What's the difference between bray and ray?



  • (v. t.) To pound, beat, rub, or grind small or fine.
  • (v. i.) To utter a loud, harsh cry, as an ass.
  • (v. i.) To make a harsh, grating, or discordant noise.
  • (v. t.) To make or utter with a loud, discordant, or harsh and grating sound.
  • (n.) The harsh cry of an ass; also, any harsh, grating, or discordant sound.
  • (n.) A bank; the slope of a hill; a hill. See Brae, which is now the usual spelling.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It would strike a blow against its excessively adversarial ways of working, the two sides of a divided house braying at each other across the floor.
  • (2) This is a gladiatorial display – that is what people go to see.” Bray added: “The popular knee-jerk reaction will be we should ban airshows, but it’s very rare for such a crash to take place.
  • (3) Indeed watching the prime minister singling out unemployed youngsters for uniquely punitive measures while pretending it is for their own good, cheered on by a gang of braying chums, it looks less like the behaviour of a national statesman and more like the petty vindictiveness of a schoolyard bully.
  • (4) Bray and other Carrier workers said that their union, the United Steelworkers, had repeatedly reached out to Pence in the weeks after the closings were announced and that he hadn’t responded to the union and had not helped at all.
  • (5) The objective of this study was to test the application of the system which incorporated the Bray concept to PVI measures in head injured patients.
  • (6) The computer incorporated the Bray concept for PVI estimation.
  • (7) Earlier he was seen leaving his riverside home in Bray, Berkshire, by boat.
  • (8) Rules like – for example – "no applause" have led to baying and braying to produce the same effect.
  • (9) Angie Bray, a loyalist who had threatened to resign as ministerial aide to the shadow cabinet office minister Francis Maude, was highly critical of the Lib Dems.
  • (10) The studies by Wever and Bray, as well as, Ruben's team of Baltimore underline the significance of potentials expressing electrical activity of cochlea and acoustic nerve fibres.
  • (11) Oxfam spokesman Ian Bray said the shortfall reflected the incipient nature of the crisis, adding that people and governments tend to respond more decisively after the event.
  • (12) On the way you could stop off at the seaside town of Bray (Dart train from Dublin Connolly, €6.85 return) as we did, then jump on a bus to Enniskerry (€2.70) and walk up to Powerscourt House.
  • (13) And anyway, I’d suffer many a braying account manager (and a truly terrifyingly fast lift) for that view: breathtaking at any time of day, but taking on a particular drama at sunset and sunrise when London’s skyline is framed by horizontal rays.
  • (14) The idea of England and Wales as some monochrome expanse, full of nostalgia and nastiness, is serially wrecked Looking back at the very real woes that preceded the party’s breakthrough, there seems to be some implicit suggestion that a huge crowd of true believers always knew things were on track but could not be heard above the hostile braying.
  • (15) Photograph: United Steel Workers “Trump talks a big game about Carrier, but I don’t support him,” said TJ Bray, an assembly line worker for 14 years at Carrier’s furnace factory here.
  • (16) According to David Bray, author of Social Space and Governance in Urban China , not only did the walled city “embody a complex array of cosmologically determined symbolic spaces, designed to reinforce the might of the emperor and his government, but also, in its simple grid design it provided the template for the ordering of everyday social life.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Night view of Changan Avenue, the 10-lane thoroughfare which slices east-west through the city.
  • (17) "If I were leader, I would breed sharks with lasers for eyes that play soccer," brays Bruce Cooper.
  • (18) It’s designed to mitigate traffic generation from new development,” says Bray.
  • (19) "It's important the international community gets together and starts pledging money for this crisis," added Bray.
  • (20) Data is also presented which indicates that liquid scintillation counting could be carried out by placing cut-off Ausria-125 test tubes in counting vials containing 10 ml of either Brays, Unogel, or Instagel solutions.



  • (v. t.) To array.
  • (v. t.) To mark, stain, or soil; to streak; to defile.
  • (n.) Array; order; arrangement; dress.
  • (n.) One of a number of lines or parts diverging from a common point or center, like the radii of a circle; as, a star of six rays.
  • (n.) A radiating part of a flower or plant; the marginal florets of a compound flower, as an aster or a sunflower; one of the pedicels of an umbel or other circular flower cluster; radius. See Radius.
  • (n.) One of the radiating spines, or cartilages, supporting the fins of fishes.
  • (n.) One of the spheromeres of a radiate, especially one of the arms of a starfish or an ophiuran.
  • (n.) A line of light or heat proceeding from a radiant or reflecting point; a single element of light or heat propagated continuously; as, a solar ray; a polarized ray.
  • (n.) One of the component elements of the total radiation from a body; any definite or limited portion of the spectrum; as, the red ray; the violet ray. See Illust. under Light.
  • (n.) Sight; perception; vision; -- from an old theory of vision, that sight was something which proceeded from the eye to the object seen.
  • (n.) One of a system of diverging lines passing through a point, and regarded as extending indefinitely in both directions. See Half-ray.
  • (n.) To mark with long lines; to streak.
  • (n.) To send forth or shoot out; to cause to shine out; as, to ray smiles.
  • (v. i.) To shine, as with rays.
  • (n.) Any one of numerous elasmobranch fishes of the order Raiae, including the skates, torpedoes, sawfishes, etc.
  • (n.) In a restricted sense, any of the broad, flat, narrow-tailed species, as the skates and sting rays. See Skate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The level of gadd45 mRNA increased rapidly after X rays at doses as low as 2 Gy.
  • (2) Pain is not reported in the removal area, the clinical examinations show identical findings on both patellar tendons, X-ray and ultrasound evaluations do not demonstrate any change in patellar position.
  • (3) Findings on plain X-ray of the abdomen, using the usual parameters of psoas and kidney shadows in the Nigerian, indicate that the two communities studied are similar but urinary calculi and urinary tract distortion are significantly more prominent in the community with the higher endemicity of urinary schistosomiasis.
  • (4) In the German Democratic Republic, patients with scleroderma and history of long term silica exposure are recognized as patients with occupational disease even though pneumoconiosis is not clearly demonstrated on X-ray film.
  • (5) A new type of Escherichia coli mutant which shows increased sensitivity to methyl methane sulfonate but not to UV light or to gamma rays was isolated after mutagenesis with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine.
  • (6) Thin films (OD approximately 0.7) of glucose-embedded membranes, prepared as a control, showed virtually 100% conversion to the M state, and stacks of such thin film specimens gave very similar x-ray diffraction patterns in the bR568 and the M412 state in most experiments.
  • (7) In 0.17 M Na+(aq), tRNA(Phe) exists in its native conformation and the number of strong binding sites (Ka greater than or equal to 10(4)) was estimated to be 3-4 by titration experiments, in agreement with X-ray structural data for crystalline tRNA(Phe) (Jack et al., 1977).
  • (8) Radiological findings on chest X-rays taken two weeks after BAI were evaluated according to Takeuchi's criteria.
  • (9) The intermandibularis is probably present only in electric rays.
  • (10) Carbopol-940 gels, being the best of those used, were studied further for the effect of its concentration and of additives (benzalkonium chloride, phenylmercuric nitrate, chlorbutol and disodium edetate), autoclaving at 121 degrees C for 30 min and irradiation with gamma rays (2.5 Mrad), on the end product.
  • (11) The X-ray tube rotates outside the detector array at the rate of one revolution per second.
  • (12) If this is what 70s stoners were laughing at, it feels like they’ve already become acquiescent, passive parts of media-relayed consumer society; precursors of the cathode-ray-frazzled pop-culture exegetists of Tarantino and Kevin Smith in the 90s.
  • (13) Chromosome aberrations were scored in BHK21 C13 Syrian hamster fibroblasts, exposed to 60Co gamma-rays, 250 kV X-rays, 15 MeV neutrons or neutrons of mean energy 2.1 MeV produced from the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction.
  • (14) The scatter measurement was made using a standard imaging geometry with both beam stops and an additional x-ray detector placed behind the standard imaging detector.
  • (15) Chest X-ray revealed multiple nodular lesions in both lung fields.
  • (16) The treatment group received 75 mg of roxatidine acetate hydrochloride at 9 PM and 12 to 13 hours later gastric juice secretion was measured with gastric x-ray films in both groups.
  • (17) All patients received an X-ray study of swallow at 3 months after the operation.
  • (18) Modifications in quaternary structure induced by variation of these physicochemical parameters were followed by means of X-ray and quasi-elastic light-scattering and quantified in terms of weight average molecular weight (M), radius of gyration (Rg) and hydrodynamic radius (Rh).
  • (19) Congenital defect of a cervical pedicle produces a rare clinical syndrome with a characteristic X-ray picture associated with vague clinical signs often accentuated after trauma.
  • (20) A chest X-ray examination showed a large mediastinal mass on the right.

Words possibly related to "ray"