of chord changes which throw the casual listener.
(19) We have isolated and analyzed the tubA and tubB alpha-tubulin genes of Aspergillus nidulans.
(20) The epithelium of the ampulla tubae of the Texel ewe was studied during the oestrous cycle by light microscopy.